32,145 research outputs found

    Regression Trees for Longitudinal Data

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    While studying response trajectory, often the population of interest may be diverse enough to exist distinct subgroups within it and the longitudinal change in response may not be uniform in these subgroups. That is, the timeslope and/or influence of covariates in longitudinal profile may vary among these different subgroups. For example, Raudenbush (2001) used depression as an example to argue that it is incorrect to assume that all the people in a given population would be experiencing either increasing or decreasing levels of depression. In such cases, traditional linear mixed effects model (assuming common parametric form for covariates and time) is not directly applicable for the entire population as a group-averaged trajectory can mask important subgroup differences. Our aim is to identify and characterize longitudinally homogeneous subgroups based on the combination of baseline covariates in the most parsimonious way. This goal can be achieved via constructing regression tree for longitudinal data using baseline covariates as partitioning variables. We have proposed LongCART algorithm to construct regression tree for the longitudinal data. In each node, the proposed LongCART algorithm determines the need for further splitting (i.e. whether parameter(s) of longitudinal profile is influenced by any baseline attributes) via parameter instability tests and thus the decision of further splitting is type-I error controlled. We have obtained the asymptotic results for the proposed instability test and examined finite sample behavior of the whole algorithm through simulation studies. Finally, we have applied the LongCART algorithm to study the longitudinal changes in choline level among HIV patients

    Particle Gibbs for Bayesian Additive Regression Trees

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    Additive regression trees are flexible non-parametric models and popular off-the-shelf tools for real-world non-linear regression. In application domains, such as bioinformatics, where there is also demand for probabilistic predictions with measures of uncertainty, the Bayesian additive regression trees (BART) model, introduced by Chipman et al. (2010), is increasingly popular. As data sets have grown in size, however, the standard Metropolis-Hastings algorithms used to perform inference in BART are proving inadequate. In particular, these Markov chains make local changes to the trees and suffer from slow mixing when the data are high-dimensional or the best fitting trees are more than a few layers deep. We present a novel sampler for BART based on the Particle Gibbs (PG) algorithm (Andrieu et al., 2010) and a top-down particle filtering algorithm for Bayesian decision trees (Lakshminarayanan et al., 2013). Rather than making local changes to individual trees, the PG sampler proposes a complete tree to fit the residual. Experiments show that the PG sampler outperforms existing samplers in many settings

    Differential Performance Debugging with Discriminant Regression Trees

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    Differential performance debugging is a technique to find performance problems. It applies in situations where the performance of a program is (unexpectedly) different for different classes of inputs. The task is to explain the differences in asymptotic performance among various input classes in terms of program internals. We propose a data-driven technique based on discriminant regression tree (DRT) learning problem where the goal is to discriminate among different classes of inputs. We propose a new algorithm for DRT learning that first clusters the data into functional clusters, capturing different asymptotic performance classes, and then invokes off-the-shelf decision tree learning algorithms to explain these clusters. We focus on linear functional clusters and adapt classical clustering algorithms (K-means and spectral) to produce them. For the K-means algorithm, we generalize the notion of the cluster centroid from a point to a linear function. We adapt spectral clustering by defining a novel kernel function to capture the notion of linear similarity between two data points. We evaluate our approach on benchmarks consisting of Java programs where we are interested in debugging performance. We show that our algorithm significantly outperforms other well-known regression tree learning algorithms in terms of running time and accuracy of classification.Comment: To Appear in AAAI 201
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