3 research outputs found


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    The paper presents the information system for the cognitive analysis and modeling based on fuzzy cognitive map. The system allows to analyze the information of the experts to model complex systems and processes. Describes the structure of the system and the features of the functioning and implementation.Przedstawiono system informacji do analizy i modelowania poznawczego opartego na rozmytej mapie poznawczej. System pozwala na analizę informacji ekspertów w celu modelowania złożonych systemów i procesów. Opisano strukturę systemu oraz cechy funkcjonowania i realizacji

    Fuzzy Inference System for Software Product Family Process Evaluation

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    When developing multiple products within a common application domain, systematic use of a software product family process can yield increased productivity in cost, quality, effort and schedule. Such a process provides the means for the reuse of software assets which can considerably reduce the development time and the cost of software products. A comprehensive strategy for the evaluating the maturity of a software product family process is needed due to growing popularity of this concept in the software industry. In this paper, we propose a five-level maturity scale for software product family process. We also present a fuzzy inference system for evaluating maturity of software product family process using the proposed maturity scale. This research is aimed at establishing a comprehensive and unified strategy for process evaluation of a software product family. Such a process evaluation strategy will enable an organization to discover and monitor the strengths and weaknesses of the various activities performed during development of multiple products within a common application domain

    Modelo fuzzy para priorização de variáveis qualitativas de desempenho: uma abordagem em construção naval

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    The world shipbuilding industry has evolved considerably in recent years. Some quantitative and qualitative factors influence the competitiveness of naval production units, the shipyards. The development of shipbuilding processes depends on the evolution of manufacturing techniques, techniques of planning, organization, control of processes and external environment. Factors that allow a shipbuilding organization to evolve in performance. In general, in the performance, quantitative variables are analyzed through mathematical and linear models. But in relation to the qualitative variables, due to its subjectivity because it deals with human perceptions. It is not common for organizations to work on the performance of these factors, which are equally critical to achieving competitiveness. This is the objective of the research, to analyze qualitative factors in shipbuilding in the Brazilian case. The chosen ones that compose the proposed model are technology and industrial location. In this context, this research presents a prioritization evaluation model of qualitative performance variables. Which presents the original treatment by the fuzzy sets of qualitative critical factors expressed in linguistic terms by specialists working in the Brazilian sector. To generate the prioritization of these factors that also influence the best performance of a yard. The model was applied at a specific shipyard. The results showed that the proposed fuzzy model is a good tool for the evaluation of qualitative performance factors to identify the distance of the unit from the specialist prioritization of the model.A indústria mundial de construção naval evoluiu consideravelmente nos últimos anos e alguns fatores quantitativos e qualitativos influenciam a competitividade das unidades de produção navais, os estaleiros. O desenvolvimento dos processos de construção naval depende da evolução das técnicas de fabricação, das técnicas de planejamento, organização, controle de processos e ambiente externos. Fatores que permitem uma organização de produção naval evoluir em desempenho. Em geral, no desempenho se analisam variáveis quantitativas através de modelos matemáticos e lineares, porém em relação as variáveis qualitativas, devido a sua subjetividade por se tratar de percepções humanas, não é comum organizações que trabalhem o desempenho destes fatores, igualmente críticos para conquista de competitividade. Este é o objetivo da pesquisa, analisar fatores qualitativos em construção naval, os escolhidos que compõem o modelo proposto são tecnologia e localização industrial. Nesse contexto, esta pesquisa apresenta um modelo de avaliação de priorização de variáveis qualitativas de desempenho, o qual apresenta o original tratamento pela teria dos conjuntos fuzzy de fatores críticos qualitativos expressos em termos linguísticos por especialistas que atuam no setor brasileiro para gerar a priorização destes fatores que influenciam também o melhor desempenho de um estaleiro. O modelo foi aplicado em um estaleiro específico e os resultados mostraram que o modelo fuzzy proposto é uma boa ferramenta de avaliação de fatores qualitativos de desempenho para identificar a distância da unidade da priorização especialista do modelo