14 research outputs found

    Synthesizing Robust Walking Gaits via Discrete-Time Barrier Functions with Application to Multi-Contact Exoskeleton Locomotion

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    Successfully achieving bipedal locomotion remains challenging due to real-world factors such as model uncertainty, random disturbances, and imperfect state estimation. In this work, we propose the use of discrete-time barrier functions to certify hybrid forward invariance of reduced step-to-step dynamics. The size of these invariant sets can then be used as a metric for locomotive robustness. We demonstrate an application of this metric towards synthesizing robust nominal walking gaits using a simulation-in-the-loop approach. This procedure produces reference motions with step-to-step dynamics that are maximally forward-invariant with respect to the reduced representation of choice. The results demonstrate robust locomotion for both flat-foot walking and multi-contact walking on the Atalante lower-body exoskeleton

    Motor Control Insights on Walking Planner and its Stability

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    The application of biomechanic and motor control models in the control of bidedal robots (humanoids, and exoskeletons) has revealed limitations of our understanding of human locomotion. A recently proposed model uses the potential energy for bipedal structures to model the bipedal dynamics, and it allows to predict the system dynamics from its kinematics. This work proposes a task-space planner for human-like straight locomotion that target application of in rehabilitation robotics and computational neuroscience. The proposed architecture is based on the potential energy model and employs locomotor strategies from human data as a reference for human behaviour. The model generates Centre of Mass (CoM) trajectories, foot swing trajectories and the Base of Support (BoS) over time. The data show that the proposed architecture can generate behaviour in line with human walking strategies for both the CoM and the foot swing. Despite the CoM vertical trajectory being not as smooth as a human trajectory, yet the proposed model significantly reduces the error in the estimation of the CoM vertical trajectory compared to the inverted pendulum models. The proposed model is also able to asses the stability based on the body kinematics embedding in currently used in the clinical practice. However, the model also implies a shift in the interpretation of the spatiotemporal parameters of the gait, which are now determined by the conditions for the equilibrium and not \textit{vice versa}. In other words, locomotion is a dynamic reaching where the motor primitives are also determined by gravity

    Ankle Push-off Based Mathematical Model for Freezing of Gait in Parkinson’s Disease

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Frontiers Media via the DOI in this recordData Availability Statement: The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation, to any qualified researcher.Freezing is an involuntary stopping of gait observed in late-stage Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. This is a highly debilitating symptom lacking a clear understanding of its causes. Walking in these patients is also associated with high variability, making both prediction of freezing and its understanding difficult. A neuromechanical model describes the motion of the mechanical (motor) aspects of the body under the action of neuromuscular forcing. In this work, a simplified neuromechanical model of gait is used to infer the causes for both the observed variability and freezing in PD. The mathematical model consists of the stance leg (during walking) modeled as a simple inverted pendulum acted upon by the ankle-push off forces from the trailing leg and pathological forces by the plantar-flexors of the stance leg. We model the effect on walking of the swing leg in the biped model and provide a rationale for using an inverted pendulum model. Freezing and irregular walking is demonstrated in the biped model as well as the inverted pendulum model. The inverted pendulum model is further studied semi-analytically to show the presence of horseshoe and chaos. While the plantar flexors of the swing leg push the center of mass (CoM) forward, the plantar flexors of the stance leg generate an opposing torque. Our study reveals that these opposing forces generated by the plantar flexors can induce freezing. Other gait abnormalities nearer to freezing such as a reduction in step length, and irregular walking patterns can also be explained by the model.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC