429 research outputs found

    Reference voltage vector based model predictive torque control with RMS solution for PMSM

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    To reduce the computational burden of a conventional model predictive torque controller (MPTC), a reference voltage vector based MPTC strategy is proposed. The reference voltage vector is obtained from the reference stator flux vector and the reference torque. According to the location of the reference voltage vector, a first optimal vector can be determined in a quite straightforward way, improving the system dynamic performance. Furthermore, in order to decrease the torque and flux ripple, a root mean square (RMS) based solution is employed to generate the reference voltage vector and calculate the duty ratio. This method aims at minimizing the RMS error of flux and torque during the whole control period. Then, the steady state performance is improved. Besides, since the new cost function contains only the reference voltage vector, the weighting factor in conventional MPTC is eliminated. In addition, to keep a balance between the steady state performance and switching frequency, the candidates for the second optimal vector are restricted to a certain scope. Simulations were carried out and the results verified the validation of the proposed MPTC strategy

    An improved two-vector model predictive torque control based on RMS duty ratio optimization for pmsm

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    This paper proposes an improved two-vector model-predictive torque control (MPTC) strategy to reduce the average torque ripple and improve the flux tracking performance. When determining the duty ratio of vector combination, this method aims at restricting the root mean square (RMS) error of both torque and flux during the whole control period. Every vector combination and corresponding time duration are evaluated in the cost function, which leads to global restriction of torque ripple and flux ripple. In order to avoid increasing switching frequency and computational burden, a restriction is added on the second vector. The three candidates of the second vector are the two adjacent vectors of the first one and zero vector. Simulation results are provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed strategy

    Detekcija odspojene faze i na kvarove otporno upravljanje pretvaračem napajanim sinkronim motorom s permanentnim magnetima

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    In this paper first a current predictive method for single open-phase fault detection in a three phase drive with a permanent magnet synchronous machine is presented. The proposed method is based on a predictive stator current calculation. For each sampling interval the difference between the actual stator current and its predicted value in a previous sampling interval is calculated. To identify the location of a single open-phase fault, an identification method is presented which is based on the analysis of the stator current vector angle. After the single open-phase fault is detected and identified it is desirable for the electrical machine to continue operating with a reduced number of phases. For this purpose, a modified direct torque control algorithm for the fault-tolerant control is implemented. In order to improve the performance of the drive, a pre-firing angle is additionally introduced. All proposed methods have been simulated in Matlab/Simulink and verified on an experimental model.U članku je prvo predstavljena metoda za detekciju kvara odspojene faze u trofaznom elektromotornom pogonu sa sinkronim motorom s permanentim magnetima zasnovana na predikciji struja statora. U svakom koraku uzorkovanja računa se razlika između trenutne mjerene struje statora i prediktirane vrijednosti iz prethodnog koraka. U svrhu određivanja lokacije odspojene faze, predstavljena je metoda identifikacije zasnovana na analizi kuta vektora struje statora. Nakon otkrivene i utvrđene odspojene faze, poželjno je nastaviti rad električnog stroja sa smanjenim brojem faza. U ovu svrhu implementiran je izmijenjeni algoritam izravnog upravljanja momentom za postizanje na kvarove otpornog upravljanja. Da bi se unaprijedilo vladanje sustava elektromotornog pogona, dodatno je uveden kut prethođenja aktivacije impulsa. Sve predložene metode simulirane su u Matlab/Simulink okruženju i provjerene na eksperimentalnom postavu

    Min-Max Predictive Control of a Five-Phase Induction Machine

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    In this paper, a fuzzy-logic based operator is used instead of a traditional cost function for the predictive stator current control of a five-phase induction machine (IM). The min-max operator is explored for the first time as an alternative to the traditional loss function. With this proposal, the selection of voltage vectors does not need weighting factors that are normally used within the loss function and require a cumbersome procedure to tune. In order to cope with conflicting criteria, the proposal uses a decision function that compares predicted errors in the torque producing subspace and in the x-y subspace. Simulations and experimental results are provided, showing how the proposal compares with the traditional method of fixed tuning for predictive stator current control.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad DPI 2016-76493-C3-1-R y 2014/425Unión Europea DPI 2016-76493-C3-1-R y 2014/425Universidad de Sevilla DPI 2016-76493-C3-1-R y 2014/42

    Single-Phase Charging of Six-Phase Integrated On-Board Battery Charger using Predictive Current Control

