5,190 research outputs found

    Customized Pull Systems for Single-Product Flow Lines

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    Traditionally pull production systems are managed through classic control systems such as Kanban, Conwip, or Base stock, but this paper proposes ‘customized’ pull control. Customization means that a given production line is managed through a pull control system that in principle connects each stage of that line with each preceding stage; optimization of the corresponding simulation model, however, shows which of these potential control loops are actually implemented. This novel approach may result in one of the classic systems, but it may also be another type: (1) the total line may be decomposed into several segments, each with its own classic control system (e.g., segment 1 with Kanban, segment 2 with Conwip); (2) the total line or segments may combine different classic systems; (3) the line may be controlled through a new type of system. These different pull systems are found when applying the new approach to a set of twelve production lines. These lines are configured through the application of a statistical (Plackett-Burman) design with ten factors that characterize production lines (such as line length, demand variability, and machine breakdowns).Pull production / inventory;sampling;optimization;evolutionary algorithm

    Risk-Based Optimal Scheduling for the Predictive Maintenance of Railway Infrastructure

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    In this thesis a risk-based decision support system to schedule the predictive maintenance activities, is proposed. The model deals with the maintenance planning of a railway infrastructure in which the due-dates are defined via failure risk analysis.The novelty of the approach consists of the risk concept introduction in railway maintenance scheduling, according to ISO 55000 guidelines, thus implying that the maintenance priorities are based on asset criticality, determined taking into account the relevant failure probability, related to asset degradation conditions, and the consequent damages

    Modeling and Analysis of Scheduling Problems Containing Renewable Energy Decisions

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    With globally increasing energy demands, world citizens are facing one of society\u27s most critical issues: protecting the environment. To reduce the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG), which are by-products of conventional energy resources, people are reducing the consumption of oil, gas, and coal collectively. In the meanwhile, interest in renewable energy resources has grown in recent years. Renewable generators can be installed both on the power grid side and end-use customer side of power systems. Energy management in power systems with multiple microgrids containing renewable energy resources has been a focus of industry and researchers as of late. Further, on-site renewable energy provides great opportunities for manufacturing plants to reduce energy costs when faced with time-varying electricity prices. To efficiently utilize on-site renewable energy generation, production schedules and energy supply decisions need to be coordinated. As renewable energy resources like solar and wind energy typically fluctuate with weather variations, the inherent stochastic nature of renewable energy resources makes the decision making of utilizing renewable generation complex. In this dissertation, we study a power system with one main grid (arbiter) and multiple microgrids (agents). The microgrids (MGs) are equipped to control their local generation and demand in the presence of uncertain renewable generation and heterogeneous energy management settings. We propose an extension to the classical two-stage stochastic programming model to capture these interactions by modeling the arbiter\u27s problem as the first-stage master problem and the agent decision problems as second-stage subproblems. To tackle this problem formulation, we propose a sequential sampling-based optimization algorithm that does not require a priori knowledge of probability distribution functions or selection of samples for renewable generation. The subproblems capture the details of different energy management settings employed at the agent MGs to control heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems; home appliances; industrial production; plug-in electrical vehicles; and storage devices. Computational experiments conducted on the US western interconnect (WECC-240) data set illustrate that the proposed algorithm is scalable and our solutions are statistically verifiable. Our results also show that the proposed framework can be used as a systematic tool to gauge (a) the impact of energy management settings in efficiently utilizing renewable generation and (b) the role of flexible demands in reducing system costs. Next, we present a two-stage, multi-objective stochastic program for flow shops with sequence-dependent setups in order to meet production schedules while managing energy costs. The first stage provides optimal schedules to minimize the total completion time, while the second stage makes energy supply decisions to minimize energy costs under a time-of-use electricity pricing scheme. Power demand for production is met by on-site renewable generation, supply from the main grid, and an energy storage system. An ε-constraint algorithm integrated with an L-shaped method is proposed to analyze the problem. Sets of Pareto optimal solutions are provided for decision-makers and our results show that the energy cost of setup operations is relatively high such that it cannot be ignored. Further, using solar or wind energy can save significant energy costs with solar energy being the more viable option of the two for reducing costs. Finally, we extend the flow shop scheduling problem to a job shop environment under hour-ahead real-time electricity pricing schemes. The objectives of interest are to minimize total weighted completion time and energy costs simultaneously. Besides renewable generation, hour-ahead real-time electricity pricing is another source of uncertainty in this study as electricity prices are released to customers only hours in advance of consumption. A mathematical model is presented and an ε-constraint algorithm is used to tackle the bi-objective problem. Further, to improve computational efficiency and generate solutions in a practically acceptable amount of time, a hybrid multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II) is developed. Five methods are developed to calculate chromosome fitness values. Computational tests show that both mathematical modeling and our proposed algorithm are comparable, while our algorithm produces solutions much quicker. Using a single method (rather than five) to generate schedules can further reduce computational time without significantly degrading solution quality

    Locating emergency services with priority rules: The priority queuing covering location problem

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    One of the assumptions of the Capacitated Facility Location Problem (CFLP) is that demand is known and fixed. Most often, this is not the case when managers take some strategic decisions such as locating facilities and assigning demand points to those facilities. In this paper we consider demand as stochastic and we model each of the facilities as an independent queue. Stochastic models of manufacturing systems and deterministic location models are put together in order to obtain a formula for the backlogging probability at a potential facility location. Several solution techniques have been proposed to solve the CFLP. One of the most recently proposed heuristics, a Reactive Greedy Adaptive Search Procedure, is implemented in order to solve the model formulated. We present some computational experiments in order to evaluate the heuristics’ performance and to illustrate the use of this new formulation for the CFLP. The paper finishes with a simple simulation exercise.Location, queuing, greedy heuristics, simulation

    Genetic algorithms in timetabling and scheduling

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    Thio thesis investigates the use of genetic algorithms (GAs) for solving a range of timetabling and scheduling problems. Such problems arc very hard in general, and GAs offer a useful and successful alternative to existing techniques.A framework is presented for GAs to solve modular timetabling problems in edu¬ cational institutions. The approach involves three components: declaring problemspecific constraints, constructing a problem specific evaluation function and using a problem-independent GA to attempt to solve the problem. Successful results are demonstrated and a general analysis of the reliability and robustness of the approach is conducted. The basic approach can readily handle a wide variety of general timetabling problem constraints, and is therefore likely to be of great practical usefulness (indeed, an earlier version is already in use). The approach rclicG for its success on the use of specially designed mutation operators which greatly improve upon the performance of a GA with standard operators.A framework for GAs in job shop and open shop scheduling is also presented. One of the key aspects of this approach is the use of specially designed representations for such scheduling problems. The representations implicitly encode a schedule by encoding instructions for a schedule builder. The general robustness of this approach is demonstrated with respect to experiments on a range of widely-used benchmark problems involving many different schedule quality criteria. When compared against a variety of common heuristic search approaches, the GA approach is clearly the most successful method overall. An extension to the representation, in which choices of heuristic for the schedule builder arc also incorporated in the chromosome, iG found to lead to new best results on the makespan for some well known benchmark open shop scheduling problems. The general approach is also shown to be readily extendable to rescheduling and dynamic scheduling
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