17 research outputs found

    Learning Conditional Deformable Templates with Convolutional Networks

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    We develop a learning framework for building deformable templates, which play a fundamental role in many image analysis and computational anatomy tasks. Conventional methods for template creation and image alignment to the template have undergone decades of rich technical development. In these frameworks, templates are constructed using an iterative process of template estimation and alignment, which is often computationally very expensive. Due in part to this shortcoming, most methods compute a single template for the entire population of images, or a few templates for specific sub-groups of the data. In this work, we present a probabilistic model and efficient learning strategy that yields either universal or conditional templates, jointly with a neural network that provides efficient alignment of the images to these templates. We demonstrate the usefulness of this method on a variety of domains, with a special focus on neuroimaging. This is particularly useful for clinical applications where a pre-existing template does not exist, or creating a new one with traditional methods can be prohibitively expensive. Our code and atlases are available online as part of the VoxelMorph library at http://voxelmorph.csail.mit.edu.Comment: NeurIPS 2019: Neural Information Processing Systems. Keywords: deformable templates, conditional atlases, diffeomorphic image registration, probabilistic models, neuroimagin

    Higher-Order Momentum Distributions and Locally Affine LDDMM Registration

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    To achieve sparse parametrizations that allows intuitive analysis, we aim to represent deformation with a basis containing interpretable elements, and we wish to use elements that have the description capacity to represent the deformation compactly. To accomplish this, we introduce in this paper higher-order momentum distributions in the LDDMM registration framework. While the zeroth order moments previously used in LDDMM only describe local displacement, the first-order momenta that are proposed here represent a basis that allows local description of affine transformations and subsequent compact description of non-translational movement in a globally non-rigid deformation. The resulting representation contains directly interpretable information from both mathematical and modeling perspectives. We develop the mathematical construction of the registration framework with higher-order momenta, we show the implications for sparse image registration and deformation description, and we provide examples of how the parametrization enables registration with a very low number of parameters. The capacity and interpretability of the parametrization using higher-order momenta lead to natural modeling of articulated movement, and the method promises to be useful for quantifying ventricle expansion and progressing atrophy during Alzheimer's disease

    Statistical analysis of organs' shapes and deformations: the Riemannian and the affine settings in computational anatomy

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    International audienceComputational anatomy is an emerging discipline at the interface of geometry, statistics and medicine that aims at analyzing and modeling the biological variability of organs' shapes at the population level. Shapes are equivalence classes of images, surfaces or deformations of a template under rigid body (or more general) transformations. Thus, they belong to non-linear manifolds. In order to deal with multiple samples in non-linear spaces, a consistent statistical framework on Riemannian manifolds has been designed over the last decade. We detail in this chapter the extension of this framework to Lie groups endowed with the affine symmetric connection, a more invariant (and thus more consistent) but non-metric structure on transformation groups. This theory provides strong theoretical bases for the use of one-parameter subgroups and diffeomorphisms parametrized by stationary velocity fields (SVF), for which efficient image registration methods like log-Demons have been developed with a great success from the practical point of view. One can further reduce the complexity with locally affine transformations , leading to parametric diffeomorphisms of low dimension encoding the major shape variability. We illustrate the methodology with the modeling of the evolution of the brain with Alzheimer's disease and the analysis of the cardiac motion from MRI sequences of images

    Discrete Ladders for Parallel Transport in Transformation Groups with an Affine Connection Structure

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    International audienceModeling the temporal evolution of the tissues of the body is an important goal of medical image analysis, for instance for understanding the structural changes of organs affected by a pathology, or for studying the physiological growth during the life span. For such purposes we need to analyze and compare the observed anatomical differences between follow-up sequences of anatomical images of different subjects. Non-rigid registration is one of the main instruments for modeling anatomical differences from images. The aim of non-rigid registration is to encode the observed structural changes as deformation fields of the image space, which represent the warping required to match observed differences. This way, anatomical changes can be modeled and quantified by analyzing the associated deformations. The comparison of temporal evolutions thus requires the transport (or "normalization") of longitudinal deformations in a common reference frame. Normalization of longitudinal deformations can be done in different ways, depending on the feature of interest. For instance, local volume changes encoded by the scalar Jacobian determinant of longitudinal deformations can be compared by scalar resampling in a common reference frame via inter-subject registration. However, if we consider vector-valued deformation trajectories instead of scalar quantities, the transport is not uniquely defined anymore. Among the different normalization methods for deformation trajectories, the parallel transport is a powerful and promising tool which can be used within the ''diffeomorphic registration'' setting. Mathematically, parallel transporting a vector along a curve consists in translating it across the tangent spaces to the curve by preserving its parallelism according to a given derivative operation called (affine) connection. This chapter focuses on explicitly discrete algorithms for parallel transporting diffeomorphic deformations. Schild's ladder is an efficient and simple method proposed in theoretical Physics for the parallel transport of vectors along geodesics paths by iterative construction of infinitesimal geodesics parallelograms on the manifold. The base vertices of the parallelogram are given by the initial tangent vector to be transported. By iteratively building geodesic diagonals along the path, Schild's Ladder computes the missing vertex which corresponds to the transported vector. In this chapter we first show that the Schild ladder can lead to an effective computational scheme for the parallel transport of diffeomorphic deformations parameterized by tangent velocity fields. Schild's ladder may be however inefficient for transporting longitudinal deformations from image time series of multiple time points, in which the computation of the geodesic diagonals is required several times. We propose therefore a new parallel transport method based on the Schild's ladder, the "pole ladder", in which the computation of geodesics diagonals is minimized. Differently from the Schild's ladder, the pole ladder is symmetric with respect to the baseline-to-reference frame geodesic. From the theoretical point of view, we show that the pole ladder is rigorously equivalent to the Schild's ladder when transporting along geodesics. From the practical point of view, we establish the computational advantages and demonstrate the effectiveness of this very simple method by comparing with standard methods of transport on simulated images with progressing brain atrophy. Finally, we illustrate its application to a clinical problem: the measurement of the longitudinal progression in Alzheimer's disease. Results suggest that an important gain in sensitivity could be expected in group-wise comparisons