3 research outputs found

    Phase amplified correlation for improved sub-pixel motion estimation

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    Phase correlation (PC) is widely employed by several sub-pixel motion estimation techniques in an attempt to accurately and robustly detect the displacement between two images. To achieve sub-pixel accuracy, these techniques employ interpolation methods and function-fitting approaches on the cross-correlation function derived from the PC core. However, such motion estimation techniques still present a lower bound of accuracy that cannot be overcome. To allow room for further improvements, we propose in this paper the enhancement of the sub-pixel accuracy of motion estimation techniques by employing a completely different approach: the concept of motion magnification. To this end, we propose the novel phase amplified correlation (PAC) that integrates motion magnification between two compared images inside the phase correlation part of frequencybased motion estimation algorithms and thus directly substitutes the PC core. The experimentation on magnetic resonance (MR) images and real video sequences demonstrates the ability of the proposed PAC core to make subtle motions highly distinguishable and improve the sub-pixel accuracy of frequency-based motion estimation techniques

    Distortion Robust Biometric Recognition

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    abstract: Information forensics and security have come a long way in just a few years thanks to the recent advances in biometric recognition. The main challenge remains a proper design of a biometric modality that can be resilient to unconstrained conditions, such as quality distortions. This work presents a solution to face and ear recognition under unconstrained visual variations, with a main focus on recognition in the presence of blur, occlusion and additive noise distortions. First, the dissertation addresses the problem of scene variations in the presence of blur, occlusion and additive noise distortions resulting from capture, processing and transmission. Despite their excellent performance, ’deep’ methods are susceptible to visual distortions, which significantly reduce their performance. Sparse representations, on the other hand, have shown huge potential capabilities in handling problems, such as occlusion and corruption. In this work, an augmented SRC (ASRC) framework is presented to improve the performance of the Spare Representation Classifier (SRC) in the presence of blur, additive noise and block occlusion, while preserving its robustness to scene dependent variations. Different feature types are considered in the performance evaluation including image raw pixels, HoG and deep learning VGG-Face. The proposed ASRC framework is shown to outperform the conventional SRC in terms of recognition accuracy, in addition to other existing sparse-based methods and blur invariant methods at medium to high levels of distortion, when particularly used with discriminative features. In order to assess the quality of features in improving both the sparsity of the representation and the classification accuracy, a feature sparse coding and classification index (FSCCI) is proposed and used for feature ranking and selection within both the SRC and ASRC frameworks. The second part of the dissertation presents a method for unconstrained ear recognition using deep learning features. The unconstrained ear recognition is performed using transfer learning with deep neural networks (DNNs) as a feature extractor followed by a shallow classifier. Data augmentation is used to improve the recognition performance by augmenting the training dataset with image transformations. The recognition performance of the feature extraction models is compared with an ensemble of fine-tuned networks. The results show that, in the case where long training time is not desirable or a large amount of data is not available, the features from pre-trained DNNs can be used with a shallow classifier to give a comparable recognition accuracy to the fine-tuned networks.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201