10,750 research outputs found

    Deep Learning for LiDAR Point Clouds in Autonomous Driving: A Review

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    Recently, the advancement of deep learning in discriminative feature learning from 3D LiDAR data has led to rapid development in the field of autonomous driving. However, automated processing uneven, unstructured, noisy, and massive 3D point clouds is a challenging and tedious task. In this paper, we provide a systematic review of existing compelling deep learning architectures applied in LiDAR point clouds, detailing for specific tasks in autonomous driving such as segmentation, detection, and classification. Although several published research papers focus on specific topics in computer vision for autonomous vehicles, to date, no general survey on deep learning applied in LiDAR point clouds for autonomous vehicles exists. Thus, the goal of this paper is to narrow the gap in this topic. More than 140 key contributions in the recent five years are summarized in this survey, including the milestone 3D deep architectures, the remarkable deep learning applications in 3D semantic segmentation, object detection, and classification; specific datasets, evaluation metrics, and the state of the art performance. Finally, we conclude the remaining challenges and future researches.Comment: 21 pages, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning System

    Modeling Local Geometric Structure of 3D Point Clouds using Geo-CNN

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    Recent advances in deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have motivated researchers to adapt CNNs to directly model points in 3D point clouds. Modeling local structure has been proven to be important for the success of convolutional architectures, and researchers exploited the modeling of local point sets in the feature extraction hierarchy. However, limited attention has been paid to explicitly model the geometric structure amongst points in a local region. To address this problem, we propose Geo-CNN, which applies a generic convolution-like operation dubbed as GeoConv to each point and its local neighborhood. Local geometric relationships among points are captured when extracting edge features between the center and its neighboring points. We first decompose the edge feature extraction process onto three orthogonal bases, and then aggregate the extracted features based on the angles between the edge vector and the bases. This encourages the network to preserve the geometric structure in Euclidean space throughout the feature extraction hierarchy. GeoConv is a generic and efficient operation that can be easily integrated into 3D point cloud analysis pipelines for multiple applications. We evaluate Geo-CNN on ModelNet40 and KITTI and achieve state-of-the-art performance

    A state of the art of urban reconstruction: street, street network, vegetation, urban feature

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    World population is raising, especially the part of people living in cities. With increased population and complex roles regarding their inhabitants and their surroundings, cities concentrate difficulties for design, planning and analysis. These tasks require a way to reconstruct/model a city. Traditionally, much attention has been given to buildings reconstruction, yet an essential part of city were neglected: streets. Streets reconstruction has been seldom researched. Streets are also complex compositions of urban features, and have a unique role for transportation (as they comprise roads). We aim at completing the recent state of the art for building reconstruction (Musialski2012) by considering all other aspect of urban reconstruction. We introduce the need for city models. Because reconstruction always necessitates data, we first analyse which data are available. We then expose a state of the art of street reconstruction, street network reconstruction, urban features reconstruction/modelling, vegetation , and urban objects reconstruction/modelling. Although reconstruction strategies vary widely, we can order them by the role the model plays, from data driven approach, to model-based approach, to inverse procedural modelling and model catalogue matching. The main challenges seems to come from the complex nature of urban environment and from the limitations of the available data. Urban features have strong relationships, between them, and to their surrounding, as well as in hierarchical relations. Procedural modelling has the power to express these relations, and could be applied to the reconstruction of urban features via the Inverse Procedural Modelling paradigm.Comment: Extracted from PhD (chap1

    PnPNet: End-to-End Perception and Prediction with Tracking in the Loop

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    We tackle the problem of joint perception and motion forecasting in the context of self-driving vehicles. Towards this goal we propose PnPNet, an end-to-end model that takes as input sequential sensor data, and outputs at each time step object tracks and their future trajectories. The key component is a novel tracking module that generates object tracks online from detections and exploits trajectory level features for motion forecasting. Specifically, the object tracks get updated at each time step by solving both the data association problem and the trajectory estimation problem. Importantly, the whole model is end-to-end trainable and benefits from joint optimization of all tasks. We validate PnPNet on two large-scale driving datasets, and show significant improvements over the state-of-the-art with better occlusion recovery and more accurate future prediction.Comment: CVPR202

    RandLA-Net: Efficient Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale Point Clouds

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    We study the problem of efficient semantic segmentation for large-scale 3D point clouds. By relying on expensive sampling techniques or computationally heavy pre/post-processing steps, most existing approaches are only able to be trained and operate over small-scale point clouds. In this paper, we introduce RandLA-Net, an efficient and lightweight neural architecture to directly infer per-point semantics for large-scale point clouds. The key to our approach is to use random point sampling instead of more complex point selection approaches. Although remarkably computation and memory efficient, random sampling can discard key features by chance. To overcome this, we introduce a novel local feature aggregation module to progressively increase the receptive field for each 3D point, thereby effectively preserving geometric details. Extensive experiments show that our RandLA-Net can process 1 million points in a single pass with up to 200X faster than existing approaches. Moreover, our RandLA-Net clearly surpasses state-of-the-art approaches for semantic segmentation on two large-scale benchmarks Semantic3D and SemanticKITTI.Comment: CVPR 2020 Oral. Code and data are available at: https://github.com/QingyongHu/RandLA-Ne

