7 research outputs found


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    In this article, we describe and interpret a set of acoustic and linguistic features that characterise emotional/emotion-related user states – confined to the one database processed: four classes in a German corpus of children interacting with a pet robot. To this end, we collected a very large feature vector consisting of more than 4000 features extracted at different sites. We performed extensive feature selection (Sequential Forward Floating Search) for seven acoustic and four linguistic types of features, ending up in a small number of ‘most important ’ features which we try to interpret by discussing the impact of different feature and extraction types. We establish different measures of impact and discuss the mutual influence of acoustics and linguistics

    A review of natural language processing in contact centre automation

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    Contact centres have been highly valued by organizations for a long time. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted their critical importance in ensuring business continuity, economic activity, and quality customer support. The pandemic has led to an increase in customer inquiries related to payment extensions, cancellations, and stock inquiries, each with varying degrees of urgency. To address this challenge, organizations have taken the opportunity to re-evaluate the function of contact centres and explore innovative solutions. Next-generation platforms that incorporate machine learning techniques and natural language processing, such as self-service voice portals and chatbots, are being implemented to enhance customer service. These platforms offer robust features that equip customer agents with the necessary tools to provide exceptional customer support. Through an extensive review of existing literature, this paper aims to uncover research gaps and explore the advantages of transitioning to a contact centre that utilizes natural language solutions as the norm. Additionally, we will examine the major challenges faced by contact centre organizations and offer reco

    Beyond Traditional Emotion Recognition

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    Reconnaissance automatique des dimensions affectives dans l'interaction orale homme-machine pour des personnes dépendantes

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    La majorité des systèmes de reconnaissance d'états affectifs est entrainée sur des données artificielles hors contexte applicatif et les évaluations sont effectuées sur des données pré-enregistrées de même qualité. Cette thèse porte sur les différents défis résultant de la confrontation de ces systèmes à des situations et des utilisateurs réels.Pour disposer de données émotionnelles spontanées au plus proche de la réalité, un système de collecte simulant une interaction naturelle et mettant en oeuvre un agent virtuel expressif a été développé. Il a été mis en oeuvre pour recueillir deux corpus émotionnels, avec la participation de près de 80 patients de centres médicaux de la région de Montpellier, dans le cadre du projet ANR ARMEN.Ces données ont été utilisées dans l'exploration d'approches pour la résolution du problème de la généralisation des performances des systèmes de détection des émotions à d'autres données. Dans cette optique, une grande partie des travaux menés a porté sur des stratégies cross-corpus ainsi que la sélection automatique des meilleurs paramètres. Un algorithme hybride combinant des techniques de sélection flottante avec des métriques de similitudes et des heuristiques multi-échelles a été proposé et appliqué notamment dans le cadre d'un challenge (InterSpeech 2012). Les résultats de l'application de cet algorithme offrent des pistes pour différencier des corpus émotionnels à partir des paramètres les plus pertinents pour les représenter.Un prototype du système de dialogue complet, incluant le module de détection des émotions et l'agent virtuel a également été implémenté.Most of the affective states recognition systems are trained on artificial data, without any realistic context. Moreover the evaluations are done with pre-recorded data of the same quality. This thesis seeks to tackle the various challenges resulting from the confrontation of these systems with real situations and users.In order to obtain close-to-reality spontaneous emotional data, a data-collection system simulating a natural interaction was developed. It uses an expressive virtual character to conduct the interaction. Two emotional corpora where gathered with this system, with almost 80 patients from medical centers of the region of Montpellier, France, participating in. This work was carried out as part of the French ANR ARMEN collaborative project.This data was used to explore approaches to solve the problem of performance generalization for emotion detection systems. Most of the work in this part deals with cross-corpus strategies and automatic selection of the best features. An hybrid algorithm combining floating selection techniques with similarity measures and multi-scale heuristics was proposed and used in the frame of the InterSpeech 2012 Emotino Challenge. The results and insights gained with the help of this algorithm suggest ways of distinguishing between emotional corpora using their most relevant features.A prototype of the complete dialog system, including the emotion detection module and the virtual agent was also implemented.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Modélisation du profil émotionnel de l'utilisateur dans les interactions parlées Humain-Machine

