893 research outputs found

    Kleene algebra with domain

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    We propose Kleene algebra with domain (KAD), an extension of Kleene algebra with two equational axioms for a domain and a codomain operation, respectively. KAD considerably augments the expressiveness of Kleene algebra, in particular for the specification and analysis of state transition systems. We develop the basic calculus, discuss some related theories and present the most important models of KAD. We demonstrate applicability by two examples: First, an algebraic reconstruction of Noethericity and well-foundedness; second, an algebraic reconstruction of propositional Hoare logic.Comment: 40 page

    New Representations of Matroids and Generalizations

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    We extend the notion of matroid representations by matrices over fields and consider new representations of matroids by matrices over finite semirings, more precisely over the boolean and the superboolean semirings. This idea of representations is generalized naturally to include also hereditary collections. We show that a matroid that can be directly decomposed as matroids, each of which is representable over a field, has a boolean representation, and more generally that any arbitrary hereditary collection is superboolean-representable.Comment: 27 page

    Convolution, Separation and Concurrency

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    A notion of convolution is presented in the context of formal power series together with lifting constructions characterising algebras of such series, which usually are quantales. A number of examples underpin the universality of these constructions, the most prominent ones being separation logics, where convolution is separating conjunction in an assertion quantale; interval logics, where convolution is the chop operation; and stream interval functions, where convolution is used for analysing the trajectories of dynamical or real-time systems. A Hoare logic is constructed in a generic fashion on the power series quantale, which applies to each of these examples. In many cases, commutative notions of convolution have natural interpretations as concurrency operations.Comment: 39 page

    Weighted Pushdown Systems with Indexed Weight Domains

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    The reachability analysis of weighted pushdown systems is a very powerful technique in verification and analysis of recursive programs. Each transition rule of a weighted pushdown system is associated with an element of a bounded semiring representing the weight of the rule. However, we have realized that the restriction of the boundedness is too strict and the formulation of weighted pushdown systems is not general enough for some applications. To generalize weighted pushdown systems, we first introduce the notion of stack signatures that summarize the effect of a computation of a pushdown system and formulate pushdown systems as automata over the monoid of stack signatures. We then generalize weighted pushdown systems by introducing semirings indexed by the monoid and weaken the boundedness to local boundedness

    Tropical Cramer Determinants Revisited

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    We prove general Cramer type theorems for linear systems over various extensions of the tropical semiring, in which tropical numbers are enriched with an information of multiplicity, sign, or argument. We obtain existence or uniqueness results, which extend or refine earlier results of Gondran and Minoux (1978), Plus (1990), Gaubert (1992), Richter-Gebert, Sturmfels and Theobald (2005) and Izhakian and Rowen (2009). Computational issues are also discussed; in particular, some of our proofs lead to Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel type algorithms to solve linear systems in suitably extended tropical semirings.Comment: 41 pages, 5 Figure

    Supertropical linear algebra

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    The objective of this paper is to lay out the algebraic theory of supertropical vector spaces and linear algebra, utilizing the key antisymmetric relation of ``ghost surpasses.''Special attention is paid to the various notions of ``base,'' which include d-base and s-base, and these are compared to other treatments in the tropical theory. Whereas the number of elements in a d-base may vary according to the d-base, it is shown that when an s-base exists, it is unique up to permutation and multiplication by scalars, and can be identified with a set of ``critical'' elements. Linear functionals and the dual space are also studied, leading to supertropical bilinear forms and a supertropical version of the Gram matrix, including its connection to linear dependence, as well as a supertropical version of a theorem of Artin.Comment: 28 page
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