1 research outputs found

    Transformaci贸n tecnol贸gica y digital en cooperativas en Antioquia

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    This article examines the innovative dynamics in technology and digital transformation of cooperatives in Antioquia in the present phase of globalization. This analysis was crossed by the Covid-19 pandemic, it addresses the elements required in cooperatives to adapt to the demands of technological and digital innovations during times of crisis. The methodology used was quantitative through a questionnaire sent electronically to 801 cooperative managers during the year 2020, and a response was obtained from 72 of them. According to the findings, it can be established that hypothesis H1: 0.70 of the cooperatives invest in technology to improve social performance, is not confirmed; therefore, the alternative hypothesis is the relevant one. In conclusion, cooperatives make technology investment decisions based on their internal operations (loyalty) and not on customer needs. In addition, few entities invested in digital technology during the crisis caused by Covid-19.Este art铆culo examina la din谩mica innovadora en tecnolog铆a y trasformaci贸n digital de las cooperativas de Antioquia en la fase presente de globalizaci贸n. Este an谩lisis estuvo atravesado por la pandemia por Covid-19, es decir que aborda los elementos requeridos en las cooperativas para adaptarse a las exigencias de innovaciones tecnol贸gicas y digitales durante 茅pocas de crisis. La metodolog铆a utilizada fue cuantitativa a trav茅s de un cuestionario enviado electr贸nicamente a 801 gerentes de cooperativas durante el a帽o 2020, y se obtuvo respuesta de 72 de ellos. De acuerdo a los hallazgos, se puede establecer que la hip贸tesis H1: el 0,70 de las cooperativas invierte en tecnolog铆a para mejorar el desempe帽o social, no se confirma; por eso, la hip贸tesis alterna es la pertinente. En conclusi贸n, las cooperativas toman las decisiones de inversi贸n en tecnolog铆a basadas en su funcionamiento interno (fidelizaci贸n) y no en las necesidades de los clientes. Adem谩s, pocas entidades invirtieron en tecnolog铆a digital durante la crisis ocasionada por la Covid-19