16,907 research outputs found

    On the commutative quotient of Fomin-Kirillov algebras

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    The Fomin-Kirillov algebra En\mathcal E_n is a noncommutative algebra with a generator for each edge in the complete graph on nn vertices. For any graph GG on nn vertices, let EG\mathcal E_G be the subalgebra of En\mathcal E_n generated by the edges in GG. We show that the commutative quotient of EG\mathcal E_G is isomorphic to the Orlik-Terao algebra of GG. As a consequence, the Hilbert series of this quotient is given by (βˆ’t)nΟ‡G(βˆ’tβˆ’1)(-t)^n \chi_G(-t^{-1}), where Ο‡G\chi_G is the chromatic polynomial of GG. We also give a reduction algorithm for the graded components of EG\mathcal E_G that do not vanish in the commutative quotient and show that their structure is described by the combinatorics of noncrossing forests.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Remarks on the non-commutative Khintchine inequalities for 0<p<20<p<2

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    We show that the validity of the non-commutative Khintchine inequality for some qq with 1<q<21<q<2 implies its validity (with another constant) for all 1≀p<q1\le p<q. We prove this for the inequality involving the Rademacher functions, but also for more general "lacunary" sequences, or even non-commutative analogues of the Rademacher functions. For instance, we may apply it to the "Z(2)-sequences" previously considered by Harcharras. The result appears to be new in that case. It implies that the space β„“1n\ell^n_1 contains (as an operator space) a large subspace uniformly isomorphic (as an operator space) to Rk+CkR_k+C_k with k∼n12k\sim n^{\frac12}. This naturally raises several interesting questions concerning the best possible such kk. Unfortunately we cannot settle the validity of the non-commutative Khintchine inequality for 0<p<10<p<1 but we can prove several would be corollaries. For instance, given an infinite scalar matrix [xij][x_{ij}], we give a necessary and sufficient condition for [Β±xij][\pm x_{ij}] to be in the Schatten class SpS_p for almost all (independent) choices of signs Β±1\pm 1. We also characterize the bounded Schur multipliers from S2S_2 to SpS_p. The latter two characterizations extend to 0<p<10<p<1 results already known for 1≀p≀21\le p\le2. In addition, we observe that the hypercontractive inequalities, proved by Carlen and Lieb for the Fermionic case, remain valid for operator space valued functions, and hence the Kahane inequalities are valid in this setting.Comment: Some more minor correction

    Power series rings and projectivity

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    We show that a formal power series ring A[[X]]A[[X]] over a noetherian ring AA is not a projective module unless AA is artinian. However, if (A,m)(A,{\mathfrak m}) is local, then A[[X]]A[[X]] behaves like a projective module in the sense that ExtAp(A[[X]],M)=0Ext^p_A(A[[X]], M)=0 for all m{\mathfrak m}-adically complete AA-modules. The latter result is shown more generally for any flat AA-module BB instead of A[[X]]A[[X]]. We apply the results to the (analytic) Hochschild cohomology over complete noetherian rings.Comment: Mainly thanks to remarks and pointers by L.L.Avramov and S.Iyengar, we added further context and references. To appear in Manuscripta Mathematica. 7 page

    Fractional Power Series and Pairings on Drinfeld Modules

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    Let CC be an algebraically closed field containing the finite field FqF_q and complete with respect to an absolute value βˆ£β€…β€Šβˆ£|\;|. We prove that under suitable constraints on the coefficients, the series f(z)=βˆ‘n∈Zanzqnf(z) = \sum_{n \in \Z} a_n z^{q^n} converges to a surjective, open, continuous FqF_q-linear homomorphism Cβ†’CC \rightarrow C whose kernel is locally compact. We characterize the locally compact sub-FqF_q-vector spaces GG of CC which occur as kernels of such series, and describe the extent to which GG determines the series. We develop a theory of Newton polygons for these series which lets us compute the Haar measure of the set of zeros of ff of a given valuation, given the valuations of the coefficients. The ``adjoint'' series fβˆ—(z)=βˆ‘n∈Zan1/qnz1/qnf^\ast(z) = \sum_{n \in \Z} a_n^{1/q^n} z^{1/q^n} converges everywhere if and only if ff does, and in this case there is a natural bilinear pairing ker⁑fΓ—ker⁑fβˆ—β†’Fq \ker f \times \ker f^\ast \rightarrow F_q which exhibits ker⁑fβˆ—\ker f^\ast as the Pontryagin dual of ker⁑f\ker f. Many of these results extend to non-linear fractional power series. We apply these results to construct a Drinfeld module analogue of the Weil pairing, and to describe the topological module structure of the kernel of the adjoint exponential of a Drinfeld module
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