11 research outputs found

    Decentralized planning for self-adaptation in multi-cloud environment

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    The runtime management of Internet of Things (IoT) oriented applications deployed in multi-clouds is a complex issue due to the highly heterogeneous and dynamic execution environment. To effectively cope with such an environment, the cross-layer and multi-cloud effects should be taken into account and a decentralized self-adaptation is a promising solution to maintain and evolve the applications for quality assurance. An important issue to be tackled towards realizing this solution is the uncertainty effect of the adaptation, which may cause negative impact to the other layers or even clouds. In this paper, we tackle such an issue from the planning perspective, since an inappropriate planning strategy can fail the adaptation outcome. Therefore, we present an architectural model for decentralized self-adaptation to support the cross-layer and multi-cloud environment. We also propose a planning model and method to enable the decentralized decision making. The planning is formulated as a Reinforcement Learning problem and solved using the Q-learning algorithm. Through simulation experiments, we conduct a study to assess the effectiveness and sensitivity of the proposed planning approach. The results show that our approach can potentially reduce the negative impact on the cross-layer and multi-cloud environment

    A Deep Recurrent Q Network Towards Self-adapting Distributed Microservices Architecture (in press)

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    One desired aspect of microservices architecture is the ability to self-adapt its own architecture and behaviour in response to changes in the operational environment. To achieve the desired high levels of self-adaptability, this research implements the distributed microservices architectures model, as informed by the MAPE-K model. The proposed architecture employs a multi adaptation agents supported by a centralised controller, that can observe the environment and execute a suitable adaptation action. The adaptation planning is managed by a deep recurrent Q-network (DRQN). It is argued that such integration between DRQN and MDP agents in a MAPE-K model offers distributed microservice architecture with self-adaptability and high levels of availability and scalability. Integrating DRQN into the adaptation process improves the effectiveness of the adaptation and reduces any adaptation risks, including resources over-provisioning and thrashing. The performance of DRQN is evaluated against deep Q-learning and policy gradient algorithms including: i) deep q-network (DQN), ii) dulling deep Q-network (DDQN), iii) a policy gradient neural network (PGNN), and iv) deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG). The DRQN implementation in this paper manages to outperform the above mentioned algorithms in terms of total reward, less adaptation time, lower error rates, plus faster convergence and training times. We strongly believe that DRQN is more suitable for driving the adaptation in distributed services-oriented architecture and offers better performance than other dynamic decision-making algorithms

    Efficient Utility-Driven Self-Healing Employing Adaptation Rules for Large Dynamic Architectures

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    Self-adaptation can be realized in various ways. Rule-based approaches prescribe the adaptation to be executed if the system or environment satisfy certain conditions and result in scalable solutions, however, with often only satisfying adaptation decisions. In contrast, utility-driven approaches determine optimal adaptation decisions by using an often costly optimization step, which typically does not scale well for larger problems. We propose a rule-based and utility-driven approach that achieves the beneficial properties of each of these directions such that the adaptation decisions are optimal while the computation remains scalable since an expensive optimization step can be avoided. The approach can be used for the architecture-based self-healing of large software systems. We define the utility for large dynamic architectures of such systems based on patterns capturing issues the self-healing must address and we use patternbased adaptation rules to resolve the issues. Defining the utility as well as the adaptation rules pattern-based allows us to compute the impact of each rule application on the overall utility and to realize an incremental and efficient utility-driven self-healing. We demonstrate the efficiency and optimality of our scheme in comparative experiments with a static rule-based scheme as a baseline and a utility-driven approach using a constraint solver

    Self-Adaptive Trust Based ABR Protocol for MANETs Using Q

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    Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are a collection of mobile nodes with a dynamic topology. MANETs work under scalable conditions for many applications and pose different security challenges. Due to the nomadic nature of nodes, detecting misbehaviour is a complex problem. Nodes also share routing information among the neighbours in order to find the route to the destination. This requires nodes to trust each other. Thus we can state that trust is a key concept in secure routing mechanisms. A number of cryptographic protection techniques based on trust have been proposed. Q-learning is a recently used technique, to achieve adaptive trust in MANETs. In comparison to other machine learning computational intelligence techniques, Q-learning achieves optimal results. Our work focuses on computing a score using Q-learning to weigh the trust of a particular node over associativity based routing (ABR) protocol. Thus secure and stable route is calculated as a weighted average of the trust value of the nodes in the route and associativity ticks ensure the stability of the route. Simulation results show that Q-learning based trust ABR protocol improves packet delivery ratio by 27% and reduces the route selection time by 40% over ABR protocol without trust calculation

    Feature-Model-Guided Online Learning for Self-Adaptive Systems

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    A self-adaptive system can modify its own structure and behavior at runtime based on its perception of the environment, of itself and of its requirements. To develop a self-adaptive system, software developers codify knowledge about the system and its environment, as well as how adaptation actions impact on the system. However, the codified knowledge may be insufficient due to design time uncertainty, and thus a self-adaptive system may execute adaptation actions that do not have the desired effect. Online learning is an emerging approach to address design time uncertainty by employing machine learning at runtime. Online learning accumulates knowledge at runtime by, for instance, exploring not-yet executed adaptation actions. We address two specific problems with respect to online learning for self-adaptive systems. First, the number of possible adaptation actions can be very large. Existing online learning techniques randomly explore the possible adaptation actions, but this can lead to slow convergence of the learning process. Second, the possible adaptation actions can change as a result of system evolution. Existing online learning techniques are unaware of these changes and thus do not explore new adaptation actions, but explore adaptation actions that are no longer valid. We propose using feature models to give structure to the set of adaptation actions and thereby guide the exploration process during online learning. Experimental results involving four real-world systems suggest that considering the hierarchical structure of feature models may speed up convergence by 7.2% on average. Considering the differences between feature models before and after an evolution step may speed up convergence by 64.6% on average. [...

