4 research outputs found

    A new look at atomic broadcast in the asynchronous crash-recovery model

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    Atomic broadcast in particular, and group communication in general, have mainly been specified and implemented in a system model where processes do not recover after a crash. The model is called crash-stop. The drawback of this model is its inability to express algorithms that tolerate the crash of a majority of processes. This has led to consider group communication in the so-called crash-recovery model, in which processes have access to stable storage, to log their state periodically. This allows them to recover a previous state after a crash. However, the existing specifications of atomic broadcast in the crash-recovery model are not satisfactory, and the paper explains why. The paper also proposes a new specification of atomic broadcast in the crash-recovery model that addresses these issues. Specifically, our new specification allows to distinguish between a uniform and a non-uniform version of atomic broadcast. The non-uniform version logs less information, and is thus more efficient. The uniform and non-uniform atomic broadcast have been implemented, and compared with a published atomic broadcast algorithm. Performance results are presented

    Reliable and Total Order Broadcast in the Crash-Recovery Model

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    This paper addresses the problem of broadcasting messages in a reliable and totally ordered manner when processes and channels may crash and recover, or crash and never recover. We present a suite of specifications of reliable and total order broadcast primitives and we describe algorithms that implement those specifications. Our approach is modular and incremental. It is modular in the sense that the properties of broadcast primitives are first given separately and then composed: this provides a comprehensive design space for broadcast semantics. It is incremental in the sense that a broadcast algorithm implementing a given specification is obtained by transforming an algorithm that implements a weaker specification: this gives an automatic way to improve the resilience of broadcast primitives. We derive specific reliable and total order broadcast algorithms and we discuss their performance and optimality. Keywords:reliable broadcast, total order broadcast, modularity,transformation, optimisation, crash-recovery model

    Fault-tolerant and transactional mobile agent execution

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    Mobile agents constitute a computing paradigm of a more general nature than the widely used client/server computing paradigm. A mobile agent is essentially a computer program that acts autonomously on behalf of a user and travels through a network of heterogeneous machines. However, the greater flexibility of the mobile agent paradigm compared to the client/server computing paradigm comes at additional costs. These costs include, among others, the additional complexity of developing and managing mobile agent-based applications. This additional complexity comprises such issues as reliability. Before mobile agent technology can appear at the core of tomorrow's business applications, reliability mechanisms for mobile agents must be established. In this context, fault tolerance and transaction support are mechanisms of considerable importance. Various approaches to fault tolerance and transaction support exist. They have different strengths and weaknesses, and address different environments. Because of this variety, it is often difficult for the application programmer to choose the approach best suited to an application. This thesis introduces a classification of current approaches to fault-tolerant and transactional mobile agent execution. The classification, which focuses on algorithmic aspects, aims at structuring the field of fault-tolerant and transactional mobile agent execution and facilitates an understanding of the properties and weaknesses of particular approaches. In a distributed system, any software or hardware component may be subject to failures. A single failing component (e.g., agent or machine) may prevent the agent from proceeding with its execution. Worse yet, the current state of the agent and even its code may be lost. We say that the agent execution is blocked. For the agent owner, i.e., the person or application that has configured the agent, the agent does not return. To achieve fault-tolerance, the agent owner can try to detect the failure of the agent, and upon such an event launch a new agent. However, this requires the ability to correctly detect the crash of the agent, i.e., to distinguish between a failed agent and an agent that is delayed by slow processors or slow communication links. Unfortunately, this cannot be achieved in systems such as the Internet. An agent owner who tries to detect the failure of the agent thus cannot prevent the case in which the agent is mistakenly assumed to have crashed. In this case, launching a new agent leads to multiple executions of the agent, i.e., to the violation of the desired exactly-once property of agent execution. Although this may be acceptable for certain applications (e.g., applications whose operations do not have side-effects), others clearly forbid it. In this context, launching a new agent is a form of replication. In general, replication prevents blocking, but may lead to multiple executions of the agent, i.e., to a violation of the exactly-once execution property. This thesis presents an approach that ensures the exactly-once execution property using a simple principle: the mobile agent execution is modeled as a sequence of agreement problems. This model leads to an approach based on two well-known building blocks: consensus and reliable broadcast. We validate this approach with the implementation of FATOMAS, a Java-based FAult-TOlerant Mobile Agent System, and measure its overhead. Transactional mobile agents execute the mobile agent as a transaction. Assume, for instance, an agent whose task is to buy an airline ticket, book a hotel room, and rent a car at the flight destination. The agent owner naturally wants all three operations to succeed or none at all. Clearly, the rental car at the destination is of no use if no flight to the destination is available. On the other hand, the airline ticket may be useless if no rental car is available. The mobile agent's operations thus need to execute atomically, i.e., either all of them or none at all. Execution atomicity also needs to be ensured in the event of failures of hardware or software components. The approach presented in this thesis is non-blocking. A non-blocking transactional mobile agent execution has the important advantage that it can make progress despite failures. In a blocking transactional mobile agent execution, by contrast, progress is only possible when the failed component has recovered. Until then, the acquired locks generally cannot be freed. As no other transactional mobile agents can acquire the lock, overall system throughput is dramatically reduced. The present approach reuses the work on fault-tolerant mobile agent execution to prevent blocking. We have implemented the proposed approach and present the evaluation results

