6 research outputs found

    Relation-Changing Logics as Fragments of Hybrid Logics

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    Relation-changing modal logics are extensions of the basic modal logic that allow changes to the accessibility relation of a model during the evaluation of a formula. In particular, they are equipped with dynamic modalities that are able to delete, add, and swap edges in the model, both locally and globally. We provide translations from these logics to hybrid logic along with an implementation. In general, these logics are undecidable, but we use our translations to identify decidable fragments. We also compare the expressive power of relation-changing modal logics with hybrid logics.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2016, arXiv:1609.0364

    To Be Announced

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    In this survey we review dynamic epistemic logics with modalities for quantification over information change. Of such logics we present complete axiomatizations, focussing on axioms involving the interaction between knowledge and such quantifiers, we report on their relative expressivity, on decidability and on the complexity of model checking and satisfiability, and on applications. We focus on open problems and new directions for research

    Verificación de lógicas modales dinámicas en Coq

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    Tesis (Lic. en Ciencias de la Computación)--Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación, 2019.Los lenguajes modales son lenguajes adecuados para describir propiedades de grafos dirigidos con nodos etiquetados. Estas estructuras aparecen en una gran variedad de problemas de diversas áreas del conocimiento. Como consecuencia de esto, existe una gran variedad de lógicas modales. En la práctica cada vez que se define una nueva lógica modal, muchos teoremas deben ser demostrados y revisados nuevamente para esta nueva lógica. Este proceso, además de resultar tedioso, es propenso a errores. Afortunadamente, la tarea de realizar demostraciones complejas ha comenzado cada vez más a ser asistida por herramientas computacionales. En este trabajo, formalizamos y verificamos en el asistente de demostraciones Coq un teorema de invarianza bajo bisimulación de ciertas lógicas modales con operadores dinámicos capaces de modificar la relación de accesibilidad.Modal languages are adequate languages to describe properties of labelled directed graphs. These structures appear in a wide variety of problems from different areas of knowledge. As a consequence, there exist a great number of modal logics. In practice, every time a new modal logic is defined, many theorems must be proved and peer-reviewed again for this new logic. This process, besides being tedious, is error-prone. Fortunately, the task of writing complex proofs has increasingly begun to be assisted by computational tools. In this work, we formalize and verify an invariance under bisimulation result in the proof assistant Coq for a particular family of dynamic modal logics that change the accessibility relation of a model.Fil: Trucco, Francisco Carlos. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación; Argentina