    A survey on engineering approaches for self-adaptive systems (extended version)

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    The complexity of information systems is increasing in recent years, leading to increased effort for maintenance and configuration. Self-adaptive systems (SASs) address this issue. Due to new computing trends, such as pervasive computing, miniaturization of IT leads to mobile devices with the emerging need for context adaptation. Therefore, it is beneficial that devices are able to adapt context. Hence, we propose to extend the definition of SASs and include context adaptation. This paper presents a taxonomy of self-adaptation and a survey on engineering SASs. Based on the taxonomy and the survey, we motivate a new perspective on SAS including context adaptation

    Теоретико-методичні засади проектування дизайн – макетів мультимедійних сайтів на основі нейронних мереж

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    Робота публікується згідно наказу ректора НАУ від 27.05.2021 р. №311/од "Про розміщення кваліфікаційних робіт здобувачів вищої освіти в репозиторії університету". Керівник кваліфікаційної роботи: доцент, к.тех.н., професор кафедри комп’ютерних мультимедійних технологій Мелешко Микола АндрійовичОднією з основних складових Інтернет-простору є веб-сайти, тому важливого значення набуває їх проектування, адже від цього залежить їх здатність задовольняти велику кількість певних людських потреб. Вбільшості аналіз ефективності сайту зводиться до розглядання лише однієї із двох його сторін: функціональної або естетичної. Це обумовлено типом мислення, який є домінуючим у людини, і тому залежно від переваги аналітичного або емоційно-образного типу мислення, людям притаманно наділяти більшою цінністю певну сторону, і частково нехтувати іншою. Але суперечка щодо того, яка зі сторін має більше значення є безпідставною і залишає по собі більш значиму проблему: на сьогодні бракує систематизованої інформації щодо закономірностей проектування ефективних веб-сайтів і особливостей взаємозв’язку основних складових веб-дизайну з огляду на нові вимоги у цій галузі. Актуальність поставленої проблеми зумовлена тим, що швидкий розвиток комп’ютерних технологій та мережі Інтернет призвів до зростання необхідності у комплексному аналізі художньо-комунікативних закономірностей, вимог та норм у проектуванні сучасних веб-сайтів

    Evaluating Mission-Critical Self-Adaptive Software Systems: A Testing-Based Approach

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    Self-adaptive software is a closed-loop system that tries to manage, direct, or regulate its own behavior dynamically. Such a system aims at providing an automated and systematic approach to handling the increasing complexity of operation management. Mission-critical systems (e.g., e-business and telecommunication systems) are usually large, complex, and distributed. These systems must preserve their Quality of Service (QoS) at runtime under highly dynamic and non-deterministic conditions; therefore, they are suitable candidates for being equipped with self-adaptive capabilities. Although significant efforts have been devoted to modeling, designing, developing and deploying self-adaptive software since a decade ago, there is still a lack of well-established concrete processes for evaluating such systems. This dissertation proposes a systematic evaluation process for mission-critical self-adaptive software systems. The process is a well-defined testing approach that needs a post-mortem analysis, takes the quantified QoS requirements as inputs, and comprises two main phases: i) conducting system-level testing, and ii) evaluating QoS requirements satisfaction. The process uses Service Level Agreements (SLAs) as quantified QoS requirements, and consequently as the adaptation requirements of mission-critical systems. Adaptation requirements are specific types of requirements used to engineer self-adaptive software. Moreover, for the first phase, the dissertation discusses the uniqueness and necessity of conducting system-level load and stress testing on a self-adaptive software system, for collecting runtime QoS data. In the second phase, the process makes use of utility functions to generate a single value indicating the QoS satisfaction of the evaluated system. The dissertation mainly focuses on evaluating the performance, availability and reliability characteristics of QoS. An open source service-oriented Voice over IP (VoIP) application was selected as a case study. The VoIP application was transformed into a self-adaptive software system with various types of adaptation mechanisms. A set of empirical experiments was performed on the developed self-adaptive VoIP application, and the proposed process was adopted for evaluating the effectiveness of different adaptation mechanisms. To this end, the dissertation defines a sample SLA for the VoIP application, presents a report on the load and stress testing performed on the self-adaptive VoIP application, and presents a set of utility functions for evaluation. The experiments illustrate the validity, reliability, flexibility, and cost of the proposed evaluation process. In sum, this dissertation introduces a novel evaluation process for mission-critical self-adaptive software systems, and shows that the proposed process can help researchers to systematically evaluate their self-adaptive systems