3 research outputs found

    Late Data Layout: Unifying Data Representation Transformations

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    Values need to be represented differently when interacting with certain language features. For example, an integer has to take an object-based representation when interacting with erased generics, although, for performance reasons, the stack-based value representation is better. To abstract over these implementation details, some programming languages choose to expose a unified high-level concept (the integer) and let the compiler choose its exact representation and insert coercions where necessary. This pattern appears in multiple language features such as value classes, specialization and multi-stage programming: they all expose a unified concept which they later refine into multiple representations. Yet, the underlying compiler implementations typically entangle the core mechanism with assumptions about the alternative representations and their interaction with other language features. In this paper we present the Late Data Layout mechanism, a simple but versatile type-driven generalization that subsumes and improves the state-of-the-art representation transformations. In doing so, we make two key observations: (1) annotated types conveniently capture the semantics of using multiple representations and (2) local type inference can be used to consistently and optimally introduce coercions. We validated our approach by implementing three language features as Scala compiler extensions: value classes, specialization (using the miniboxing representation) and a simplified multi-stage programming mechanism

    Reified Type Parameters Using Java Annotations

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    Java generics are compiled by-erasure: all clients reuse the same bytecode, with uses of the unknown type erased. C++ templates are compiled by-expansion: each type-instantiation of a template pro- duces a different code definition. The two approaches offer trade- offs on multiple axes. We propose an extension of Java generics that allows by-expansion translation relative to selected type pa- rameters only. This language design allows sophisticated users to get the best of both worlds at a fine granularity. Furthermore, our proposal is based on Java 8 Type Annotations (JSR 308) and the Checker Framework as an abstraction layer for controlling compi- lation without changes to the internals of a Java compiler

    Reified type parameters using Java annotations

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