3 research outputs found

    Distributed LTL Model Checking with Hash Compaction

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    AbstractWe extend a distributed-memory explicit-state LTL model checking algorithm (OWCTY) with hash compaction. We provide a detailed description of the improved algorithm and a correctness argument in the theoretical part of the paper. Additionally, we deliver an implementation of the algorithm as part of out parallel and distributed-memory model checker DiVinE, and use this implementation for a practical evaluation of the approach, on which we report in the experimental part of the paper

    Automatic techniques for detecting and exploiting symmetry in model checking

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    The application of model checking is limited due to the state-space explosion problem – as the number of components represented by a model increase, the worst case size of the associated state-space grows exponentially. Current techniques can handle limited kinds of symmetry, e.g. full symmetry between identical components in a concurrent system. They avoid the problem of automatic symmetry detection by requiring the user to specify the presence of symmetry in a model (explicitly, or by annotating the associated specification using additional language keywords), or by restricting the input language of a model checker so that only symmetric systems can be specified. Additionally, computing unique representatives for each symmetric equivalence class is easy for these limited kinds of symmetry. We present a theoretical framework for symmetry reduction which can be applied to explicit state model checking. The framework includes techniques for automatic symmetry detection using computational group theory, which can be applied with no additional user input. These techniques detect structural symmetries induced by the topology of a concurrent system, so our framework includes exact and approximate techniques to efficiently exploit arbitrary symmetry groups which may arise in this way. These techniques are also based on computational group theoretic methods. We prove that our framework is logically sound, and demonstrate its general applicability to explicit state model checking. By providing a new symmetry reduction package for the SPIN model checker, we show that our framework can be feasibly implemented as part of a system which is widely used in both industry and academia. Through a study of SPIN users, we assess the usability of our automatic symmetry detection techniques in practice

    How To Touch a Running System

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    The increasing importance of distributed and decentralized software architectures entails more and more attention for adaptive software. Obtaining adaptiveness, however, is a difficult task as the software design needs to foresee and cope with a variety of situations. Using reconfiguration of components facilitates this task, as the adaptivity is conducted on an architecture level instead of directly in the code. This results in a separation of concerns; the appropriate reconfiguration can be devised on a coarse level, while the implementation of the components can remain largely unaware of reconfiguration scenarios. We study reconfiguration in component frameworks based on formal theory. We first discuss programming with components, exemplified with the development of the cmc model checker. This highly efficient model checker is made of C++ components and serves as an example for component-based software development practice in general, and also provides insights into the principles of adaptivity. However, the component model focuses on high performance and is not geared towards using the structuring principle of components for controlled reconfiguration. We thus complement this highly optimized model by a message passing-based component model which takes reconfigurability to be its central principle. Supporting reconfiguration in a framework is about alleviating the programmer from caring about the peculiarities as much as possible. We utilize the formal description of the component model to provide an algorithm for reconfiguration that retains as much flexibility as possible, while avoiding most problems that arise due to concurrency. This algorithm is embedded in a general four-stage adaptivity model inspired by physical control loops. The reconfiguration is devised to work with stateful components, retaining their data and unprocessed messages. Reconfiguration plans, which are provided with a formal semantics, form the input of the reconfiguration algorithm. We show that the algorithm achieves perceived atomicity of the reconfiguration process for an important class of plans, i.e., the whole process of reconfiguration is perceived as one atomic step, while minimizing the use of blocking of components. We illustrate the applicability of our approach to reconfiguration by providing several examples like fault-tolerance and automated resource control