564 research outputs found

    Time-Contrastive Networks: Self-Supervised Learning from Video

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    We propose a self-supervised approach for learning representations and robotic behaviors entirely from unlabeled videos recorded from multiple viewpoints, and study how this representation can be used in two robotic imitation settings: imitating object interactions from videos of humans, and imitating human poses. Imitation of human behavior requires a viewpoint-invariant representation that captures the relationships between end-effectors (hands or robot grippers) and the environment, object attributes, and body pose. We train our representations using a metric learning loss, where multiple simultaneous viewpoints of the same observation are attracted in the embedding space, while being repelled from temporal neighbors which are often visually similar but functionally different. In other words, the model simultaneously learns to recognize what is common between different-looking images, and what is different between similar-looking images. This signal causes our model to discover attributes that do not change across viewpoint, but do change across time, while ignoring nuisance variables such as occlusions, motion blur, lighting and background. We demonstrate that this representation can be used by a robot to directly mimic human poses without an explicit correspondence, and that it can be used as a reward function within a reinforcement learning algorithm. While representations are learned from an unlabeled collection of task-related videos, robot behaviors such as pouring are learned by watching a single 3rd-person demonstration by a human. Reward functions obtained by following the human demonstrations under the learned representation enable efficient reinforcement learning that is practical for real-world robotic systems. Video results, open-source code and dataset are available at https://sermanet.github.io/imitat

    DAVIS-Ag: A Synthetic Plant Dataset for Developing Domain-Inspired Active Vision in Agricultural Robots

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    In agricultural environments, viewpoint planning can be a critical functionality for a robot with visual sensors to obtain informative observations of objects of interest (e.g., fruits) from complex structures of plant with random occlusions. Although recent studies on active vision have shown some potential for agricultural tasks, each model has been designed and validated on a unique environment that would not easily be replicated for benchmarking novel methods being developed later. In this paper, hence, we introduce a dataset for more extensive research on Domain-inspired Active VISion in Agriculture (DAVIS-Ag). To be specific, we utilized our open-source "AgML" framework and the 3D plant simulator of "Helios" to produce 502K RGB images from 30K dense spatial locations in 632 realistically synthesized orchards of strawberries, tomatoes, and grapes. In addition, useful labels are provided for each image, including (1) bounding boxes and (2) pixel-wise instance segmentations for all identifiable fruits, and also (3) pointers to other images that are reachable by an execution of action so as to simulate the active selection of viewpoint at each time step. Using DAVIS-Ag, we show the motivating examples in which performance of fruit detection for the same plant can significantly vary depending on the position and orientation of camera view primarily due to occlusions by other components such as leaves. Furthermore, we develop several baseline models to showcase the "usage" of data with one of agricultural active vision tasks--fruit search optimization--providing evaluation results against which future studies could benchmark their methodologies. For encouraging relevant research, our dataset is released online to be freely available at: https://github.com/ctyeong/DAVIS-AgComment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 4 table

    Policy Learning with Hypothesis based Local Action Selection

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    For robots to be able to manipulate in unknown and unstructured environments the robot should be capable of operating under partial observability of the environment. Object occlusions and unmodeled environments are some of the factors that result in partial observability. A common scenario where this is encountered is manipulation in clutter. In the case that the robot needs to locate an object of interest and manipulate it, it needs to perform a series of decluttering actions to accurately detect the object of interest. To perform such a series of actions, the robot also needs to account for the dynamics of objects in the environment and how they react to contact. This is a non trivial problem since one needs to reason not only about robot-object interactions but also object-object interactions in the presence of contact. In the example scenario of manipulation in clutter, the state vector would have to account for the pose of the object of interest and the structure of the surrounding environment. The process model would have to account for all the aforementioned robot-object, object-object interactions. The complexity of the process model grows exponentially as the number of objects in the scene increases. This is commonly the case in unstructured environments. Hence it is not reasonable to attempt to model all object-object and robot-object interactions explicitly. Under this setting we propose a hypothesis based action selection algorithm where we construct a hypothesis set of the possible poses of an object of interest given the current evidence in the scene and select actions based on our current set of hypothesis. This hypothesis set tends to represent the belief about the structure of the environment and the number of poses the object of interest can take. The agent's only stopping criterion is when the uncertainty regarding the pose of the object is fully resolved.Comment: RLDM abstrac
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