561 research outputs found

    Church-Rosser Systems, Codes with Bounded Synchronization Delay and Local Rees Extensions

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    What is the common link, if there is any, between Church-Rosser systems, prefix codes with bounded synchronization delay, and local Rees extensions? The first obvious answer is that each of these notions relates to topics of interest for WORDS: Church-Rosser systems are certain rewriting systems over words, codes are given by sets of words which form a basis of a free submonoid in the free monoid of all words (over a given alphabet) and local Rees extensions provide structural insight into regular languages over words. So, it seems to be a legitimate title for an extended abstract presented at the conference WORDS 2017. However, this work is more ambitious, it outlines some less obvious but much more interesting link between these topics. This link is based on a structure theory of finite monoids with varieties of groups and the concept of local divisors playing a prominent role. Parts of this work appeared in a similar form in conference proceedings where proofs and further material can be found.Comment: Extended abstract of an invited talk given at WORDS 201

    Bernoulli measure on strings, and Thompson-Higman monoids

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    The Bernoulli measure on strings is used to define height functions for the dense R- and L-orders of the Thompson-Higman monoids M_{k,1}. The measure can also be used to characterize the D-relation of certain submonoids of M_{k,1}. The computational complexity of computing the Bernoulli measure of certain sets, and in particular, of computing the R- and L-height of an element of M_{k,1} is investigated.Comment: 27 pages

    The Catenary Degree of Krull Monoids I

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    Let HH be a Krull monoid with finite class group GG such that every class contains a prime divisor (for example, a ring of integers in an algebraic number field or a holomorphy ring in an algebraic function field). The catenary degree c(H)\mathsf c (H) of HH is the smallest integer NN with the following property: for each a∈Ha \in H and each two factorizations z,zâ€Čz, z' of aa, there exist factorizations z=z0,...,zk=zâ€Čz = z_0, ..., z_k = z' of aa such that, for each i∈[1,k]i \in [1, k], ziz_i arises from zi−1z_{i-1} by replacing at most NN atoms from zi−1z_{i-1} by at most NN new atoms. Under a very mild condition on the Davenport constant of GG, we establish a new and simple characterization of the catenary degree. This characterization gives a new structural understanding of the catenary degree. In particular, it clarifies the relationship between c(H)\mathsf c (H) and the set of distances of HH and opens the way towards obtaining more detailed results on the catenary degree. As first applications, we give a new upper bound on c(H)\mathsf c(H) and characterize when c(H)≀4\mathsf c(H)\leq 4

    Graph products of spheres, associative graded algebras and Hilbert series

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    Given a finite, simple, vertex-weighted graph, we construct a graded associative (non-commutative) algebra, whose generators correspond to vertices and whose ideal of relations has generators that are graded commutators corresponding to edges. We show that the Hilbert series of this algebra is the inverse of the clique polynomial of the graph. Using this result it easy to recognize if the ideal is inert, from which strong results on the algebra follow. Non-commutative Grobner bases play an important role in our proof. There is an interesting application to toric topology. This algebra arises naturally from a partial product of spheres, which is a special case of a generalized moment-angle complex. We apply our result to the loop-space homology of this space.Comment: 19 pages, v3: elaborated on connections to related work, added more citations, to appear in Mathematische Zeitschrif

    Syntactic monoids of codes

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    A Three Parameter Hopf Deformation of the Algebra of Feynman-like Diagrams

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    We construct a three-parameter deformation of the Hopf algebra \LDIAG. This is the algebra that appears in an expansion in terms of Feynman-like diagrams of the {\em product formula} in a simplified version of Quantum Field Theory. This new algebra is a true Hopf deformation which reduces to \LDIAG for some parameter values and to the algebra of Matrix Quasi-Symmetric Functions (\MQS) for others, and thus relates \LDIAG to other Hopf algebras of contemporary physics. Moreover, there is an onto linear mapping preserving products from our algebra to the algebra of Euler-Zagier sums

    Agents, subsystems, and the conservation of information

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    Dividing the world into subsystems is an important component of the scientific method. The choice of subsystems, however, is not defined a priori. Typically, it is dictated by experimental capabilities, which may be different for different agents. Here we propose a way to define subsystems in general physical theories, including theories beyond quantum and classical mechanics. Our construction associates every agent A with a subsystem SA, equipped with its set of states and its set of transformations. In quantum theory, this construction accommodates the notion of subsystems as factors of a tensor product Hilbert space, as well as the notion of subsystems associated to a subalgebra of operators. Classical systems can be interpreted as subsystems of quantum systems in different ways, by applying our construction to agents who have access to different sets of operations, including multiphase covariant channels and certain sets of free operations arising in the resource theory of quantum coherence. After illustrating the basic definitions, we restrict our attention to closed systems, that is, systems where all physical transformations act invertibly and where all states can be generated from a fixed initial state. For closed systems, we propose a dynamical definition of pure states, and show that all the states of all subsystems admit a canonical purification. This result extends the purification principle to a broader setting, in which coherent superpositions can be interpreted as purifications of incoherent mixtures.Comment: 31+26 pages, updated version with new results, contribution to Special Issue on Quantum Information and Foundations, Entropy, GM D'Ariano and P Perinotti, ed
