5,780 research outputs found

    Building a Multimodal, Trust-Based E-Voting System

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    This paper addresses the issue of voter identification and authentication, voter participation and trust in the electoral system. A multimodal/hybrid identification and authentication scheme is proposed which captures what a voter knows – PIN, what he has – smartcard and what he is – biometrics. Massive participation of voters in and out of the country of origin was enhanced through an integrated channel (kiosk and internet voting). A multi-trust voting system is built based on service oriented architecture. Microsoft Visual C#.Net, ASP.Net and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition components of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 was used to realize the Windows and Web-based solutions for the electronic voting system

    The Prospects of M-Voting Implementation in Nigeria

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    Since independence, an average of 50% of registered voters participates in voting [1]. Similarly, an increasing rate of apathy was observed between the electorate and the elect, which was not unconnected with lack of transparency, accountability, and probity on the part of government [2]. Thus the electorate did not see the need to subject itself to any stress. Consequently, government is very committed to implementing the forth coming elections through e-voting. This paper proposes the prospects of m-voting implementation in Nigeria through the use of mobile phones, PDAs, etc. with guaranteed security, secrecy, and convenience in a democratization process. It also reviews the level of adoption of GSM in Nigeria, the implication of voting through the GSM, and finally introducing m-voting innovation in the voting process to increase voters’ access and participation rate in election

    Authentication Techniques, Client-Side Voting Software, and Secure Platform Mechanisms

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    Electronic voting is still a hot topic. You can mainly distinguish between three types of electronic voting, namely direct recording electronic voting devices in polling stations, scan based electronic voting systems, and remote electronic voting. In this paper we focus on the last category and in particular we discuss three dimensions that are specific for remote Internet voting. These are voter identification and authentication techniques, client-side voting software used to cast the vote and secure platform mechanisms to overcome vulnerabilities of the client used by the voter to cast her vote. We describe and analyze different implementations of each of these in the context of remote Internet voting, and assess their performance based on usability, security, costs, and maintenance issues. We identify combinations that cannot be applied at the same time and make recommendations for the application of particular implementations for specific types of elections

    State of Alaska Election Security Project Phase 2 Report

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    A laska’s election system is among the most secure in the country, and it has a number of safeguards other states are now adopting. But the technology Alaska uses to record and count votes could be improved— and the state’s huge size, limited road system, and scattered communities also create special challenges for insuring the integrity of the vote. In this second phase of an ongoing study of Alaska’s election security, we recommend ways of strengthening the system—not only the technology but also the election procedures. The lieutenant governor and the Division of Elections asked the University of Alaska Anchorage to do this evaluation, which began in September 2007.Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell. State of Alaska Division of Elections.List of Appendices / Glossary / Study Team / Acknowledgments / Introduction / Summary of Recommendations / Part 1 Defense in Depth / Part 2 Fortification of Systems / Part 3 Confidence in Outcomes / Conclusions / Proposed Statement of Work for Phase 3: Implementation / Reference

    Blockchain-based Decentralized Application for Electronic Voting using an Electronic ID

