800,537 research outputs found

    Case-Based Reasoning as a Heuristic Selector in a Hyper-Heuristic for Course Timetabling Problems

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    This paper studies Knowledge Discovery (KD) using Tabu Search and Hill Climbing within Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) as a hyper-heuristic method for course timetabling problems. The aim of the hyper-heuristic is to choose the best heuristic(s) for given timetabling problems according to the knowledge stored in the case base. KD in CBR is a 2-stage iterative process on both case representation and the case base. Experimental results are analysed and related research issues for future work are discussed

    How to solve it by knowledge mining

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    Frequently we become amazed with the increasing number of problems to be solved that fiourish while facing daily activities. Often, related to these problems we llave also an incredible amount oí data. Since we cannot allways afford time and resources to sol ve them, we keep on gathering and storing data in large databases, widening the gap between raw and interpreted data. At this point we should refiect about Polya's maxima "A great discovery solves a great problem" and realize that databases encompass the knowledge necessary for guiding the decision making process. The question that remains is how to organize and explore this knowledge. This paper presents sorne approaches to knowledge discovery in databases íound in the literature, analyzing issues in classifying and clustering large data sets.Eje: 2do. Workshop sobre aspectos teóricos de la inteligencia artificialRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Data-Driven Theory Refinement Algorithms for Bioinformatics

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    Bioinformatics and related applications call for efficient algorithms for knowledge intensive learning and data driven knowledge refinement. Knowledge based artificial neural networks offer an attractive approach to extending or modifying incomplete knowledge bases or domain theories. We present results of experiments with several such algorithms for data driven knowledge discovery and theory refinement in some simple bioinformatics applications. Results of experiments on the ribosome binding site and promoter site identification problems indicate that the performance of KBDistAl and Tiling Pyramid algorithms compares quite favorably with those of substantially more computationally demanding techniques

    Knowledge Discovery in the SCADA Databases Used for the Municipal Power Supply System

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    This scientific paper delves into the problems related to the develop-ment of intellectual data analysis system that could support decision making to manage municipal power supply services. The management problems of mu-nicipal power supply system have been specified taking into consideration modern tendencies shown by new technologies that allow for an increase in the energy efficiency. The analysis findings of the system problems related to the integrated computer-aided control of the power supply for the city have been given. The consideration was given to the hierarchy-level management decom-position model. The objective task targeted at an increase in the energy effi-ciency to minimize expenditures and energy losses during the generation and transportation of energy carriers to the Consumer, the optimization of power consumption at the prescribed level of the reliability of pipelines and networks and the satisfaction of Consumers has been defined. To optimize the support of the decision making a new approach to the monitoring of engineering systems and technological processes related to the energy consumption and transporta-tion using the technologies of geospatial analysis and Knowledge Discovery in databases (KDD) has been proposed. The data acquisition for analytical prob-lems is realized in the wireless heterogeneous medium, which includes soft-touch VPN segments of ZigBee technology realizing the 6LoWPAN standard over the IEEE 802.15.4 standard and also the segments of the networks of cellu-lar communications. JBoss Application Server is used as a server-based plat-form for the operation of the tools used for the retrieval of data collected from sensor nodes, PLC and energy consumption record devices. The KDD tools are developed using Java Enterprise Edition platform and Spring and ORM Hiber-nate technologies