3,759 research outputs found

    Valences considering the identification of risks in terms of public internal audit

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    Risks get new valences into the public sector within an economy characterized by resource limitation, increase of public exigency regarding services and diversification of the activities in the public sector entities. By carrying out this fundamental research we consider the problem of classification of risks from point of view of public internal audit. This study is based on a synthesis of the ideas published by national and international accounting regulators, accounting bodies and works put forward on the matter. We define the concept of risk, identify the types of risks in terms of public internal audit at European and national level, we determine the correlation between the audit risk optimization and the expedience of public financing use and propose a model to evaluate risks.audit risk, public internal audit, risk.

    Socially responsible behaviour – another approach in the assessment of the performance of the sustainable company

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    During the last decade, the business community ends especially the companies that activate in the fields responsible for the degradation of the environment, are seen as subjects whose main role is to ensure sustainable development. A company is defined as sustainable if it is socially responsible. Internationalization and the increased business environment complexity in this century justify the international researchers’ orientation to an integrated approach to performance (from an economic, social, environmental point of view), using criteria related to the long term direction of the company and evolved future-oriented models. Social responsibility has become a new landmark in assessing a company’s performance. This paper is the result of a process of investigation, of an analysis of the present framework, and of a bibliographical synthesis in the field of social responsibility and environmental ethics, the criteria for measuring performance in the practice of Romanian entities, in correlation with the evolution of the business environment and to the openness towards global economy. In order to point out the degree of responsibility of Romanian enterprises, regarding the actions for the protection of the environment, we have drawn an empirical analysis on a representative sample of Romanian companies.business community, business environment, environment

    The Legal Regime of Trader's Liability, Regulated by the Laws on Consumer Protection - a New Paradigm

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    The traders are assigned ex lege a number of acknowledged professional obligations, like the obligation of registering in the Trade Register. Besides these traditional obligations, new and complex obligations have been regulated for traders, obligations that are specific to the tradersconsumers relation. These regulations are subordinated to the Consumer Law domain, which in Romania represents a contemporary creation, a result of the process of transposing the communautaire acquis. Consumer protection is regulated by general and specific rules, the latter ones referring to the following sub domains: advertising; informing about the prices of the products offered to the consumers for sale; unfair clauses from the contracts concluded between the traders and the consumers; the contracts negotiated away from business premises; concluding and executing distant contracts related to financial services; consumer credit; packages of tourism services; protection of the contracts related to the right to use some immovable goods for a limited period- timeshare; selling of the products and warranties associated; general safety of the products; responsibility of the producers for the damages generated by the defective products; unfair commercial practices and ways to cease the unlawful practices in respect of the protection of consumers’ collective interests. New obligations for the traders are established through the content of both general and specific regulations, obligations that are effected in imperatives and especially in interdictions.The legal regime of the obligations that resulted this way transcend the regime of the traders’ traditional obligations, making up the new paradigm of the traders’ activity and it represents the theme of this paper. Our research focused on determining the obligations set-up for the traders through both categories of rules and through their legal regime. As a result of the research carried on this theme, we conclude that setting-up this new category of obligations for the traders represents an actual means of achieving the aim of ensuring the consumer protection, adding-up to other legal means set-up in this regard.traders; professional obligations; Consumer Law; unfair practices; misleading and aggressive practices ; consumer credit; advertising.

    Organizational Culture Versus Work Motivation for the Academic Staff in a Public University

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    AbstractThe paper presents the results of a research study that aimed to identify the type of the organizational culture existent in a Romanian state university, the way it is perceived by the employees, and identifying the type of the organizational culture wanted by the employees. We also evaluated the work motivation. The research sample included 102 university teachers, aged between 25 and 57. We used ESA Questionnaire for the work motivation, and Organizational Culture Questionnaire. The the main organizational culture existent was the power type and that the employees hope for a support type. Teachers had a high self- actualization motivation


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    Cross-border e-commerce has become an important channel for promoting international trade. Yet, the factors influencing buyer behavior in cross-border e-commerce have received relatively less research attention than in domestic e-commerce settings. In this paper we draw on the valence framework to develop and test a research model of buyer repeat purchase intentions in cross-border e-commerce. We hypothesized the effects of positive valences (value, monetary saving, convenience and product offerings) along with negative valences (product and transaction-based uncertainties) on repeat purchase intention. Data was collected from users of a popular cross-border e-commerce provider in China. Results (n=169) revealed that positive valences exert the strongest effects on repeat purchase intention, but negative valences are also significant. These include product-based uncertainties and transaction-based uncertainties. Our model explained 69% of the variance in repeat purchase intentions in a cross-border e-commerce platform. Results enhance our understanding of cross-border e-commerce and have important implications for online providers competing in international markets

    Campaign finance regulations and policy convergence: the role of interest groups and valence

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    Regulation of campaign finance of political parties and candidates is intended to decrease the political influence of special interest groups and enhance the public interest in electoral outcomes. I investigate empirically the consequences of campaign financing regulations and find that public funding leads parties' platforms to diverge whereas ceilings on individual contributions lead to platform convergence to the median voter outcome. I relate these consequences to differences in valence or intrinsic popularity of parties. I also show that platform divergence is associated with a ban on corporate donations and with requirements of public disclosure of parties' income statements.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio


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    AbstractInternational Trade Law is a juridical subject presenting certain particularities since theanalysis of the institutions of international trade law cannot be separated from theeconomical, political, social, geostrategic aspects, from the ones related to the sustainabledevelopment, even to the declaration of certain spaces as the common patrimony of humanity,as it is, at the same time, a subject having a continuous and ample evolution. Internationaltrade constitutes the object of this juridical matter containing norms of intern law, byorganizing and regulating the foreign trade of every state, conflict norms applicable to thejuridical reports of foreign trade and norms of international public law applicable to thecommercial relations between the states. In this light, international trade law is aninterdisciplinary juridical subject with different regulations. This paper wants to present themultidisciplinary valences of international trade law, in report to the juridical normsconstituting the content of this subject


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    The development of a common syntax for EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), XML (eXtensible Markup Language), opened new formalization perspectives for interorganizational data exchanges over the Internet. Many of the organizations involved in the normalizaEDI, IAS/IFRS norms, financial reporting, XBRL, taxonomies specifications, document instance, strategic alignment, XBRL platform.