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    An electronic voting system that fully mimics real-world systems has long been desired. Until recently, it had not been possible to fully address the mandatory properties of a real-world voting scheme, simultaneously. Recently, with the onset of new technologies and research, however, it is not only possible to fulfill these very properties, but also to improve the anonymity and convenience of voting. A decentralized and self-tallying electronic voting protocol that substantially enhances the privacy of voters and diminishes centralization is developed in this work and presented in this dissertation. These properties are accomplished through a symbiotic relationship between the Ethereum Blockchain and the Portuguese electronic ID. Unlike previously proposed Blockchain e-voting protocols, this is the first implementation that more closely fulfills most of the security requirements of a real-world voting scheme. Furthermore, this system improves currently in-use e-Voting systems by using a self-tallying protocol. Thus, each voting citizen is able to compute the tally of the election and has complete control over their own vote. The execution of this protocol is enforced using the consensus mechanism that safeguards the Ethereum Blockchain. To prove its feasibility, its implementation was tested on the official Proof of Work (PoW) test network of Ethereum (known as Ropsten). The financial and computational breakdowns are on par with the leading Blockchain e-voting protocol.Um sistema de votação eletrónica que reproduza eficazmente sistemas eleitorais utilizados no mundo é há muito desejado. Até recentemente, não era possível satisfazer, simultaneamente, as propriedades intrínsecas de um sistema de votação tradicional. Recentemente, com o advento de novas tecnologias e investigação, não só é possível cumprir estas propriedades, como também melhorar o anonimato, acessibilidade e a própria estrutura do processo eleitoral. Neste trabalho, apresentamos um protocolo de votação eletrónica descentralizada e auto contável, que aumenta a privacidade dos eleitores e diminui a centralização. Estas propriedades são alcançadas através de uma relação simbiótica entre a Blockchain de Ethereum e o cartão de cidadão eletrónico Português. Ao contrário de protocolos eleitorais de recurso a Blockchain propostos anteriormente, esta é a primeira implementação que de mais perto atende à maioria dos requisitos de segurança de um esquema de votação real. Além disso, este sistema aperfeiçoa os sistemas de votação eletrónica utilizados atualmente, através da utilização de um protocolo auto contável. Desta forma, cada eleitor é capaz de fazer a contagem eleitoral por si mesmo, e verificar que todos os intervenientes agem de acordo com o protocolo. A execução do protocolo é compelida através do mesmo mecanismo de consenso distribuído que protege a Blockchain de Ethereum. Por forma a provar a sua viabilidade, a implementação foi testada na rede oficial de testes Proof of Work (PoW) de Ethereum (Ropsten). Os custos financeiros e computacionais estão ao mesmo nível do mais importante protocolo de e-voting associado a Blockchai

    Implementation of E-Voting via Smart Phone App

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    Voting system is vital requirement of every country due to which representatives are elected by citizens of respective country. Voting system via smart phone app is very effective and user friendly, as physical presence is not required in native place. The objective of this system is to maximize the voting count especially from those people who are eligible but are unable to cast their vote due to transfers to different cities, higher education, NRI?s. In this smart phone application, User has to first download the app after that user has to register himself and user details are stored in online server and Aadhar id is mandatory for user to enter at the time of registration. User get notification about voting date .user has to login for casting vote to his favorable candidate. User can be authenticated by credential such as userid, password and Aadhar card scanning .Authenticated user allow viewing the candidate?s details. User has to first enter OTP which is sent to his registered mobile no then he cast his vote to favourable candidate. This app is applicable for both android users as well as users who are not familiar with android as government agent help them to cast vote. Result declared in the same day as there is no manual calculation. There is no need of election card in this app

    Electronic Online Voting via Smart Phone App

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    Election is the basic need of every country so as to elect the candidate who represent the nation and its small parts like state, district, town, city and ward. So for this prime program execution, need system that must be reliable, easy, and mobile and require no manual calculation of result. This Electronic online voting via smart phone app have this factors, in this system user is verified three time for casting vote. Authorize user only allow to cast the vote and no redundancy in vote casting as registration occur one time with the help of Aadhar card id. As Aadhar id is unique for every citizen of nation, there is no need to go anywhere for not only casting vote but also for doing registration and making any changes in personal details and for seeing result too. Authentication process include credential verification, Verification of fetched data which is scanned from QR code of Aadhar card and by entering address in term of state, city and ward and OTP. User can cast vote any time. Valid user is able to cast vote where valid user define 18 year above age user and registered user having Aadhar card. For this system Aadhar card is most important. User has to do registration, this phase is mandatory after getting notification about voting he has to login, this system is easy to use for all users because for those users who are unable to use android can also cast vote by taking help of government agent. As the vote cast by voter to their favorable candidate, they get message of successful voting and result displayed at the end of voting time in same day itself. No need of any other electronic device other than smart phone, and in cards only Aadhar card is required