7,281 research outputs found

    Recognition of Emotions in Czech Newspaper Headlines

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    With the growth of internet community, many different text-based documents are produced. Emotion detection and classification in text becomes very important in human-machine interaction or in human-to-human internet communication with this growth. This article refers to this issue in Czech texts. Headlines were extracted from Czech newspapers and Fear, Joy, Anger, Disgust, Sadness, and Surprise emotions are detected. In this work, several algorithms for learning were assessed and compared according to their accuracy of emotion detection and classification of news headlines. The best results were achieved using the SVM (Support Vector Machine) method with a linear kernel, where the presence of the dominant emotion or emotions was analyzed. For individual emotions the following results were obtained: Anger was detected in 87.3 %, Disgust 95.01%, Fear 81.32 %, Joy 71.6 %, Sadness 75.4 %, and Surprise 71.09 %

    Thai Multi-Document Summarization: Unit Segmentation, Unit-Graph Formulation, and Unit Selection

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    There have been several challenges in summarization of Thai multiple documents since Thai language itself lacks of explicit word/phrase/sentence boundaries. This paper gives definition of Thai Elementary Discourse Unit (TEDU) and then presents our three-stage summarization process. Towards implementation of this process, we propose unit segmentation using TEDUs and their derivatives, unit-graph formation using iterative unit weighting and cosine similarity, and unit selection using highest-weight priority, redundancy removal, and post-selection weight recalculation. To examine performance of the proposed methods, a number of experiments are conducted using fifty sets of Thai news articles with their manually constructed reference summary. By three common evaluation measures of ROUGE-1, ROUGE-2, and ROUGE-SU4, the results evidence that (1) our TEDU-based summarization outperforms paragraph-based summarization, (2) our iterative weighting is superior to traditional TF-IDF, (3) the highest-weight priority without centroid preference and unit redundancy consideration helps improving summary quality, and (4) post-selection weight recalculation tends to raise summarization performance under some certain circumstances

    Satellite Workshop On Language, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science for Natural Language Processing Applications (LAICS-NLP): Discovery of Meaning from Text

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    This paper proposes a novel method to disambiguate important words from a collection of documents. The hypothesis that underlies this approach is that there is a minimal set of senses that are significant in characterizing a context. We extend Yarowsky’s one sense per discourse [13] further to a collection of related documents rather than a single document. We perform distributed clustering on a set of features representing each of the top ten categories of documents in the Reuters-21578 dataset. Groups of terms that have a similar term distributional pattern across documents were identified. WordNet-based similarity measurement was then computed for terms within each cluster. An aggregation of the associations in WordNet that was employed to ascertain term similarity within clusters has provided a means of identifying clusters’ root senses

    Combating Fake News on Social Media: A Framework, Review, and Future Opportunities

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    Social media platforms facilitate the sharing of a vast magnitude of information in split seconds among users. However, some false information is also widely spread, generally referred to as “fake news”. This can have major negative impacts on individuals and societies. Unfortunately, people are often not able to correctly identify fake news from truth. Therefore, there is an urgent need to find effective mechanisms to fight fake news on social media. To this end, this paper adapts the Straub Model of Security Action Cycle to the context of combating fake news on social media. It uses the adapted framework to classify the vast literature on fake news to action cycle phases (i.e., deterrence, prevention, detection, and mitigation/remedy). Based on a systematic and inter-disciplinary review of the relevant literature, we analyze the status and challenges in each stage of combating fake news, followed by introducing future research directions. These efforts allow the development of a holistic view of the research frontier on fighting fake news online. We conclude that this is a multidisciplinary issue; and as such, a collaborative effort from different fields is needed to effectively address this problem

    Fifth annual conference on Alaskan placer mining

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    An abridged format of papers, presentations and addresses given during the 1983 conference held on March 30-31, 1983 compiled and edited by Bruce W. Campbell, Jim Madonna, and M. Susan Husted.Partial funding was provided by the Carl G. Parker Memorial Publishing Fund, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, and the Mining and Mineral Resources Research Institute, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines

    Protecting Labour Rights Within the Global Supply Chain Through Trade Agreements While Avoiding Protectionism

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    Severe human rights abuses have been associated with globalisation. This paper explores the link between the aforementioned with a focus on some of the most severe impacts on workers within global supply chains – predominantly focusing on child labour and forced labour – and how trade agreements could help to lessen the blow, while at the same time avoiding protectionism. There will be a focus on impacted workers in supply chains, particularly within the extractive industry. The introduction will provide context, describe the problem and its significance, and suggest what can potentially be done about it, before background is given in order to set the scene. Next, severe labour rights abuses within the global supply chain – in areas such as mining, agriculture, and fishery – will be analysed. Labour provisions currently within trade agreements will then be presented before the existing relevant legal framework (both international and domestic) as well as initiatives and their potential inclusion within trade agreements – in order to protect some of the most fundamental labour rights – is examined. This will be followed by a conclusion
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