4 research outputs found

    Noisy Beeping Networks

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    We introduce noisy beeping networks, where nodes have limited communication capabilities, namely, they can only emit energy or sense the channel for energy. Furthermore, imperfections may cause devices to malfunction with some fixed probability when sensing the channel, which amounts to deducing a noisy received transmission. Such noisy networks have implications for ultra-lightweight sensor networks and biological systems. We show how to compute tasks in a noise-resilient manner over noisy beeping networks of arbitrary structure. In particular, we transform any algorithm that assumes a noiseless beeping network (of size nn) into a noise-resilient version while incurring a multiplicative overhead of only O(logn)O(\log n) in its round complexity, with high probability. We show that our coding is optimal for some tasks, such as node-coloring of a clique. We further show how to simulate a large family of algorithms designed for distributed networks in the CONGEST(BB) model over a noisy beeping network. The simulation succeeds with high probability and incurs an asymptotic multiplicative overhead of O(BΔmin(n,Δ2))O(B\cdot \Delta \cdot \min(n,\Delta^2)) in the round complexity, where Δ\Delta is the maximal degree of the network. The overhead is tight for certain graphs, e.g., a clique. Further, this simulation implies a constant overhead coding for constant-degree networks

    Noisy Interactive Quantum Communication

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    We consider the problem of implementing two-party interactive quantum communication over noisy channels, a necessary endeavor if we wish to fully reap quantum advantages for communication. For an arbitrary protocol with n messages, designed for noiseless qudit channels (where d is arbitrary), our main result is a simulation method that fails with probability less than 2⁻ᶿ⁽ⁿᵋ⁾ and uses a qudit channel n(1 + Θ(√ε)) times, of which ε fraction can be corrupted adversarially. The simulation is thus capacity achieving to leading order, and we conjecture that it is optimal up to a constant factor in the √ε term. Furthermore, the simulation is in a model that does not require pre-shared resources such as randomness or entanglement between the communicating parties. Surprisingly, this outperforms the best known overhead of 1 + O(√(ε log log 1/ε)) in the corresponding classical model, which is also conjectured to be optimal [Haeupler, FOCS’14]. Our work also improves over the best previously known quantum result where the overhead is a non-explicit large constant [Brassard et al., FOCS’14] for small ε