7,209 research outputs found

    Refinement algebra for probabilistic programs

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    We identify a refinement algebra for reasoning about probabilistic program transformations in a total-correctness setting. The algebra is equipped with operators that determine whether a program is enabled or terminates respectively. As well as developing the basic theory of the algebra we demonstrate how it may be used to explain key differences and similarities between standard (i.e. non-probabilistic) and probabilistic programs and verify important transformation theorems for probabilistic action systems.29 page(s

    Probabilistic Demonic Refinement Algebra

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    We propose an abstract algebra for reasoning about probabilistic programs in a total-correctness framework. In contrast to probablisitic Kleene algebra it allows genuine reasoning about total correctness and in addition to Kleene star also has a strong iteration operator. We define operators that determine whether a program is enabled, has certain failure or does not have certain failure, respectively. The algebra is applied to the derivation of refinement rules for probabilistic action systems

    Hidden-Markov Program Algebra with iteration

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    We use Hidden Markov Models to motivate a quantitative compositional semantics for noninterference-based security with iteration, including a refinement- or "implements" relation that compares two programs with respect to their information leakage; and we propose a program algebra for source-level reasoning about such programs, in particular as a means of establishing that an "implementation" program leaks no more than its "specification" program. This joins two themes: we extend our earlier work, having iteration but only qualitative, by making it quantitative; and we extend our earlier quantitative work by including iteration. We advocate stepwise refinement and source-level program algebra, both as conceptual reasoning tools and as targets for automated assistance. A selection of algebraic laws is given to support this view in the case of quantitative noninterference; and it is demonstrated on a simple iterated password-guessing attack

    Probabilistic Rely-guarantee Calculus

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    Jones' rely-guarantee calculus for shared variable concurrency is extended to include probabilistic behaviours. We use an algebraic approach which combines and adapts probabilistic Kleene algebras with concurrent Kleene algebra. Soundness of the algebra is shown relative to a general probabilistic event structure semantics. The main contribution of this paper is a collection of rely-guarantee rules built on top of that semantics. In particular, we show how to obtain bounds on probabilities by deriving rely-guarantee rules within the true-concurrent denotational semantics. The use of these rules is illustrated by a detailed verification of a simple probabilistic concurrent program: a faulty Eratosthenes sieve.Comment: Preprint submitted to TCS-QAP

    Compositional closure for Bayes Risk in probabilistic noninterference

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    We give a sequential model for noninterference security including probability (but not demonic choice), thus supporting reasoning about the likelihood that high-security values might be revealed by observations of low-security activity. Our novel methodological contribution is the definition of a refinement order and its use to compare security measures between specifications and (their supposed) implementations. This contrasts with the more common practice of evaluating the security of individual programs in isolation. The appropriateness of our model and order is supported by our showing that our refinement order is the greatest compositional relation --the compositional closure-- with respect to our semantics and an "elementary" order based on Bayes Risk --- a security measure already in widespread use. We also relate refinement to other measures such as Shannon Entropy. By applying the approach to a non-trivial example, the anonymous-majority Three-Judges protocol, we demonstrate by example that correctness arguments can be simplified by the sort of layered developments --through levels of increasing detail-- that are allowed and encouraged by compositional semantics

    Abstract Hidden Markov Models: a monadic account of quantitative information flow

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    Hidden Markov Models, HMM's, are mathematical models of Markov processes with state that is hidden, but from which information can leak. They are typically represented as 3-way joint-probability distributions. We use HMM's as denotations of probabilistic hidden-state sequential programs: for that, we recast them as `abstract' HMM's, computations in the Giry monad D\mathbb{D}, and we equip them with a partial order of increasing security. However to encode the monadic type with hiding over some state X\mathcal{X} we use DX→D2X\mathbb{D}\mathcal{X}\to \mathbb{D}^2\mathcal{X} rather than the conventional X→DX\mathcal{X}{\to}\mathbb{D}\mathcal{X} that suffices for Markov models whose state is not hidden. We illustrate the DX→D2X\mathbb{D}\mathcal{X}\to \mathbb{D}^2\mathcal{X} construction with a small Haskell prototype. We then present uncertainty measures as a generalisation of the extant diversity of probabilistic entropies, with characteristic analytic properties for them, and show how the new entropies interact with the order of increasing security. Furthermore, we give a `backwards' uncertainty-transformer semantics for HMM's that is dual to the `forwards' abstract HMM's - it is an analogue of the duality between forwards, relational semantics and backwards, predicate-transformer semantics for imperative programs with demonic choice. Finally, we argue that, from this new denotational-semantic viewpoint, one can see that the Dalenius desideratum for statistical databases is actually an issue in compositionality. We propose a means for taking it into account

    Counterexample-Guided Polynomial Loop Invariant Generation by Lagrange Interpolation

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    We apply multivariate Lagrange interpolation to synthesize polynomial quantitative loop invariants for probabilistic programs. We reduce the computation of an quantitative loop invariant to solving constraints over program variables and unknown coefficients. Lagrange interpolation allows us to find constraints with less unknown coefficients. Counterexample-guided refinement furthermore generates linear constraints that pinpoint the desired quantitative invariants. We evaluate our technique by several case studies with polynomial quantitative loop invariants in the experiments

    Finding polynomial loop invariants for probabilistic programs

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    Quantitative loop invariants are an essential element in the verification of probabilistic programs. Recently, multivariate Lagrange interpolation has been applied to synthesizing polynomial invariants. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach. First, we fix a polynomial template as a candidate of a loop invariant. Using Stengle's Positivstellensatz and a transformation to a sum-of-squares problem, we find sufficient conditions on the coefficients. Then, we solve a semidefinite programming feasibility problem to synthesize the loop invariants. If the semidefinite program is unfeasible, we backtrack after increasing the degree of the template. Our approach is semi-complete in the sense that it will always lead us to a feasible solution if one exists and numerical errors are small. Experimental results show the efficiency of our approach.Comment: accompanies an ATVA 2017 submissio
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