188,446 research outputs found

    User Defined Types and Nested Tables in Object Relational Databases

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    Bernadette Byrne, Mary Garvey, ‘User Defined Types and Nested Tables in Object Relational Databases’, paper presented at the United Kingdom Academy for Information Systems 2006: Putting Theory into Practice, Cheltenham, UK, 5-7 June, 2006.There has been much research and work into incorporating objects into databases with a number of object databases being developed in the 1980s and 1990s. During the 1990s the concept of object relational databases became popular, with object extensions to the relational model. As a result, several relational databases have added such extensions. There has been little in the way of formal evaluation of object relational extensions to commercial database systems. In this work an airline flight logging system, a real-world database application, was taken and a database developed using a regular relational database and again using object relational extensions, allowing the evaluation of the relational extensions.Peer reviewe

    Data Mining Using Relational Database Management Systems

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    Software packages providing a whole set of data mining and machine learning algorithms are attractive because they allow experimentation with many kinds of algorithms in an easy setup. However, these packages are often based on main-memory data structures, limiting the amount of data they can handle. In this paper we use a relational database as secondary storage in order to eliminate this limitation. Unlike existing approaches, which often focus on optimizing a single algorithm to work with a database backend, we propose a general approach, which provides a database interface for several algorithms at once. We have taken a popular machine learning software package, Weka, and added a relational storage manager as back-tier to the system. The extension is transparent to the algorithms implemented in Weka, since it is hidden behind Weka’s standard main-memory data structure interface. Furthermore, some general mining tasks are transfered into the database system to speed up execution. We tested the extended system, refered to as WekaDB, and our results show that it achieves a much higher scalability than Weka, while providing the same output and maintaining good computation time


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    Object Relational Mapping is a programming technique used by software developers to convert data between incompatible systems. This technique is used in object-oriented programming languages, hence the “Object” in Object Relational Mapping. Often times we see ORM systems being used by developers when interacting with relational database management systems. ORM is about creating classes that mimic the tables in the database but in a more business oriented manner rather than the normalized form used by the RDBMS.ORM, object, relational, mapping, class, business model, normalization, primary key, foreign key, methods, properties