916 research outputs found

    An Efficient Hybrid Fuzzy-Clustering Driven 3D-Modeling of Magnetic Resonance Imagery for Enhanced Brain Tumor Diagnosis

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    Brain tumor detection and its analysis are essential in medical diagnosis. The proposed work focuses on segmenting abnormality of axial brain MR DICOM slices, as this format holds the advantage of conserving extensive metadata. The axial slices presume the left and right part of the brain is symmetric by a Line of Symmetry (LOS). A semi-automated system is designed to mine normal and abnormal structures from each brain MR slice in a DICOM study. In this work, Fuzzy clustering (FC) is applied to the DICOM slices to extract various clusters for di erent k. Then, the best-segmented image that has high inter-class rigidity is obtained using the silhouette fitness function. The clustered boundaries of the tissue classes further enhanced by morphological operations. The FC technique is hybridized with the standard image post-processing techniques such as marker controlled watershed segmentation (MCW), region growing (RG), and distance regularized level sets (DRLS). This procedure is implemented on renowned BRATS challenge dataset of di erent modalities and a clinical dataset containing axial T2 weighted MR images of a patient. The sequential analysis of the slices is performed using the metadata information present in the DICOM header. The validation of the segmentation procedures against the ground truth images authorizes that the segmented objects of DRLS through FC enhanced brain images attain maximum scores of Jaccard and Dice similarity coe cients. The average Jaccard and dice scores for segmenting tumor part for ten patient studies of the BRATS dataset are 0.79 and 0.88, also for the clinical study 0.78 and 0.86, respectively. Finally, 3D visualization and tumor volume estimation are done using accessible DICOM information.Ministerio de Desarrollo de Recursos Humanos, India SPARC/2018-2019/P145/SLUniversidad Politécnica de Tomsk, Rusia RRSG/19/500

    An Experimental Approach for Detecting Brain Tumor from MRI Images using Digital Image Processing Techniques in MatLab

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    The Digital Image Process plays a very important role in Medical Research and processing the MRI images. Using image processing techniques the MRI images can be used to detect and analysis the tumor growing in brain. SAR images are the high resolution images which cannot be collected manually. In this work, we identified the SAR images randomly from web with different region inclusions. The comparative results are generated against the statistical observations obtained for existing and proposed approach. The parameters considered are the mean value, standard deviation, entropy etc. The comparative results show that the method has improved the accuracy of region classification

    Semi-Supervised Approach Based Brain Tumor Detection with Noise Removal

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    Brain tumor detection and segmentation is the most important challenging and time consuming task in the medical field. In this paper, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) sample image is considered and it is very useful to detect the Tumor growth. It is mainly used by the radiologist for visualization process of an internal structure of the human body without any surgery. Generally, the Tumor is classified into two types such as malignant and benign. There are many variations in tumor tissue characteristics like its shape, size, gray level intensities and its locations. In this paper, we propose a new cooperative scheme that applies a semi-supervised fuzzy clustering algorithm. Specifically, the Otsu (Oral Tracheal Stylet Unit) method is used to remove the Background area from a Magnetic Resonance Image. Finally, Semi-supervised Entropy Regularized Fuzzy Clustering algorithm (SER-FCM) is applied to improve the quality level. The intensity, shape deformation, symmetry and texture features were extracted from each image. The usefulness and significance of this research are fully demonstrated within the extent of real-life application

    Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Model-based Brain Tumor Detection in Brain MRI Images

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    Diagnosing Brain Tumor with the aid of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has gained enormous prominence over the years, primarily in the field of medical science. Detection and/or partitioning of brain tumors solely with the aid of MR imaging is achieved at the cost of immense time and effort and demands a lot of expertise from engaged personnel. This substantiates the necessity of fabricating an autonomous model brain tumor diagnosis. Our work involves implementing a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) for diagnosing brain tumors from MR images. The dataset used in this paper consists of 253 brain MR images where 155 images are reported to have tumors. Our model can single out the MR images with tumors with an overall accuracy of 96%. The model outperformed the existing conventional methods for the diagnosis of brain tumor in the test dataset (Precision = 0.93, Sensitivity = 1.00, and F1-score = 0.97). Moreover, the proposed model's average precision-recall score is 0.93, Cohen's Kappa 0.91, and AUC 0.95. Therefore, the proposed model can help clinical experts verify whether the patient has a brain tumor and, consequently, accelerate the treatment procedure.Comment: 4th International conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC 2020), IEEE, 7-9 October 2020, TamilNadu, INDI

    Unsupervised multiple kernel learning approaches for integrating molecular cancer patient data

