6 research outputs found


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    S ciljem da se istraži utjecaj informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije na kvalitetu života starijih osoba u radu se analiziraju spoznaje temeljem pregleda znanstvene literature koja istražuje predmetnu temu. Pretražene su znanstvene baze Wos i Scopus korištenjem ključnih riječi „ICT“ and „elderly“ and „life quality“. Nakon filtriranja u analizu je uključeno ukupno 28 znanstvenih radova. Analizom radova identificirano je nekoliko bazičnih tema. Prva se odnosi na specificiranje područja pomoći starijim osobama putem informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije, druga na vrstu tehnologije koja probleme na tim područjima može riješiti te treća, vrlo važna, problematika prihvaćanja te tehnologije od strane starijih osoba. Utvrđeno je kako informacijsko komunikacijska tehnologija može pomoći starijim osobama kao potpora kod narušenog zdravlja (prisutne kronične bolesti, afektivni poremećaji, demencije) te kao pomoć u prevenciji njihovog fizičkog ozljeđivanja prilikom pada. Pored toga, utvrđen je i direktni doprinos tehnologije njihovoj neovisnosti i kvalitetnijem životu kroz osiguranje komunikacije s okolinom i uključenosti u društveni život. Kao osnovni razlozi neprihvaćanja informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije navode se: averzija prema učenju i savladavanju novih stvari, dodatni troškovi i nedostupnost interneta. Da je problematika socijalne uključenosti starijih osoba kroz njihovu edukaciju u prihvaćanju novih tehnologija i te kako bitna i značajna potvrđuje i trenutna situacija s pandemijom COVID -19 u kojoj se svijet nalazi

    Jogos digitais como ferramenta auxiliar na qualidade do envelhecimento ativo / Digital games as an auxiliary tool in the quality of active aging

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    Este artigo apresenta os resultados obtidos em uma revisão integrativa da literatura de artigos indexados nas bases Scopus, Web of Science e Scielo, no período de 2015 a 2019, sobre o impacto que os jogos digitais podem ter na qualidade de vida dos idosos. Objetivou responder a pergunta: Como os jogos digitais podem auxiliar na manutenção da qualidade de vida durante o processo de envelhecimento? Para isso, foram mapeadas três linhas de estudo: os jogos aplicados como ferramenta de inclusão digital; os jogos como meio de conexão entre os idosos, modificando a forma de se relacionarem; e a terceira linha que busca medir o impacto dos jogos digitais na qualidade de vida dos idosos. Os estudos selecionados apontaram que a presença dos dispositivos móveis no cotidiano das pessoas é uma realidade, e que o uso dos recursos tecnológicos pode auxiliar no envelhecimento ativo, bem como nos relacionamentos virtuais, inclusão digital e aumento do sentimento de pertencimento. Sendo assim, este estudo aponta que a tecnologia possui potencial para manter a qualidade de vida dos idosos sendo que novas pesquisas sobre temas correlatos são imprescindíveis e podem enriquecer a construção de um novo “envelhecer”

    EyeDuino project: a study of community-engaged automated gardening systems powered by renewable energy

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    This study aims to address the digital divide amongst particular communities in Dublin through an innovative assemblage of gardening, renewable energy and bespoke automation systems. Through the combination of gardening (as a social and cultural activity undertaken in specific communities), automation, digital technologies, and networked practices (including a bespoke phone app), this project investigates the social outcomes and attitudes emerging from the gardening system developed for the project and the issues it raises in relation to digital literacy, sustainability and community empowerment. The number of technologies being embedded into the fabric of our society is ever increasing. However, the exposure level to such innovative solutions is not evenly spread across the population. Various determinants ranging from financial to cultural factors shape the process of engagement and adoption of technology, which in turn shapes the population's attitude towards innovations as Hill (1988) and Winner (1989) observed. This uneven diffusion of technologies uptake may result in a potential decrease in people acquiring new skills and knowledge, leading to an increase of the digital divide(N. Taylor et al., 2018). To this end, the author designed six automated gardening systems and deployed them at six community gardens located in Dublin, Republic of Ireland with the intention of discovering the actors that influence the stakeholders' adoption of innovative technologies and reveal the 'accidents' (Virilio & Lotringer, 1983) that happened following this engagement process. Moreover, as these experimental installations are powered by renewable energy produced by photovoltaic solar panels, the participants' sustainability awareness and acceptance are imparted and discussed. The niche innovative gardening systems assisted the participants with their tasks around their garden, while trying to fill the 'attitude-behaviour gap' (Claudy et al., 2012; Ozaki, 2011; Peattie, 2001) regarding adoption of renewable energy sources. Apart from aspects of social, financial and education attainment nature, this study confirms that the 'labor illusion' (Buell & Norton, 2011), a concept providing that people expect to see that the technologies are 'working hard', plays a critical role in stakeholders' willingness to learn new skills related to using those technologies. The participants did not assign a financial value to the gardening automation systems, which were offered to them as a 'gift'. However, they used the systems to advertise their higher affluence within their community, and as an opportunity to show-off their new acquired skills. This played a major role in their engagement with the artefact. Furthermore, the younger participants who are still living with their parents proved that niche innovations may act to breaking the cultural barriers regarding a set of mutually accepted cultural rules within their communities regarding engaging in tasks which are not necessarily perceived as socially acceptable, such as gardening in this instance. The bespoke artefact designed specifically for this project allows the author to reveal and discuss the factors that influenced the participants' attitude related to renewable energy sources. Also, determinants acting as barriers/incentives towards participants from Dublin, Republic of Ireland in engaging with innovations and the resulting outcomes following this interaction are examined