251 research outputs found

    Experimental results : Reinforcement Learning of POMDPs using Spectral Methods

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    We propose a new reinforcement learning algorithm for partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDP) based on spectral decomposition methods. While spectral methods have been previously employed for consistent learning of (passive) latent variable models such as hidden Markov models, POMDPs are more challenging since the learner interacts with the environment and possibly changes the future observations in the process. We devise a learning algorithm running through epochs, in each epoch we employ spectral techniques to learn the POMDP parameters from a trajectory generated by a fixed policy. At the end of the epoch, an optimization oracle returns the optimal memoryless planning policy which maximizes the expected reward based on the estimated POMDP model. We prove an order-optimal regret bound with respect to the optimal memoryless policy and efficient scaling with respect to the dimensionality of observation and action spaces.Comment: 30th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2016), Barcelona, Spai

    Reinforcement Learning in Rich-Observation MDPs using Spectral Methods

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) in Markov decision processes (MDPs) with large state spaces is a challenging problem. The performance of standard RL algorithms degrades drastically with the dimensionality of state space. However, in practice, these large MDPs typically incorporate a latent or hidden low-dimensional structure. In this paper, we study the setting of rich-observation Markov decision processes (ROMDP), where there are a small number of hidden states which possess an injective mapping to the observation states. In other words, every observation state is generated through a single hidden state, and this mapping is unknown a priori. We introduce a spectral decomposition method that consistently learns this mapping, and more importantly, achieves it with low regret. The estimated mapping is integrated into an optimistic RL algorithm (UCRL), which operates on the estimated hidden space. We derive finite-time regret bounds for our algorithm with a weak dependence on the dimensionality of the observed space. In fact, our algorithm asymptotically achieves the same average regret as the oracle UCRL algorithm, which has the knowledge of the mapping from hidden to observed spaces. Thus, we derive an efficient spectral RL algorithm for ROMDPs

    Future-Dependent Value-Based Off-Policy Evaluation in POMDPs

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    We study off-policy evaluation (OPE) for partially observable MDPs (POMDPs) with general function approximation. Existing methods such as sequential importance sampling estimators and fitted-Q evaluation suffer from the curse of horizon in POMDPs. To circumvent this problem, we develop a novel model-free OPE method by introducing future-dependent value functions that take future proxies as inputs. Future-dependent value functions play similar roles as classical value functions in fully-observable MDPs. We derive a new Bellman equation for future-dependent value functions as conditional moment equations that use history proxies as instrumental variables. We further propose a minimax learning method to learn future-dependent value functions using the new Bellman equation. We obtain the PAC result, which implies our OPE estimator is consistent as long as futures and histories contain sufficient information about latent states, and the Bellman completeness. Finally, we extend our methods to learning of dynamics and establish the connection between our approach and the well-known spectral learning methods in POMDPs.Comment: This paper was accepted in NeurIPS 202

    Future-dependent value-based off-policy evaluation in POMDPs

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    We study off-policy evaluation (OPE) for partially observable MDPs (POMDPs) with general function approximation. Existing methods such as sequential importance sampling estimators suffer from the curse of horizon in POMDPs. To circumvent this problem, we develop a novel model-free OPE method by introducing future-dependent value functions that take future proxies as inputs and perform a similar role to that of classical value functions in fully-observable MDPs. We derive a new off-policy Bellman equation for future-dependent value functions as conditional moment equations that use history proxies as instrumental variables. We further propose a minimax learning method to learn future-dependent value functions using the new Bellman equation. We obtain the PAC result, which implies our OPE estimator is close to the true policy value under Bellman completeness, as long as futures and histories contain sufficient information about latent states. Our code is available at https://github.com/aiueola/neurips2023-future-dependent-ope

    Smoothing Policies and Safe Policy Gradients

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    Policy gradient algorithms are among the best candidates for the much anticipated application of reinforcement learning to real-world control tasks, such as the ones arising in robotics. However, the trial-and-error nature of these methods introduces safety issues whenever the learning phase itself must be performed on a physical system. In this paper, we address a specific safety formulation, where danger is encoded in the reward signal and the learning agent is constrained to never worsen its performance. By studying actor-only policy gradient from a stochastic optimization perspective, we establish improvement guarantees for a wide class of parametric policies, generalizing existing results on Gaussian policies. This, together with novel upper bounds on the variance of policy gradient estimators, allows to identify those meta-parameter schedules that guarantee monotonic improvement with high probability. The two key meta-parameters are the step size of the parameter updates and the batch size of the gradient estimators. By a joint, adaptive selection of these meta-parameters, we obtain a safe policy gradient algorithm
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