7 research outputs found

    The equational theory of the natural join and inner union is decidable

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    The natural join and the inner union operations combine relations of a database. Tropashko and Spight [24] realized that these two operations are the meet and join operations in a class of lattices, known by now as the relational lattices. They proposed then lattice theory as an algebraic approach to the theory of databases, alternative to the relational algebra. Previous works [17, 22] proved that the quasiequational theory of these lattices-that is, the set of definite Horn sentences valid in all the relational lattices-is undecidable, even when the signature is restricted to the pure lattice signature. We prove here that the equational theory of relational lattices is decidable. That, is we provide an algorithm to decide if two lattice theoretic terms t, s are made equal under all intepretations in some relational lattice. We achieve this goal by showing that if an inclusion t ≤\le s fails in any of these lattices, then it fails in a relational lattice whose size is bound by a triple exponential function of the sizes of t and s.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1607.0298

    Relational lattices via duality

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    The natural join and the inner union combine in different ways tables of a relational database. Tropashko [18] observed that these two operations are the meet and join in a class of lattices-called the relational lattices- and proposed lattice theory as an alternative algebraic approach to databases. Aiming at query optimization, Litak et al. [12] initiated the study of the equational theory of these lattices. We carry on with this project, making use of the duality theory developed in [16]. The contributions of this paper are as follows. Let A be a set of column's names and D be a set of cell values; we characterize the dual space of the relational lattice R(D, A) by means of a generalized ultrametric space, whose elements are the functions from A to D, with the P (A)-valued distance being the Hamming one but lifted to subsets of A. We use the dual space to present an equational axiomatization of these lattices that reflects the combinatorial properties of these generalized ultrametric spaces: symmetry and pairwise completeness. Finally, we argue that these equations correspond to combinatorial properties of the dual spaces of lattices, in a technical sense analogous of correspondence theory in modal logic. In particular, this leads to an exact characterization of the finite lattices satisfying these equations.Comment: Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science 2016, Apr 2016, Eindhoven, Netherland

    Relational lattices: from databases to Universal Algebra

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    Relational lattices are obtained by interpreting lattice connectives as natural join and inner union between database relations. Our study of their equational theory reveals that the variety generated by relational lattices has not been discussed in the existing literature. Furthermore, we show that addition of just the header constant to the lattice signature leads to undecidability of the quasiequational theory. Nevertheless, we also demonstrate that relational lattices are not as intangible as one may fear: for example, they do form a pseudoelementary class. We also apply the tools of Formal Concept Analysis and investigate the structure of relational lattices via their standard contexts. Furthermore, we show that the addition of typing rules and singleton constants allows a direct comparison with the monotonic relational expressions of Sagiv and Yannakakis