6 research outputs found

    Finding Your (3D) Center: 3D Object Detection Using a Learned Loss

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    Massive semantically labeled datasets are readily available for 2D images, however, are much harder to achieve for 3D scenes. Objects in 3D repositories like ShapeNet are labeled, but regrettably only in isolation, so without context. 3D scenes can be acquired by range scanners on city-level scale, but much fewer with semantic labels. Addressing this disparity, we introduce a new optimization procedure, which allows training for 3D detection with raw 3D scans while using as little as 5% of the object labels and still achieve comparable performance. Our optimization uses two networks. A scene network maps an entire 3D scene to a set of 3D object centers. As we assume the scene not to be labeled by centers, no classic loss, such as Chamfer can be used to train it. Instead, we use another network to emulate the loss. This loss network is trained on a small labeled subset and maps a non centered 3D object in the presence of distractions to its own center. This function is very similar - and hence can be used instead of - the gradient the supervised loss would provide. Our evaluation documents competitive fidelity at a much lower level of supervision, respectively higher quality at comparable supervision. Supplementary material can be found at: https://dgriffiths3.github.io.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, Accepted ECCV 202

    Dual Discriminator Adversarial Distillation for Data-free Model Compression

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    Knowledge distillation has been widely used to produce portable and efficient neural networks which can be well applied on edge devices for computer vision tasks. However, almost all top-performing knowledge distillation methods need to access the original training data, which usually has a huge size and is often unavailable. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel data-free approach in this paper, named Dual Discriminator Adversarial Distillation (DDAD) to distill a neural network without any training data or meta-data. To be specific, we use a generator to create samples through dual discriminator adversarial distillation, which mimics the original training data. The generator not only uses the pre-trained teacher's intrinsic statistics in existing batch normalization layers but also obtains the maximum discrepancy from the student model. Then the generated samples are used to train the compact student network under the supervision of the teacher. The proposed method obtains an efficient student network which closely approximates its teacher network, despite using no original training data. Extensive experiments are conducted to to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and Caltech101 datasets for classification tasks. Moreover, we extend our method to semantic segmentation tasks on several public datasets such as CamVid and NYUv2. All experiments show that our method outperforms all baselines for data-free knowledge distillation

    3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving: A Survey

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    Autonomous driving is regarded as one of the most promising remedies to shield human beings from severe crashes. To this end, 3D object detection serves as the core basis of such perception system especially for the sake of path planning, motion prediction, collision avoidance, etc. Generally, stereo or monocular images with corresponding 3D point clouds are already standard layout for 3D object detection, out of which point clouds are increasingly prevalent with accurate depth information being provided. Despite existing efforts, 3D object detection on point clouds is still in its infancy due to high sparseness and irregularity of point clouds by nature, misalignment view between camera view and LiDAR bird's eye of view for modality synergies, occlusions and scale variations at long distances, etc. Recently, profound progress has been made in 3D object detection, with a large body of literature being investigated to address this vision task. As such, we present a comprehensive review of the latest progress in this field covering all the main topics including sensors, fundamentals, and the recent state-of-the-art detection methods with their pros and cons. Furthermore, we introduce metrics and provide quantitative comparisons on popular public datasets. The avenues for future work are going to be judiciously identified after an in-deep analysis of the surveyed works. Finally, we conclude this paper.Comment: 3D object detection, Autonomous driving, Point cloud

    Advances in Data-Driven Analysis and Synthesis of 3D Indoor Scenes

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    This report surveys advances in deep learning-based modeling techniques that address four different 3D indoor scene analysis tasks, as well as synthesis of 3D indoor scenes. We describe different kinds of representations for indoor scenes, various indoor scene datasets available for research in the aforementioned areas, and discuss notable works employing machine learning models for such scene modeling tasks based on these representations. Specifically, we focus on the analysis and synthesis of 3D indoor scenes. With respect to analysis, we focus on four basic scene understanding tasks -- 3D object detection, 3D scene segmentation, 3D scene reconstruction and 3D scene similarity. And for synthesis, we mainly discuss neural scene synthesis works, though also highlighting model-driven methods that allow for human-centric, progressive scene synthesis. We identify the challenges involved in modeling scenes for these tasks and the kind of machinery that needs to be developed to adapt to the data representation, and the task setting in general. For each of these tasks, we provide a comprehensive summary of the state-of-the-art works across different axes such as the choice of data representation, backbone, evaluation metric, input, output, etc., providing an organized review of the literature. Towards the end, we discuss some interesting research directions that have the potential to make a direct impact on the way users interact and engage with these virtual scene models, making them an integral part of the metaverse.Comment: Published in Computer Graphics Forum, Aug 202