155,739 research outputs found

    A College Student's Guide to Landlord/Tenant Relations in Alaska

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    This guide for Alaska students preparing to rent an apartment gives answers to essential questions about renting an apartment, tenant rights, and landlord/tenant law in Alaska. The guide, structured in a question and answer format, covers renting an apartment, leases and subleases, living in the apartment, problems with the apartment, landlord powers, evictions, moving out, and public housing. The guide expands upon the "Housing" chapter (https://www.alaskabar.org/servlet/content/entering_the_real_world.html#Housing) for the Alaska Bar Association web publication Alaska Youth Law Guilde: A Handbook for Teens and Young Adults (https://www.alaskabar.org/servlet/content/youth_law_guide.html).Renting an Apartment / Leases and Subleases / Living in the Apartment / Problems with the Apartment / Landlord Powers / Evictions / Moving Out / Public Housin

    Is housing overvalued?

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    This paper examines whether it is more expensive to own a house or to rent. The paper assesses houses as ‘overvalued’ if home buyers pay too much, in the sense that they would be better off renting than buying. This involves comparing the financial cost of renting a home with the cost of owning a similar dwelling, where the latter depends on the purchase price, interest rates, repairs, council rates and so on. The paper also briefly examines non-financial costs but find these are small, on average. This paper finds if real house prices grow at their historical average pace, then owning a home is about as expensive as renting. If prices grow more slowly, as some forecasters predict, the framework used in this paper suggests that the average home buyer would be financially better off renting. House prices are decomposed into contributions from rents, interest rates and expected capital gains, which may help policymakers in the detection of housing bubbles. Recent data do not show signs of a bubble

    Leave Vacant or Rent: The Optimal Decision for Absentee Home Sellers

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    Home-sellers may not occupy their property when listed for sale. While previous research has analyzed the effect of a vacancy on the sales price of residential properties, no research to date has quantified the economic benefits and costs of renting vis-à-vis leaving a property vacant while listed for sale. Renting a property will produce revenue but perhaps at the cost of a lower sale price and/or longer time on the market. This paper employs data on 55,202 homes sold in the Las Vegas, Nevada area to determine if renting a property increases or decreases the wealth position of home sellers. The results of an empirical test of the model are used to quantify the wealth effect. The findings indicate that renting the property produces a significant reduction in the home seller’s wealth position.

    Private renting in Romania

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    The paper's aim is to present an overview on the PRS in Romania, emphasizing the main characteristics and the nature of PRS evolution after 1989. The past 20 years reveal some key-changes that occurred in the socio-economic and political life of the country and we have explored them as factors that have shaped the PRS. The analysis begins with a presentation of PRS stock, and it continues with a brief assessment of the housing conditions in addition to the socio-economic and demographic profile of households in the sector. Romania has a large housing stock with an unusually high-share of private ownership. Having these findings as a starting point, our paper explores those housing policies that have had the biggest impact on the field and shaped housing market trends. We have used statistical tools to analyze the data provided by the National Institute of Statistics-Romania, and Housing Associations, and major real-estate companies who operate on the Romanian market. An exploratory research was developed using the opportunity to interview policy-makers, national housing authorities, landlords and tenants in order to describe the current role of PRS on the housing market and the future of PRS in Romania.private rental sector, housing stock, tenant, landlord, rent, housing market, housing policy


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    The current paperwork is made to describe the neccesity of a web application development named eChirie.ro specialized in renting nieche from real estate domain, following the economic impact of this project in today’s Bucharest society. What we realise through this application it’s to bring upfront the professionalism in real estate renting domain with online houses presentation, in this way we intend to absolve the client of the time spent visiting the houses in person and in Bucharest busy roads, offering him online presentations which includes pictures, video recording, possibility to compare two houses in case of indecision, add to favorites for future views and a rate mark given by company’s agent .Bucharest renting niche, electronic business, e-commerce web application, real estate market, online houses presentation.


