4,442 research outputs found

    Vlasov-Maxwell, self-consistent electromagnetic wave emission simulations in the solar corona

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    1.5D Vlasov-Maxwell simulations are employed to model electromagnetic emission generation in a fully self-consistent plasma kinetic model for the first time in the solar physics context. The simulations mimic the plasma emission mechanism and Larmor drift instability in a plasma thread that connects the Sun to Earth with the spatial scales compressed appropriately. The effects of spatial density gradients on the generation of electromagnetic radiation are investigated. It is shown that 1.5D inhomogeneous plasma with a uniform background magnetic field directed transverse to the density gradient is aperiodically unstable to Larmor-drift instability. The latter results in a novel effect of generation of electromagnetic emission at plasma frequency. When density gradient is removed (i.e. when plasma becomes stable to Larmor-drift instability) and a lowlow density, super-thermal, hot beam is injected along the domain, in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field, plasma emission mechanism generates non-escaping Langmuir type oscillations which in turn generate escaping electromagnetic radiation. It is found that in the spatial location where the beam is injected, the standing waves, oscillating at the plasma frequency, are excited. These can be used to interpret the horizontal strips observed in some dynamical spectra. Quasilinear theory predictions: (i) the electron free streaming and (ii) the beam long relaxation time, in accord with the analytic expressions, are corroborated via direct, fully-kinetic simulation. Finally, the interplay of Larmor-drift instability and plasma emission mechanism is studied by considering densedense electron beam in the Larmor-drift unstable (inhomogeneous) plasma. http://www.maths.qmul.ac.uk/~tsiklauri/movie1.mpg * http://www.maths.qmul.ac.uk/~tsiklauri/movie2.mpg * http://www.maths.qmul.ac.uk/~tsiklauri/movie3.mpgComment: Solar Physics (in press, the final, accepted version

    Numerical simulation of unconstrained cyclotron resonant maser emission

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    When a mainly rectilinear electron beam is subject to significant magnetic compression, conservation of magnetic moment results in the formation of a horseshoe shaped velocity distribution. It has been shown that such a distribution is unstable to cyclotron emission and may be responsible for the generation of Auroral Kilometric Radiation (AKR) an intense rf emission sourced at high altitudes in the terrestrial auroral magnetosphere. PiC code simulations have been undertaken to investigate the dynamics of the cyclotron emission process in the absence of cavity boundaries with particular consideration of the spatial growth rate, spectral output and rf conversion efficiency. Computations reveal that a well-defined cyclotron emission process occurs albeit with a low spatial growth rate compared to waveguide bounded simulations. The rf output is near perpendicular to the electron beam with a slight backward-wave character reflected in the spectral output with a well defined peak at 2.68GHz, just below the relativistic electron cyclotron frequency. The corresponding rf conversion efficiency of 1.1% is comparable to waveguide bounded simulations and consistent with the predictions of kinetic theory that suggest efficient, spectrally well defined radiation emission can be obtained from an electron horseshoe distribution in the absence of radiation boundaries.Publisher PD

    Multi-mode coupling wave theory for helically corrugated waveguide

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    Helically corrugated waveguide has been used in various applications such as gyro-backward wave oscillators, gyro-traveling wave amplifier and microwave pulse compressor. A fast prediction of the dispersion characteristic of the operating eigenwave is very important when designing a helically corrugated waveguide. In this paper, multi-mode coupling wave equations were developed based on the perturbation method. This method was then used to analyze a five-fold helically corrugated waveguide used for X-band microwave compression. The calculated result from this analysis was found to be in excellent agreement with the results from numerical simulation using CST Microwave Studio and vector network analyzer measurements

    An alternative to the plasma emission model: Particle-In-Cell, self-consistent electromagnetic wave emission simulations of solar type III radio bursts

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    1.5D PIC, relativistic, fully electromagnetic (EM) simulations are used to model EM wave emission generation in the context of solar type III radio bursts. The model studies generation of EM waves by a super-thermal, hot beam of electrons injected into a plasma thread that contains uniform longitudinal magnetic field and a parabolic density gradient. In effect, a single magnetic line connecting Sun to earth is considered, for which several cases are studied. (i) We find that the physical system without a beam is stable and only low amplitude level EM drift waves (noise) are excited. (ii) The beam injection direction is controlled by setting either longitudinal or oblique electron initial drift speed, i.e. by setting the beam pitch angle. In the case of zero pitch angle, the beam excites only electrostatic, standing waves, oscillating at plasma frequency, in the beam injection spatial location, and only low level EM drift wave noise is also generated. (iii) In the case of oblique beam pitch angles, again electrostatic waves with same properties are excited. However, now the beam also generates EM waves with the properties commensurate to type III radio bursts. The latter is evidenced by the wavelet analysis of transverse electric field component, which shows that as the beam moves to the regions of lower density, frequency of the EM waves drops accordingly. (iv) When the density gradient is removed, electron beam with an oblique pitch angle still generates the EM radiation. However, in the latter case no frequency decrease is seen. Within the limitations of the model, the study presents the first attempt to produce simulated dynamical spectrum of type III radio bursts in fully kinetic plasma model. The latter is based on 1.5D non-zero pitch angle (non-gyrotropic) electron beam, that is an alternative to the plasma emission classical mechanism.Comment: Physics of Plasmas, in press, May 2011 issue (final accepted version