4 research outputs found

    A new realization of rational functions, with applications to linear combination interpolation

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    We introduce the following linear combination interpolation problem (LCI): Given NN distinct numbers w1,…wNw_1,\ldots w_N and N+1N+1 complex numbers a1,…,aNa_1,\ldots, a_N and cc, find all functions f(z)f(z) analytic in a simply connected set (depending on ff) containing the points w1,…,wNw_1,\ldots,w_N such that βˆ‘u=1Nauf(wu)=c. \sum_{u=1}^Na_uf(w_u)=c. To this end we prove a representation theorem for such functions ff in terms of an associated polynomial p(z)p(z). We first introduce the following two operations, (i)(i) substitution of pp, and (ii)(ii) multiplication by monomials zj,0≀j<Nz^j, 0\le j < N. Then let MM be the module generated by these two operations, acting on functions analytic near 00. We prove that every function ff, analytic in a neighborhood of the roots of pp, is in MM. In fact, this representation of ff is unique. To solve the above interpolation problem, we employ an adapted systems theoretic realization, as well as an associated representation of the Cuntz relations (from multi-variable operator theory.) We study these operations in reproducing kernel Hilbert space): We give necessary and sufficient condition for existence of realizations of these representation of the Cuntz relations by operators in certain reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, and offer infinite product factorizations of the corresponding kernels

    Coefficient-Based Regression with Non-Identical Unbounded Sampling

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    We investigate a coefficient-based least squares regression problem with indefinite kernels from non-identical unbounded sampling processes. Here non-identical unbounded sampling means the samples are drawn independently but not identically from unbounded sampling processes. The kernel is not necessarily symmetric or positive semi-definite. This leads to additional difficulty in the error analysis. By introducing a suitable reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) and a suitable intermediate integral operator, elaborate analysis is presented by means of a novel technique for the sample error. This leads to satisfactory results