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    With the continuous and rapid changes in modern societies, such as the introduction of advanced technologies, aggressive marketing strategies and innovative policies, it is more and more recognized by researchers in various disciplines from social science to economics that choice situations take place in a dynamic environment and that strong interdependencies exist among decisions made at different points in time. The increasing concerns about climate change, the development of high-tech vehicles, and the extensive applications of demand models in economics and transportation areas motivate this research on vehicle ownership based on disaggregate discrete choices. Over the next five to ten years, dramatic changes in the automotive marketplace are expected to occur and new opportunities might arise. Therefore, a methodology to model dynamic vehicle ownership choices is formulated and implemented in this dissertation for short and medium-term planning. In the proposed dynamic model framework, the car ownership problem is described as a regenerative optimal stopping problem; when a purchase is made, the current vehicle state (vehicle age, mileage driven, etc.) is regenerated. The model allows the estimation of the probability of buying a new vehicle or postponing this decision; if the decision to buy is made, the model further investigates the vehicle type choices. Dynamic models explicitly account for consumers' expectations of future vehicle quality or market evolution, arising endogenously from their purchase decisions. Both static and dynamic formulations are applied first to simulated data in order to test the ability to recover the true underlying parameters of the synthetic population. Results obtained attest that the dynamic model outperforms the static MNL in terms of goodness of fit, parameters bias and predictive power. In particular, it is found that MNL captures the general trends in choice probabilities, but fails to recover peaks in demand and behavioral changes due to rapidly evolving external conditions. The extension to a real case study required a data collection effort. A preliminary pilot survey was designed and executed in the State of Maryland in fall 2010; the survey was self-administrated and web-based. Choices were made under the hypothesis that an interval time period of six months passed from a decision to the successive decision and choices over a hypothetical time period of six years were recorded. Finally, the application of dynamic discrete choice models to vehicle ownership decisions in the context of the introduction of new technology is proposed. Results from the real case study confirm our initial expectations, as the model fit is significantly superior to the fit of the static model

    Optimal contracts for housing services purchases

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    In this article, we study tradeoffs associated with homeownership and renting. We consider a model in which housing capital generates housing services, but also requires regular maintenance. A household wants to purchase a flow of housing services. Maintenance on the house providing this flow to the household can be performed by the household itself or by an outside property manager. We abstract from taxes or other government distortions. The household contracts with a bank/landlord that has funds sufficient to make a lumpy housing investment. We do not assume that the bank/landlord can observe the household's effort, consumption, or savings. We show that simple renting of the house from the bank/landlord is an optimal contract for the provision of housing services to the household, conditional on the outside property manager being hired. If the manager is not hired, it is optimal for the bank/landlord to lend the money to the household to acquire housing services by purchasing a home. In this arrangement, the bank's interest is secured by a zero-down, fixed-rate mortgage with a clause prohibiting subordinated financing. We use a parameterized example to compare the values that an average household can obtain in the renting contract against the owning contract. In this example, renting clearly wins.Mortgages ; Housing ; Taxation

    European research projects on Urban agriculture

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    Los trabajos reunidos en los nĂșmeros 6 y 7 de la revista HĂĄbitat y Sociedad dejan claro que hay una atenciĂłn creciente en la investigaciĂłn hacia la agricultura urbana y periurbana, asĂ­ como hacia polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas que fomentan y regulan estas formas de uso del suelo urbano. Este creciente interĂ©s por la agricultura urbana y las polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas que la ordenan se enmarca dentro del desarrollo mĂĄs amplio de nuevas estrategias urbanas para fortalecer sistemas alimentarios mĂĄs sostenibles y resilientes. Esta creciente atenciĂłn tambiĂ©n se puede percibir en el ĂĄmbito europeo e internacional donde estĂĄn surgiendo proyectos de investigaciĂłn y conferencias internacionales donde la agricultura urbana y periurbana es objeto de un especial interĂ©s. En esta contribuciĂłn se exponen los principales proyectos europeos de investigaciĂłn y algunas de las conferencias internacionales recientes mĂĄs relevantes, apuntando los temas propuestos para el debate y los enfoques aplicados para el anĂĄlisis

    Environmental co-operatives reconnect farming, ecology and society

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    Regional diversity, diversified farming styles and endogenous development are hot issues in the current political debate on European agriculture. This article presents a historical overview of development experiences and elaborates on the emergence of environmental co-operatives in Dutch farming. They are unique ‘field laboratories’ for innovations toward sustainable rural development. The achievements in terms of environmental gains and social cohesion are coupled with cost reduction for the farmers and the stat
