509 research outputs found

    Divide and Fuse: A Re-ranking Approach for Person Re-identification

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    As re-ranking is a necessary procedure to boost person re-identification (re-ID) performance on large-scale datasets, the diversity of feature becomes crucial to person reID for its importance both on designing pedestrian descriptions and re-ranking based on feature fusion. However, in many circumstances, only one type of pedestrian feature is available. In this paper, we propose a "Divide and use" re-ranking framework for person re-ID. It exploits the diversity from different parts of a high-dimensional feature vector for fusion-based re-ranking, while no other features are accessible. Specifically, given an image, the extracted feature is divided into sub-features. Then the contextual information of each sub-feature is iteratively encoded into a new feature. Finally, the new features from the same image are fused into one vector for re-ranking. Experimental results on two person re-ID benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework. Especially, our method outperforms the state-of-the-art on the Market-1501 dataset.Comment: Accepted by BMVC201

    Target-Tailored Source-Transformation for Scene Graph Generation

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    Scene graph generation aims to provide a semantic and structural description of an image, denoting the objects (with nodes) and their relationships (with edges). The best performing works to date are based on exploiting the context surrounding objects or relations,e.g., by passing information among objects. In these approaches, to transform the representation of source objects is a critical process for extracting information for the use by target objects. In this work, we argue that a source object should give what tar-get object needs and give different objects different information rather than contributing common information to all targets. To achieve this goal, we propose a Target-TailoredSource-Transformation (TTST) method to efficiently propagate information among object proposals and relations. Particularly, for a source object proposal which will contribute information to other target objects, we transform the source object feature to the target object feature domain by simultaneously taking both the source and target into account. We further explore more powerful representations by integrating language prior with the visual context in the transformation for the scene graph generation. By doing so the target object is able to extract target-specific information from the source object and source relation accordingly to refine its representation. Our framework is validated on the Visual Genome bench-mark and demonstrated its state-of-the-art performance for the scene graph generation. The experimental results show that the performance of object detection and visual relation-ship detection are promoted mutually by our method

    Deep Image Retrieval: A Survey

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    In recent years a vast amount of visual content has been generated and shared from various fields, such as social media platforms, medical images, and robotics. This abundance of content creation and sharing has introduced new challenges. In particular, searching databases for similar content, i.e.content based image retrieval (CBIR), is a long-established research area, and more efficient and accurate methods are needed for real time retrieval. Artificial intelligence has made progress in CBIR and has significantly facilitated the process of intelligent search. In this survey we organize and review recent CBIR works that are developed based on deep learning algorithms and techniques, including insights and techniques from recent papers. We identify and present the commonly-used benchmarks and evaluation methods used in the field. We collect common challenges and propose promising future directions. More specifically, we focus on image retrieval with deep learning and organize the state of the art methods according to the types of deep network structure, deep features, feature enhancement methods, and network fine-tuning strategies. Our survey considers a wide variety of recent methods, aiming to promote a global view of the field of instance-based CBIR.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figure

    MoMask: Generative Masked Modeling of 3D Human Motions

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    We introduce MoMask, a novel masked modeling framework for text-driven 3D human motion generation. In MoMask, a hierarchical quantization scheme is employed to represent human motion as multi-layer discrete motion tokens with high-fidelity details. Starting at the base layer, with a sequence of motion tokens obtained by vector quantization, the residual tokens of increasing orders are derived and stored at the subsequent layers of the hierarchy. This is consequently followed by two distinct bidirectional transformers. For the base-layer motion tokens, a Masked Transformer is designated to predict randomly masked motion tokens conditioned on text input at training stage. During generation (i.e. inference) stage, starting from an empty sequence, our Masked Transformer iteratively fills up the missing tokens; Subsequently, a Residual Transformer learns to progressively predict the next-layer tokens based on the results from current layer. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MoMask outperforms the state-of-art methods on the text-to-motion generation task, with an FID of 0.045 (vs e.g. 0.141 of T2M-GPT) on the HumanML3D dataset, and 0.228 (vs 0.514) on KIT-ML, respectively. MoMask can also be seamlessly applied in related tasks without further model fine-tuning, such as text-guided temporal inpainting.Comment: Project webpage: https://ericguo5513.github.io/momask

    SWBT: Similarity Weighted Behavior Transformer with the Imperfect Demonstration for Robotic Manipulation

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    Imitation learning (IL), aiming to learn optimal control policies from expert demonstrations, has been an effective method for robot manipulation tasks. However, previous IL methods either only use expensive expert demonstrations and omit imperfect demonstrations or rely on interacting with the environment and learning from online experiences. In the context of robotic manipulation, we aim to conquer the above two challenges and propose a novel framework named Similarity Weighted Behavior Transformer (SWBT). SWBT effectively learn from both expert and imperfect demonstrations without interaction with environments. We reveal that the easy-to-get imperfect demonstrations, such as forward and inverse dynamics, significantly enhance the network by learning fruitful information. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to attempt to integrate imperfect demonstrations into the offline imitation learning setting for robot manipulation tasks. Extensive experiments on the ManiSkill2 benchmark built on the high-fidelity Sapien simulator and real-world robotic manipulation tasks demonstrated that the proposed method can extract better features and improve the success rates for all tasks. Our code will be released upon acceptance of the paper.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
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