2 research outputs found

    Mapping AADL models to a repository of multiple schedulability analysis techniques

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    To fill the gap between the modeling of real-time systems and the scheduling analysis, we propose a framework that supports seamlessly the two aspects: 1) modeling a system using a methodology, in our case study, the Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL), and 2) helping to easily check temporal requirements (schedulability analysis, worst-case response time, sensitivity analysis, etc.). We introduce an intermediate framework called MoSaRT, which supports a rich semantic concerning temporal analysis. We show with a case study how the input model is transformed into a MoSaRT model, and how our framework is able to generate the proper models as inputs to several classic temporal analysis tools

    Heterogeneous models and analyses in the design of real-time embedded systems - an avionic case-study

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    The development of embedded systems according to Model-Driven Development relies on two complementary activities: system mod- eling on the one hand and analysis of the non-functional properties, such as timing properties, on the other hand. Yet, the coupling be- tween models and analyses remains largely disregarded so far: e.g. how to apply an analysis on a model? How to manage the analysis process? This paper presents an application of our research on this topic. In particular, we show that our approach makes it possible to combine heterogeneous models and analyses in the design of an avionic system. We use two languages to model the system at di erent levels of abstraction: the industry standard AADL (Ar- chitecture Analysis and Design Language) and the more recent implementation-oriented CPAL language (Cyber-Physical Action Language). We then combine di erent real-time scheduling analy- ses so as to gradually de ne the task and network parameters and nally validate the schedulability of all activities of the system