    Holistic Parameteric Reconstruction of Building Models from Point Clouds

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    Building models are conventionally reconstructed by building roof points planar segmentation and then using a topology graph to group the planes together. Roof edges and vertices are then mathematically represented by intersecting segmented planes. Technically, such solution is based on sequential local fitting, i.e., the entire data of one building are not simultaneously participating in determining the building model. As a consequence, the solution is lack of topological integrity and geometric rigor. Fundamentally different from this traditional approach, we propose a holistic parametric reconstruction method which means taking into consideration the entire point clouds of one building simultaneously. In our work, building models are reconstructed from predefined parametric (roof) primitives. We first use a well-designed deep neural network to segment and identify primitives in the given building point clouds. A holistic optimization strategy is then introduced to simultaneously determine the parameters of a segmented primitive. In the last step, the optimal parameters are used to generate a watertight building model in CityGML format. The airborne LiDAR dataset RoofN3D with predefined roof types is used for our test. It is shown that PointNet++ applied to the entire dataset can achieve an accuracy of 83% for primitive classification. For a subset of 910 buildings in RoofN3D, the holistic approach is then used to determine the parameters of primitives and reconstruct the buildings. The achieved overall quality of reconstruction is 0.08 meters for point-surface-distance or 0.7 times RMSE of the input LiDAR points. The study demonstrates the efficiency and capability of the proposed approach and its potential to handle large scale urban point clouds

    Parsing Geometry Using Structure-Aware Shape Templates

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    Real-life man-made objects often exhibit strong and easily-identifiable structure, as a direct result of their design or their intended functionality. Structure typically appears in the form of individual parts and their arrangement. Knowing about object structure can be an important cue for object recognition and scene understanding - a key goal for various AR and robotics applications. However, commodity RGB-D sensors used in these scenarios only produce raw, unorganized point clouds, without structural information about the captured scene. Moreover, the generated data is commonly partial and susceptible to artifacts and noise, which makes inferring the structure of scanned objects challenging. In this paper, we organize large shape collections into parameterized shape templates to capture the underlying structure of the objects. The templates allow us to transfer the structural information onto new objects and incomplete scans. We employ a deep neural network that matches the partial scan with one of the shape templates, then match and fit it to complete and detailed models from the collection. This allows us to faithfully label its parts and to guide the reconstruction of the scanned object. We showcase the effectiveness of our method by comparing it to other state-of-the-art approaches

    ConvPoint: Continuous Convolutions for Point Cloud Processing

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    Point clouds are unstructured and unordered data, as opposed to images. Thus, most machine learning approach developed for image cannot be directly transferred to point clouds. In this paper, we propose a generalization of discrete convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in order to deal with point clouds by replacing discrete kernels by continuous ones. This formulation is simple, allows arbitrary point cloud sizes and can easily be used for designing neural networks similarly to 2D CNNs. We present experimental results with various architectures, highlighting the flexibility of the proposed approach. We obtain competitive results compared to the state-of-the-art on shape classification, part segmentation and semantic segmentation for large-scale point clouds.Comment: 12 page

    SeqLPD: Sequence Matching Enhanced Loop-Closure Detection Based on Large-Scale Point Cloud Description for Self-Driving Vehicles

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    Place recognition and loop-closure detection are main challenges in the localization, mapping and navigation tasks of self-driving vehicles. In this paper, we solve the loop-closure detection problem by incorporating the deep-learning based point cloud description method and the coarse-to-fine sequence matching strategy. More specifically, we propose a deep neural network to extract a global descriptor from the original large-scale 3D point cloud, then based on which, a typical place analysis approach is presented to investigate the feature space distribution of the global descriptors and select several super keyframes. Finally, a coarse-to-fine strategy, which includes a super keyframe based coarse matching stage and a local sequence matching stage, is presented to ensure the loop-closure detection accuracy and real-time performance simultaneously. Thanks to the sequence matching operation, the proposed approach obtains an improvement against the existing deep-learning based methods. Experiment results on a self-driving vehicle validate the effectiveness of the proposed loop-closure detection algorithm.Comment: This paper has been accepted by IROS-201

    Linked Dynamic Graph CNN: Learning on Point Cloud via Linking Hierarchical Features

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    Learning on point cloud is eagerly in demand because the point cloud is a common type of geometric data and can aid robots to understand environments robustly. However, the point cloud is sparse, unstructured, and unordered, which cannot be recognized accurately by a traditional convolutional neural network (CNN) nor a recurrent neural network (RNN). Fortunately, a graph convolutional neural network (Graph CNN) can process sparse and unordered data. Hence, we propose a linked dynamic graph CNN (LDGCNN) to classify and segment point cloud directly in this paper. We remove the transformation network, link hierarchical features from dynamic graphs, freeze feature extractor, and retrain the classifier to increase the performance of LDGCNN. We explain our network using theoretical analysis and visualization. Through experiments, we show that the proposed LDGCNN achieves state-of-art performance on two standard datasets: ModelNet40 and ShapeNet