48 research outputs found

    Reduction rules for YAWL workflow nets with cancellation regions and OR-joins

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    A reduction rule can transform a large net into a smaller and simple net while preserving certain interesting properties and it is usually applied before verification to reduce the complexity and to prevent state space explosion. Reset nets have been proposed to formally describe workflows with cancellation behaviour. In our previous work, we have presented a set of reduction rules for Reset Workflow Net (RWF-net), which is a subclass of reset nets. In this paper, we will present a set of reduction rules for YAWL nets with cancellation regions and OR-joins. The reduction rules for RWF-nets combined with the formal mappings from YAWL nets provide us with the means to dene a set of reduction rules for YAWL nets. We will also demonstrate how these reduction rules can be used for efficient verification of YAWL nets these features

    Reduction rules for YAWL workflow nets with cancellation regions and OR-joins

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    A reduction rule can transform a large net into a smaller and simple net while preserving certain interesting properties and it is usually applied before verification to reduce the complexity and to prevent state space explosion. Reset nets have been proposed to formally describe workflows with cancellation behaviour. In our previous work, we have presented a set of reduction rules for Reset Workflow Net (RWF-net), which is a subclass of reset nets. In this paper, we will present a set of reduction rules for YAWL nets with cancellation regions and OR-joins. The reduction rules for RWF-nets combined with the formal mappings from YAWL nets provide us with the means to dene a set of reduction rules for YAWL nets. We will also demonstrate how these reduction rules can be used for efficient verification of YAWL nets these features

    Reduction rules for reset workflow nets

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    When a workflow contains a large number of tasks and involves complex control flow dependencies, verification can take too much time or it may even be impossible. Reduction rules can be used to abstract from certain transitions and places in a large net and thus could cut down the size of the net used for verification. Petri nets have been proposed to model and analyse workflows and Petri nets reduction rules have been used for efficient verification of various properties of workflows, such as liveness and boundedness. Reset nets are Petri nets with reset arcs, which can remove tokens from places when a transition fires. The nature of reset arcs closely relates to the cancellation behaviour in workflows. As a result, reset nets have been proposed to formally represent workflows with cancellation behaviour, which is not easily modelled in ordinary Petri nets. Even though reduction rules exist for Petri nets, the nature of reset arcs could invalidate the transformation rules applicable to Petri nets. This motivated us to consider possible reduction rules for reset nets. In this paper, we propose a number of reduction rules for Reset Workflow Nets (RWF-nets) that are soundness preserving. These reduction rules are based on reduction rules available for Petri nets [19] and we present the necessary conditions under which these rules hold in the context of reset nets

    Possibilistic WorkFlow nets for dealing with cancellation regions in business processes

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    In this paper, an approach based on WorkFlow nets and possibilistic Petri nets is proposed for dealing with the cancellation features in business processes. Routing patterns existing in business processes are modeled by WorkFlow nets. Possibilistic Petri nets with uncertainty in the marking and the transition firing are used to deal with all possible markings when cancellation behaviour is considered. Combining both formalisms, a kind of possibilisticWorkFlow net is obtained. An example of a simplified version of a credit card application process is presented

    Generation of interactive questionnaires using YAWL-based workflow models

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    A concept is introduced in this article which has strong practical impact for computer aided system configuration. System configuration is a cumbersome and fault sensitive task while setting up systems in a broad range of business applications like ERP (enterprise resource planning) and other workflow-systems. Given a generic process or workflow model in YAWL-notation (yet another workflow language) or any other process modeling language like business process model and notation or WFMC (workflow management coalition), it could be stated that, by using a set of reduction rules as introduced, it is possible to generate a hierarchically structured tree of sub graphs of the workflow graph-representation. According to the notation used, authors call these sub graphs facts. The tree structure of the graph-representation on one hand and the logical relation between the branches and leafs of the tree on the other can be utilized to create a set of constraints and dependencies among the single facts. Some researchers showed that the nested branches can be associated to (predefined) questions with respect to the configuration of a workflow management system, for instance an ERP-application. They presented an algorithm which dynamically sorts the questions and answers in a maximum efficient configuration path, while working through the corresponding questionnaire. By combining the different elements as facts, constraints on questions, and configuration space, it is thus possible to algorithmically generate the efficient structured and interactive questionnaire for the configuration of workflow systems and algorithmically check the consistency (dead lock free, free of synchronization structural conflict) of the underlying workflow model. The concept was tested in the prototype of the interactive questionnaire for configuration of the web-service based ERP-Application Posity

    Formalization and Model Checking of BPMN Collaboration Diagrams with DD-LOTOS

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    Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is a standard graphical notation for modeling complex business processes. Given the importance of business processes, the modeling analysis and validation stage for BPMN is essential. In recent years, BPMN notation has become a widespread practice in business process modeling because of these intuitive diagrams. BPMN diagrams are built from basic elements. The major challenge of BPMN diagrams is the lack of formal semantics, which leads to several interpretations of the concerned diagrams. Hence, this work aims to propose an approach for checking BPMN collaboration diagrams to guarantee some properties of smooth functioning of systems modeled by BPMN notation. The verification approach used in this work is based on model checking techniques. The approach proposes as a first step a formal semantics of the collaboration diagrams in terms of the formal language DD-LOTOS, i.e., a phase of the transformation of collaboration diagrams into DD-LOTOS. This transformation is guided by applying the inference rules of the formal semantics of the DD-LOTOS formal language, and we then use the UPPAAL model checker to check the absence of deadlock, safety properties, and liveness properties

    Soundness of workflow nets : classification, decidability, and analysis

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    Workflow nets, a particular class of Petri nets, have become one of the standard ways to model and analyze workflows. Typically, they are used as an abstraction of the workflow that is used to check the so-called soundness property. This property guarantees the absence of livelocks, deadlocks, and other anomalies that can be detected without domain knowledge. Several authors have proposed alternative notions of soundness and have suggested to use more expressive languages, e.g., models with cancellations or priorities. This paper provides an overview of the different notions of soundness and investigates these in the presence of different extensions of workflow nets. We will show that the eight soundness notions described in the literature are decidable for workflow nets. However, most extensions will make all of these notions undecidable. These new results show the theoretical limits of workflow verification. Moreover, we discuss some of the analysis approaches described in the literature

    Generation of Interactive Questionnaires Using YAWL-based Workflow Models

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    Conformance Checking of Mixed-paradigm Process Models

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    Mixed-paradigm process models integrate strengths of procedural and declarative representations like Petri nets and Declare. They are specifically interesting for process mining because they allow capturing complex behaviour in a compact way. A key research challenge for the proliferation of mixed-paradigm models for process mining is the lack of corresponding conformance checking techniques. In this paper, we address this problem by devising the first approach that works with intertwined state spaces of mixed-paradigm models. More specifically, our approach uses an alignment-based replay to explore the state space and compute trace fitness in a procedural way. In every state, the declarative constraints are separately updated, such that violations disable the corresponding activities. Our technique provides for an efficient replay towards an optimal alignment by respecting all orthogonal Declare constraints. We have implemented our technique in ProM and demonstrate its performance in an evaluation with real-world event logs.Comment: Accepted for publication in Information System