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    Les travaux de recherche de la thèse portent sur l'étude et la formalisation des interactions émotionnelles Humain-Machine. Au delà d une détection d'informations paralinguistiques (émotions, disfluences,...) ponctuelles, il s'agit de fournir au système un profil interactionnel et émotionnel de l'utilisateur dynamique, enrichi pendant l interaction. Ce profil permet d adapter les stratégies de réponses de la machine au locuteur, et il peut également servir pour mieux gérer des relations à long terme. Le profil est fondé sur une représentation multi-niveau du traitement des indices émotionnels et interactionnels extraits à partir de l'audio via les outils de détection des émotions du LIMSI. Ainsi, des indices bas niveau (variations de la F0, d'énergie, etc.), fournissent des informations sur le type d'émotion exprimée, la force de l'émotion, le degré de loquacité, etc. Ces éléments à moyen niveau sont exploités dans le système afin de déterminer, au fil des interactions, le profil émotionnel et interactionnel de l'utilisateur. Ce profil est composé de six dimensions : optimisme, extraversion, stabilité émotionnelle, confiance en soi, affinité et domination (basé sur le modèle de personnalité OCEAN et les théories de l interpersonal circumplex). Le comportement social du système est adapté en fonction de ce profil, de l'état de la tâche en cours, et du comportement courant du robot. Les règles de création et de mise à jour du profil émotionnel et interactionnel, ainsi que de sélection automatique du comportement du robot, ont été implémentées en logique floue à l'aide du moteur de décision développé par un partenaire du projet ROMEO. L implémentation du système a été réalisée sur le robot NAO. Afin d étudier les différents éléments de la boucle d interaction émotionnelle entre l utilisateur et le système, nous avons participé à la conception de plusieurs systèmes : système en Magicien d Oz pré-scripté, système semi-automatisé, et système d interaction émotionnelle autonome. Ces systèmes ont permis de recueillir des données en contrôlant plusieurs paramètres d élicitation des émotions au sein d une interaction ; nous présentons les résultats de ces expérimentations, et des protocoles d évaluation de l Interaction Humain-Robot via l utilisation de systèmes à différents degrés d autonomie.Analysing and formalising the emotional aspect of the Human-Machine Interaction is the key to a successful relation. Beyond and isolated paralinguistic detection (emotion, disfluences ), our aim consists in providing the system with a dynamic emotional and interactional profile of the user, which can evolve throughout the interaction. This profile allows for an adaptation of the machine s response strategy, and can deal with long term relationships. A multi-level processing of the emotional and interactional cues extracted from speech (LIMSI emotion detection tools) leads to the constitution of the profile. Low level cues ( F0, energy, etc.), are then interpreted in terms of expressed emotion, strength, or talkativeness of the speaker. These mid-level cues are processed in the system so as to determine, over the interaction sessions, the emotional and interactional profile of the user. The profile is made up of six dimensions: optimism, extroversion, emotional stability, self-confidence, affinity and dominance (based on the OCEAN personality model and the interpersonal circumplex theories). The information derived from this profile could allow for a measurement of the engagement of the speaker. The social behaviour of the system is adapted according to the profile, and the current task state and robot behaviour. Fuzzy logic rules drive the constitution of the profile and the automatic selection of the robotic behaviour. These determinist rules are implemented on a decision engine designed by a partner in the project ROMEO. We implemented the system on the humanoid robot NAO. The overriding issue dealt with in this thesis is the viable interpretation of the paralinguistic cues extracted from speech into a relevant emotional representation of the user. We deem it noteworthy to point out that multimodal cues could reinforce the profile s robustness. So as to analyse the different parts of the emotional interaction loop between the user and the system, we collaborated in the design of several systems with different autonomy degrees: a pre-scripted Wizard-of-Oz system, a semi-automated system, and a fully autonomous system. Using these systems allowed us to collect emotional data in robotic interaction contexts, by controlling several emotion elicitation parameters. This thesis presents the results of these data collections, and offers an evaluation protocol for Human-Robot Interaction through systems with various degrees of autonomy.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Machine Medical Ethics

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    In medical settings, machines are in close proximity with human beings: with patients who are in vulnerable states of health, who have disabilities of various kinds, with the very young or very old, and with medical professionals. Machines in these contexts are undertaking important medical tasks that require emotional sensitivity, knowledge of medical codes, human dignity, and privacy. As machine technology advances, ethical concerns become more urgent: should medical machines be programmed to follow a code of medical ethics? What theory or theories should constrain medical machine conduct? What design features are required? Should machines share responsibility with humans for the ethical consequences of medical actions? How ought clinical relationships involving machines to be modeled? Is a capacity for empathy and emotion detection necessary? What about consciousness? The essays in this collection by researchers from both humanities and science describe various theoretical and experimental approaches to adding medical ethics to a machine, what design features are necessary in order to achieve this, philosophical and practical questions concerning justice, rights, decision-making and responsibility, and accurately modeling essential physician-machine-patient relationships. This collection is the first book to address these 21st-century concerns