9 research outputs found

    Adaptive Critic Design based Cooperative Control for Pulsed Power Loads Accommodation in Shipboard Power System

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    Since a pulsed power load (PPL) consumes a huge amount of energy within veryshort period of time, its deployment might cause large disturbances even instability to apower system that has limited generation, small inertia, and small ramp rate. To mitigatethe strike during PPL deployment, energy storage system (ESS) is usually installed inshipboard power system (SPS) to serve as the sole power supply for PPL. To realize fastcharging of the ESS and minimize disturbance during charging, generation control andcharging control of SPS should be well coordinated. For this important but not wellstudied problem, this paper presents an adaptive critic design based control algorithm fora nonlinear model integrating the basic dynamics of synchronous generator andsupercapacitor, which is a popular type of ESS for PPL application. Through interactivelearnings of two neural networks for cost-to-go function approximation and optimalcontrol approximation, respectively, near optimal control can be realized even underdisturbance and model impreciseness. The algorithm is tested with both detailed singleandmultiple-generator SPS models and tested through both real-time digital and powerhardware-in-the-loop simulations. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of thedeveloped model and control algorithm

    Temperature Control via Affine Nonlinear Systems for Intermediate Point of Supercritical Once-Through Boiler Units

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    For the operation of the supercritical once-through boiler generation units, the control of the temperature at intermediate point (IPT) is highly significant. IPT is the steam temperature at the outlet of the separator. Currently, PID control algorithms are widely adopted for the IPT control. However, PID cannot achieve the optimal performances as the units’ dynamic characteristic changes at different working points due to the severe nonlinearity. To address the problem, a new control algorithm using affine nonlinear system is adopted for a 600 MW unit in this paper. In order to establish the model of IPT via affine nonlinear system, the simplified mechanism equations on the evaporation zone and steam separator of the unit are established. Then, the feedback linearizing control law can be obtained. Full range simulations with the load varying from 100% to 30% are conducted. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithm, the performance of the new method is compared with the results of the PID control. The feed-water flow disturbances are considered in simulations of both of the two control methods. The comparison shows the new method has a better performance with a quicker response time and a smaller overshoot, which demonstrates the potential improvement for the supercritical once-through boiler generation unit control

    Reinforcement Learning Controller Design for Affine Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems using Online Approximators

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    Control and identification of non-linear systems using neural networks and reinforcement learning

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2018.Este trabalho propõe um contolador adaptativo utilizando redes neuras e aprendizado por reforço para lidar com não-linearidades e variância no tempo. Para a realização de testes, um sistema de nível de líquidos de quarta ordem foi escolhido por apresentar uma gama de constantes de tempo e por possibilitar a mudança de parâmetros. O sistema foi identificado com redes neurais para prever estados futuros com o objetivo de compensar o atraso e melhorar a performance do controlador. Diversos testes foram realizados com diversas redes neurais para decidir qual rede neural seria utilizada para cada tarefa pertinente ao controlador. Os parâmetros do controlador foram ajustados e testados para que o controlador pudesse alcançar parâmetros arbitrários de performance. O controlador foi testado e comparado com o PI tradicional para validação e mostrou caracteristicas adaptativas e melhoria de performance ao longo do tempo, além disso, o controlador desenvolvido não necessita de informação prévia do sistema.Fundação de Apoio a Pesquisa do Distrito Federal (FAP-DF).This work presents a proposal of an adaptive controller using reinforcement learning and neural networks in order to deal with non-linearities and time-variance. To test the controller a fourth-order fluid level system was chosen because of its great range of time constants and the possibility of varying the system parameters. System identification was performed to predict future states of the system, bypass delay and enhance the controller’s performance. Several tests with different neural networks were made in order to decide which network would be assigned to which task. Various parameters of the controller were tested and tuned to achieve a controller that satisfied arbitrary specifications. The controller was tested against a conventional PI controller used as reference and has shown adaptive features and improvement during execution. Also, the proposed controller needs no previous information on the system in order to be designed

    Event sampled optimal adaptive regulation of linear and a class of nonlinear systems

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    In networked control systems (NCS), wherein a communication network is used to close the feedback loop, the transmission of feedback signals and execution of the controller is currently carried out at periodic sampling instants. Thus, this scheme requires a significant computational power and network bandwidth. In contrast, the event-based aperiodic sampling and control, which is introduced recently, appears to relieve the computational burden and high network resource utilization. Therefore, in this dissertation, a suite of novel event sampled adaptive regulation schemes in both discrete and continuous time domain for uncertain linear and nonlinear systems are designed. Event sampled Q-learning and adaptive/neuro dynamic programming (ADP) schemes without value and policy iterations are utilized for the linear and nonlinear systems, respectively, in both the time domains. Neural networks (NN) are employed as approximators for nonlinear systems and, hence, the universal approximation property of NN in the event-sampled framework is introduced. The tuning of the parameters and the NN weights are carried out in an aperiodic manner at the event sampled instants leading to a further saving in computation when compared to traditional NN based control. The adaptive regulator when applied on a linear NCS with time-varying network delays and packet losses shows a 30% and 56% reduction in computation and network bandwidth usage, respectively. In case of nonlinear NCS with event sampled ADP based regulator, a reduction of 27% and 66% is observed when compared to periodic sampled schemes. The sampling and transmission instants are determined through adaptive event sampling conditions derived using Lyapunov technique by viewing the closed-loop event sampled linear and nonlinear systems as switched and/or impulsive dynamical systems. --Abstract, page iii