    Protocol composition frameworks and modular group communication:models, algorithms and architectures

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    It is noticeable that our society is increasingly relying on computer systems. Nowadays, computer networks can be found at places where it would have been unthinkable a few decades ago, supporting in some cases critical applications on which human lives may depend. Although this growing reliance on networked systems is generally perceived as technological progress, one should bear in mind that such systems are constantly growing in size and complexity, to such an extent that assuring their correct operation is sometimes a challenging task. Hence, dependability of distributed systems has become a crucial issue, and is responsible for an important body of research over the last years. No matter how much effort we put on ensuring our distributed system's correctness, we will be unable to prevent crashes. Therefore, designing distributed systems to tolerate rather than prevent such crashes is a reasonable approach. This is the purpose of fault-tolerance. Among all techniques that provide fault tolerance, replication is the only one that allows the system to mask process crashes. The intuition behind replication is simple: instead of having one instance of a service, we run several of them. If one of the replicas crashes, the rest can take over so that the crash does not prevent the system from delivering the expected service. A replicated service needs to keep all its replicas consistent, and group communication protocols provide abstractions to preserve such consistency. Group communication toolkits have been present since the late 80s. At the beginning, they were monolithic and later on they became modular. Modular group communication toolkits are composed of a set of off-the-shelf protocol modules that can be tailored to the application's needs. Composing protocols requires to set up basic rules that define how modules are composed and interact. Sometimes, these rules are devised exclusively for a particular protocol suite, but it is more sensible to agree on a carefully chosen set of rules and reuse them: this is the essence of protocol composition frameworks. There is a great diversity of protocol composition frameworks at present, and none is commonly considered the best. Furthermore, any attempt to defend a framework as being the best finds strong opposition with plenty of arguments pointing out its drawbacks. Given the complexity of current group communication toolkits and their configurability requirements, we believe that research on modular group communication and protocol composition frameworks must go hand-in-hand. The main goal of this thesis is to advance the state of the art in these two fields jointly and demonstrate how protocols can benefit from frameworks, as well as frameworks can benefit from protocols. The thesis is structured in three parts. Part I focuses on issues related to protocol composition frameworks. Part II is devoted to modular group communication. Finally, Part III presents our modular group communication prototype: Fortika. Part III combines the results of the two previous parts, thereby acting as the convergence point. At the beginning of Part I, we propose four perspectives to describe and compare frameworks on which we base our research on protocol frameworks. These perspectives are: composition model (how the composition looks like), interaction model (how the components interact), concurrency model (how concurrency is managed within the framework), and interaction with the environment (how the framework communicates with the outside world). We compare Appia and Cactus, two relevant protocol composition frameworks with a very different design. Overall, we cannot tell which framework is better. However, a thorough comparison using the four perspectives mentioned above showed that Appia is better in certain aspects, while Cactus is better in other aspects. Concurrency control to avoid race conditions and deadlocks should be ensured by the protocol framework. However this is not always the case. We survey the concurrency model of eight protocol composition frameworks and propose new features to improve concurrency management. Events are the basic mechanism that protocol modules use to communicate with each other. Most protocol composition frameworks include events at the core of their interaction model. However, events are seemingly not as good as one may expect. We point out the drawbacks of events and propose an alternative interaction scheme that uses message headers instead of events: the header-driven model. Part II starts by discussing common features of traditional group communication toolkits and the problems they entail. Then, a new modular group communication architecture is presented. It is less complex, more powerful, and more responsive to failures than traditional architectures. Crash-recovery is a model where crashed processes can be restarted and continue where they were executing just before they crashed. This requires to log the state to disk periodically. We argue that current specifications of atomic broadcast (an important group communication primitive) are not satisfactory. We propose a novel specification that intends to overcome the problems we spotted in existing specifications. Additionally, we come up with two implementations of our atomic broadcast specification and compare their performance. Fortika is the main prototype of the thesis, and the subject of Part III. Fortika is a group communication toolkit written in Java that can use third-party frameworks like Cactus or Appia for composition. Fortika was the testbed for architectures, models and algorithms proposed in the thesis. Finally, we performed software-based fault injection on Fortika to assess its fault-tolerance. The results were valuable to improve the design of Fortika