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    This work was achieved by the financial support of ITIDAs ITAC collaborative funded project under the category type of advanced research projects (ARP) and Grant Number ARP2020.R29.7.This work was achieved by the financial support of ITIDAs ITAC collaborative funded project under the category type of advanced research projects (ARP) and Grant Number ARP2020.R29.7.Integrated On-Board Battery Chargers (IOBCs) have shown promise as an elegant charging solution for electric vehicles in recent literature. Although the three-phase charging technique of IOBCs has extensively been discussed in the literature, single-phase charging is still a challenging research topic. The Predictive Current Control (PCC) approach has shown many benefits, including a straightforward algorithm, simple implementation, comparatively quick response, and appropriate performance, when compared to conventional control techniques. This paper investigates the impact of single-phase charging of a six-phase-based IOBC system with different winding configurations using PCC, which, up to the best authors’ knowledge, has not been conceived thus far. Under single-phase charging, the zero-sequence current component is utilized to ensure zero torque production during charging mode. Since the impedance of the zero subspace is highly affected by the employed winding design, the performance of PCC with different winding layouts of either induction machine (IM) or permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) is investigated and compared. The proposed method is experimentally validated using a 1.1kW six-phase IM and a 2 kW 12-slot/10-pole PMSM. Finite Element analysis is also carried out to investigate the effect of single-phase charging mode on the induced radial forces and vibration level when PM machine is employed

    Predictive current control in electrical drives: an illustrated review with case examples using a five-phase induction motor drive with distributed windings

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    The industrial application of electric machines in variable-speed drives has grown in the last decades thanks to the development of microprocessors and power converters. Although three-phase machines constitute the most common case, the interest of the research community has been recently focused on machines with more than three phases, known as multiphase machines. The principal reason lies in the exploitation of their advantages like reliability, better current distribution among phases or lower current harmonic production in the power converter than conventional three-phase ones, to name a few. Nevertheless, multiphase drives applications require the development of complex controllers to regulate the torque (or speed) and flux of the machine. In this regard, predictive current controllers have recently appeared as a viable alternative due to an easy formulation and a high flexibility to incorporate different control objectives. It is found however that these controllers face some peculiarities and limitations in their use that require attention. This work attempts to tackle the predictive current control technique as a viable alternative for the regulation of multiphase drives, paying special attention to the development of the control technique and the discussion of the benefits and limitations. Case examples with experimental results in a symmetrical five-phase induction machine with distributed windings in motoring mode of operation are used to this end

    Applications of Power Electronics:Volume 1

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    An Advanced Model Predictive Current Control of Synchronous Reluctance Motors

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    Synchronous reluctance motors (SynRMs) have, in recent years, attracted much attention due to their high-efficiency output and nature of their construction denoted by the lack of expensive magnetic materials, thus cheapening the overall cost whilst increasing in robustness. These benefits have made the SynRM a strong contender against other established electric motors in the market. Similarly, model predictive current control (MPCC) has recently become a powerful advanced control technology in industrial drives, being, therefore, a suitable choice for SynRM drives granting overall high control performance and efficiency. However, current prediction in MPCC requires a high number of voltage vectors (VVs) synthesizable by the converter, being therefore computationally demanding. Accordingly, the main goal of this work is the development and analysis of a more efficient and advanced MPCC for SynRMs whilst reducing the computational burden and delivering good control performance in contrast with the standard MPCC. Therefore, to achieve the intended levels of efficiency and control performance in SynRM drives, a combination of two control strategies is developed, which combines hysteresis current control (HCC) and MPCC, dubbed in this work HCC-MPCC. Furthermore, the SynRM dynamic model equations comprising the magnetic saturating effects and iron losses are presented through a detailed theoretical and computational analysis of the drive’s control. Conclusively, the developed HCC-MPCC for SynRM drives is analyzed through thorough and rigorous experimental tests alongside the standard MPCC, whose obtained results are detailed comprehensively.Os motores síncronos de relutância (SynRMs) têm, nos últimos anos, atraído muita atenção devido às suas características construtivas, designadamente pela falta de materiais magnéticos caros, depreciando assim o custo em geral; e simultaneamente pelo aumento em robustez. Esses benefícios tornaram o SynRM num forte concorrente face a outros motores elétricos existentes no mercado. Da mesma forma, o modelo preditivo de controlo de corrente (MPCC) tornou-se recentemente numa poderosa estratégia de controlo avançado em acionamentos industriais, sendo, portanto, uma escolha adequada para acionamentos envolvendo SynRMs, garantindo elevado desempenho e eficiência de controlo. No entanto, a previsão da corrente no MPCC requer um grande número de vetores de tensão (VVs) sintetizáveis pelo conversor, sendo, portanto, exigente computacionalmente. Consequentemente, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento e análise de um MPCC mais eficiente e avançado para SynRMs, reduzindo a carga computacional e, simultaneamente, demonstrando um bom desempenho de controlo em contraste com o MPCC clássico. Portanto, para atingir os níveis pretendidos de eficiência e desempenho de controlo em acionamentos com SynRMs, uma combinação de duas estratégias de controlo é desenvolvida, combinando o controlo de corrente de histerese (HCC) e MPCC, denominado neste trabalho HCC-MPCC. Além disso, as equações do modelo dinâmico do SynRM, compreendendo os efeitos de saturação magnética e as perdas de ferro, são apresentadas através de uma análise teórica e computacional detalhada do controlo do acionamento. Conclusivamente, o HCC-MPCC desenvolvido para acionamentos com SynRMs é analisado por meio de testes experimentais conjuntamente com o MPCC padrão, sendo os resultados obtidos detalhados de forma abrangente