3 research outputs found

    Mobile Agent-Based Software Systems Modeling Approaches: A Comparative Study

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    Mobile agent-based applications are special type of software systems which take the advantages of mobile agents in order to provide a new beneficial paradigm to solve multiple complex problems in several fields and areas such as network management, e-commerce, e-learning, etc. Likewise, we notice lack of real applications based on this paradigm and lack of serious evaluations of their modeling approaches. Hence, this paper provides a comparative study of modeling approaches of mobile agent-based software systems. The objective is to give the reader an overview and a thorough understanding of the work that has been done and where the gaps in the research are

    Towards a Mobile Temporal Logic of Actions

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    I would like to thank my supervisor Fred Kröger. He was willing to discuss at any time, and I could always rely on his full support. I am also thankful to him for his encouragement, especially in some of the rather dragging phases of my work. I am particularly grateful to Stephan Merz. Without his constant support and admirable patience throughout the whole period of writing I probably would not have been able to finish this thesis. I have not only benefited from his extraordinary professional competence, but have also taken advantage of his exceptional human qualities. I also would like to express my gratitude towards Martin Wirsing for providing me with a pleasant working environment by taking me into his group. He always has shown much interest in my work. The idea for the subject of this thesis was initiated by him and Stephan Merz. I feel a need to thank all my friends and my family for not leaving me alone, not even in times when I tended to be almost unbearable... I am aware that I have demanded much of you by asking to share the burden with me. Thank you for no

    Refining Mobile UML State Machines

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    We study the semantics and refinement of mobile objects, considering an extension of core UML state machines by primitives that designate the location of objects and their moves within a network. Our contribution is twofold: first, we formalize the semantics of state machines in MTLA, an extension of Lamport’s Temporal Logic of Actions with spatial modalities. Second, we study refinement concepts for state machines that are semantically justified in MTLA