1,953 research outputs found

    Using the online cross-entropy method to learn relational policies for playing different games

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    By defining a video-game environment as a collection of objects, relations, actions and rewards, the relational reinforcement learning algorithm presented in this paper generates and optimises a set of concise, human-readable relational rules for achieving maximal reward. Rule learning is achieved using a combination of incremental specialisation of rules and a modified online cross-entropy method, which dynamically adjusts the rate of learning as the agent progresses. The algorithm is tested on the Ms. Pac-Man and Mario environments, with results indicating the agent learns an effective policy for acting within each environment

    Policy Search Based Relational Reinforcement Learning using the Cross-Entropy Method

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    Relational Reinforcement Learning (RRL) is a subfield of machine learning in which a learning agent seeks to maximise a numerical reward within an environment, represented as collections of objects and relations, by performing actions that interact with the environment. The relational representation allows more dynamic environment states than an attribute-based representation of reinforcement learning, but this flexibility also creates new problems such as a potentially infinite number of states. This thesis describes an RRL algorithm named Cerrla that creates policies directly from a set of learned relational ā€œcondition-actionā€ rules using the Cross-Entropy Method (CEM) to control policy creation. The CEM assigns each rule a sampling probability and gradually modifies these probabilities such that the randomly sampled policies consist of ā€˜betterā€™ rules, resulting in larger rewards received. Rule creation is guided by an inferred partial model of the environment that defines: the minimal conditions needed to take an action, the possible specialisation conditions per rule, and a set of simplification rules to remove redundant and illegal rule conditions, resulting in compact, efficient, and comprehensible policies. Cerrla is evaluated on four separate environments, where each environment has several different goals. Results show that compared to existing RRL algorithms, Cerrla is able to learn equal or better behaviour in less time on the standard RRL environment. On other larger, more complex environments, it can learn behaviour that is competitive to specialised approaches. The simplified rules and CEMā€™s bias towards compact policies result in comprehensive and effective relational policies created in a relatively short amount of time

    Computationally Efficient Relational Reinforcement Learning

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    Relational Reinforcement Learning (RRL) is a technique that enables Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents to generalize from their experience, allowing them to learn over large or potentially infinite state spaces, to learn context sensitive behaviors, and to learn to solve variable goals and to transfer knowledge between similar situations. Prior RRL architectures are not sufficiently computationally efficient to see use outside of small, niche roles within larger Artificial Intelligence (AI) architectures. I present a novel online, incremental RRL architecture and an implementation that is orders of magnitude faster than its predecessors. The first aspect of this architecture that I explore is a computationally efficient implementation of an adaptive Hierarchical Tile Coding (aHTC), a kind of Adaptive Tile Coding (ATC) in which more general tiles which cover larger portions of the state-action space are kept as ones that cover smaller portions of the state-action space are introduced, using k-dimensional tries (k-d tries) to implement the value function for non-relational Temporal Difference (TD) methods. In order to achieve comparable performance for RRL, I implement the Rete algorithm to replace my k-d tries due to its efficient handling of both the variable binding problem and variable numbers of actions. Tying aHTCs and Rete together, I present a rule grammar that both maps aHTCs onto Rete and allows the architecture to automatically extract relational features in order to support adaptation of the value function over time. I experiment with several refinement criteria and additional functionality with which my agents attempt to determine if rerefinement using different features might allow them to better learn a near optimal policy. I present optimal results using a value criterion for several variants of BlocksWorld. I provide transfer results for BlocksWorld and a scalable Taxicab domain. I additionally introduce a Higher Order Grammar (HOG) that grants online, incremental RRL agents additional flexibility to introduce additional variables and corresponding relations as needed in order to learn effective value functions. I evaluate agents that use the HOG on a version of Blocks World and on an Adventure task. In summary, I present a new online, incremental RRL architecture, a grammar to map aHTCs onto the Rete, and an implementation that is orders of magnitude faster than its predecessors.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145859/1/bazald_1.pd

    Language-Based Causal Representation Learning

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    Consider the finite state graph that results from a simple, discrete, dynamical system in which an agent moves in a rectangular grid picking up and dropping packages. Can the state variables of the problem, namely, the agent location and the package locations, be recovered from the structure of the state graph alone without having access to information about the objects, the structure of the states, or any background knowledge? We show that this is possible provided that the dynamics is learned over a suitable domain-independent first-order causal language that makes room for objects and relations that are not assumed to be known. The preference for the most compact representation in the language that is compatible with the data provides a strong and meaningful learning bias that makes this possible. The language of structured causal models (SCMs) is the standard language for representing (static) causal models but in dynamic worlds populated by objects, first-order causal languages such as those used in "classical AI planning" are required. While "classical AI" requires handcrafted representations, similar representations can be learned from unstructured data over the same languages. Indeed, it is the languages and the preference for compact representations in those languages that provide structure to the world, uncovering objects, relations, and causes

    Optimizing exploration parameter in dueling deep Q-networks for complex gaming environment

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    Reinforcement Learning is being used to solve various tasks. A Complex Environment is a recent problem at hand for Reinforcement Learning, which employs an Agent who interacts with the surroundings and learns to solve whatever task has to be done. To solve a Complex Environment efficiently using a Reinforcement Learning Agent, a lot of parameters are to be kept in perspective. Every action that the Agent takes has a consequence in the form of a Reward Function. Based on the value of this Reward Function, our Agent develops a Policy to solve the Environment. The Policy is generally developed to maximize the Reward Functions. The Optimal Policy employs an Exploration Strategy which is used by the Agent. Reinforcement Learning Architectures are relying on the Policy and Exploration Strategy of the Agent to solve the Environment efficiently. This research is based upon two parts. Firstly, the optimization of a Deep Reinforcement Learning Architecture ā€œDueling Deep Q-Networkā€ is conducted by improving its Exploration strategy. It combines a recent and novel Exploration technique, Curiosity Driven Intrinsic Motivation, with the Dueling DQN. The performance of this Curious Dueling DQN is checked by comparing it with the existing Dueling DQN. Secondly, the performance of the Curious Dueling DQN is validated against Noisy Dueling DQN, a combination of Dueling DQN with another recent exploration strategy called Noisy Nets, hence, finding an optimal exploration strategy. The performance of both solutions is evaluated in the environment of Super Mario Bros based on Mean Score and Estimation Loss. The proposed model improves the Mean Score by 3 folds, while the loss is increased by 28%

    Efficient instance and hypothesis space revision in Meta-Interpretive Learning

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    Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) is a form of Machine Learning. The goal of ILP is to induce hypotheses, as logic programs, that generalise training examples. ILP is characterised by a high expressivity, generalisation ability and interpretability. Meta-Interpretive Learning (MIL) is a state-of-the-art sub-field of ILP. However, current MIL approaches have limited efficiency: the sample and learning complexity respectively are polynomial and exponential in the number of clauses. My thesis is that improvements over the sample and learning complexity can be achieved in MIL through instance and hypothesis space revision. Specifically, we investigate 1) methods that revise the instance space, 2) methods that revise the hypothesis space and 3) methods that revise both the instance and the hypothesis spaces for achieving more efficient MIL. First, we introduce a method for building training sets with active learning in Bayesian MIL. Instances are selected maximising the entropy. We demonstrate this method can reduce the sample complexity and supports efficient learning of agent strategies. Second, we introduce a new method for revising the MIL hypothesis space with predicate invention. Our method generates predicates bottom-up from the background knowledge related to the training examples. We demonstrate this method is complete and can reduce the learning and sample complexity. Finally, we introduce a new MIL system called MIGO for learning optimal two-player game strategies. MIGO learns from playing: its training sets are built from the sequence of actions it chooses. Moreover, MIGO revises its hypothesis space with Dependent Learning: it first solves simpler tasks and can reuse any learned solution for solving more complex tasks. We demonstrate MIGO significantly outperforms both classical and deep reinforcement learning. The methods presented in this thesis open exciting perspectives for efficiently learning theories with MIL in a wide range of applications including robotics, modelling of agent strategies and game playing.Open Acces
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