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    Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. A characteristic of this disease is its complexity leading to a wide variety of genetic and molecular aberrations in the tumors. This heterogeneity necessitates personalized therapies for the patients. However, currently defined cancer subtypes used in clinical practice for treatment decision-making are based on relatively few selected markers and thus provide only a coarse classifcation of tumors. The increased availability in multi-omics data measured for cancer patients now offers the possibility of defining more informed cancer subtypes. Such a more fine-grained characterization of cancer subtypes harbors the potential of substantially expanding treatment options in personalized cancer therapy. In this thesis, we identify comprehensive cancer subtypes using multidimensional data. For this purpose, we apply and extend unsupervised multiple kernel learning methods. Three challenges of unsupervised multiple kernel learning are addressed: robustness, applicability, and interpretability. First, we show that regularization of the multiple kernel graph embedding framework, which enables the implementation of dimensionality reduction techniques, can increase the stability of the resulting patient subgroups. This improvement is especially beneficial for data sets with a small number of samples. Second, we adapt the objective function of kernel principal component analysis to enable the application of multiple kernel learning in combination with this widely used dimensionality reduction technique. Third, we improve the interpretability of kernel learning procedures by performing feature clustering prior to integrating the data via multiple kernel learning. On the basis of these clusters, we derive a score indicating the impact of a feature cluster on a patient cluster, thereby facilitating further analysis of the cluster-specific biological properties. All three procedures are successfully tested on real-world cancer data. Comparing our newly derived methodologies to established methods provides evidence that our work offers novel and beneficial ways of identifying patient subgroups and gaining insights into medically relevant characteristics of cancer subtypes.Krebs ist eine der häufigsten Todesursachen weltweit. Krebs ist gekennzeichnet durch seine Komplexität, die zu vielen verschiedenen genetischen und molekularen Aberrationen im Tumor führt. Die Unterschiede zwischen Tumoren erfordern personalisierte Therapien für die einzelnen Patienten. Die Krebssubtypen, die derzeit zur Behandlungsplanung in der klinischen Praxis verwendet werden, basieren auf relativ wenigen, genetischen oder molekularen Markern und können daher nur eine grobe Unterteilung der Tumoren liefern. Die zunehmende Verfügbarkeit von Multi-Omics-Daten für Krebspatienten ermöglicht die Neudefinition von fundierteren Krebssubtypen, die wiederum zu spezifischeren Behandlungen für Krebspatienten führen könnten. In dieser Dissertation identifizieren wir neue, potentielle Krebssubtypen basierend auf Multi-Omics-Daten. Hierfür verwenden wir unüberwachtes Multiple Kernel Learning, welches in der Lage ist mehrere Datentypen miteinander zu kombinieren. Drei Herausforderungen des unüberwachten Multiple Kernel Learnings werden adressiert: Robustheit, Anwendbarkeit und Interpretierbarkeit. Zunächst zeigen wir, dass die zusätzliche Regularisierung des Multiple Kernel Learning Frameworks zur Implementierung verschiedener Dimensionsreduktionstechniken die Stabilität der identifizierten Patientengruppen erhöht. Diese Robustheit ist besonders vorteilhaft für Datensätze mit einer geringen Anzahl von Proben. Zweitens passen wir die Zielfunktion der kernbasierten Hauptkomponentenanalyse an, um eine integrative Version dieser weit verbreiteten Dimensionsreduktionstechnik zu ermöglichen. Drittens verbessern wir die Interpretierbarkeit von kernbasierten Lernprozeduren, indem wir verwendete Merkmale in homogene Gruppen unterteilen bevor wir die Daten integrieren. Mit Hilfe dieser Gruppen definieren wir eine Bewertungsfunktion, die die weitere Auswertung der biologischen Eigenschaften von Patientengruppen erleichtert. Alle drei Verfahren werden an realen Krebsdaten getestet. Den Vergleich unserer Methodik mit etablierten Methoden weist nach, dass unsere Arbeit neue und nützliche Möglichkeiten bietet, um integrative Patientengruppen zu identifizieren und Einblicke in medizinisch relevante Eigenschaften von Krebssubtypen zu erhalten

    A comparative evaluation for liver segmentation from spir images and a novel level set method using signed pressure force function

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    Thesis (Doctoral)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Izmir, 2013Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 118-135)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxv, 145 leavesDeveloping a robust method for liver segmentation from magnetic resonance images is a challenging task due to similar intensity values between adjacent organs, geometrically complex liver structure and injection of contrast media, which causes all tissues to have different gray level values. Several artifacts of pulsation and motion, and partial volume effects also increase difficulties for automatic liver segmentation from magnetic resonance images. In this thesis, we present an overview about liver segmentation methods in magnetic resonance images and show comparative results of seven different liver segmentation approaches chosen from deterministic (K-means based), probabilistic (Gaussian model based), supervised neural network (multilayer perceptron based) and deformable model based (level set) segmentation methods. The results of qualitative and quantitative analysis using sensitivity, specificity and accuracy metrics show that the multilayer perceptron based approach and a level set based approach which uses a distance regularization term and signed pressure force function are reasonable methods for liver segmentation from spectral pre-saturation inversion recovery images. However, the multilayer perceptron based segmentation method requires a higher computational cost. The distance regularization term based automatic level set method is very sensitive to chosen variance of Gaussian function. Our proposed level set based method that uses a novel signed pressure force function, which can control the direction and velocity of the evolving active contour, is faster and solves several problems of other applied methods such as sensitivity to initial contour or variance parameter of the Gaussian kernel in edge stopping functions without using any regularization term