4 research outputs found

    Information Theory and Noisy Computation

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    We report on two types of results. The first is a study of the rate of decay of information carried by a signal which is being propagated over a noisy channel. The second is a series of lower bounds on the depth, size, and component reliability of noisy logic circuits which are required to compute some function reliably. The arguments used for the circuit results are information-theoretic, and in particular, the signal decay result is essential to the depth lower bound. Our first result can be viewed as a quantified version of the data processing lemma, for the case of Boolean random variables

    Exploration with Limited Memory: Streaming Algorithms for Coin Tossing, Noisy Comparisons, and Multi-Armed Bandits

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    Consider the following abstract coin tossing problem: Given a set of nn coins with unknown biases, find the most biased coin using a minimal number of coin tosses. This is a common abstraction of various exploration problems in theoretical computer science and machine learning and has been studied extensively over the years. In particular, algorithms with optimal sample complexity (number of coin tosses) have been known for this problem for quite some time. Motivated by applications to processing massive datasets, we study the space complexity of solving this problem with optimal number of coin tosses in the streaming model. In this model, the coins are arriving one by one and the algorithm is only allowed to store a limited number of coins at any point -- any coin not present in the memory is lost and can no longer be tossed or compared to arriving coins. Prior algorithms for the coin tossing problem with optimal sample complexity are based on iterative elimination of coins which inherently require storing all the coins, leading to memory-inefficient streaming algorithms. We remedy this state-of-affairs by presenting a series of improved streaming algorithms for this problem: we start with a simple algorithm which require storing only O(logn)O(\log{n}) coins and then iteratively refine it further and further, leading to algorithms with O(loglog(n))O(\log\log{(n)}) memory, O(log(n))O(\log^*{(n)}) memory, and finally a one that only stores a single extra coin in memory -- the same exact space needed to just store the best coin throughout the stream. Furthermore, we extend our algorithms to the problem of finding the kk most biased coins as well as other exploration problems such as finding top-kk elements using noisy comparisons or finding an ϵ\epsilon-best arm in stochastic multi-armed bandits, and obtain efficient streaming algorithms for these problems

    Energy-Efficient Circuit Design

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    We initiate the theoretical investigation of energy-efficient circuit design. We assume that the circuit design specifies the circuit layout as well as the supply voltages for the gates. To obtain maximum energy efficiency, the circuit design must balance the conflicting demands of minimizing the energy used per gate, and minimizing the number of gates in the circuit; If the energy supplied to the gates is small, then functional failures are likely, necessitating a circuit layout that is more fault-tolerant, and thus that has more gates. By leveraging previous work on fault-tolerant circuit design, we show general upper and lower bounds on the amount of energy required by a circuit to compute a given relation. We show that some circuits would be asymptotically more energy-efficient if heterogeneous supply voltages were allowed, and show that for some circuits the most energy-efficient supply voltages are homogeneous over all gates. In the traditional approach to circuit design the supply voltages for each transistor/gate are set sufficiently high so that with sufficiently high probability no transistor fails. We show that if there is a better (in terms of worst-case relative error with respect to energy) method than the traditional approach then P=NPP=NP, and thus there is a complexity theoretic obstacle to achieving energy savings with Near-Threshold computing. We show that almost all Boolean functions require circuits that use exponential energy. This is not an immediate consequence of Shannon's classic result that most functions require exponential sized circuits of faultless gates because, as we show, the same circuit layout can compute many different functions, depending on the value of the supply voltage. If the error bound must vanish as the number of inputs increases, we show that a natural class of functions can be computed with asymptotically less energy using heterogeneous supply voltages than is possible using homogeneous supply voltages. We also prove upper bounds on the asymptotic energy savings achieved by using heterogeneous supply voltages over homogeneous supply voltages for a class of functions, and also show a relation that can bypass this bound