3 research outputs found

    Reducing the Energy Dissipation of the Issue Queue by Exploiting Narrow Immediate Operands

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    In contemporary superscalar microprocessors, issue queue is a considerable energy dissipating component due its complex scheduling logic. In addition to the energy dissipated for scheduling activities, read and write lines of the issue queue entries are also high energy consuming pieces of the issue queue. When these lines are used for reading and writing unnecessary information bits, such as the immediate operand part of an instruction that does not use the immediate field or the insignificant higher order bits of an immediate operand that are in fact not needed, significant amount of energy is wasted. In this paper, we propose two techniques to reduce the energy dissipation of the issue queue by exploiting the immediate operand files of the stored instructions: firstly by storing immediate operands in separate immediate operand files rather than storing them inside the issue queue entries and secondly by issue queue partitioning based on widths of immediate operands of instructions. We present our performance results and energy savings using a cycle accurate simulator and testing the design with SPEC2K benchmarks and 90 nm CMOS (UMC) technology

    Accelerators for Data Processing

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    The explosive growth in digital data and its growing role in real-time analytics motivate the design of high-performance database management systems (DBMSs). Meanwhile, slowdown in supply voltage scaling has stymied improvements in core performance and ushered an era of power-limited chips. These developments motivate the design of software and hardware DBMS accelerators that (1) maximize utility by accelerating the dominant operations, and (2) provide flexibility in the choice of DBMS, data layout, and data types. In this thesis, we identify pointer-intensive data structure operations as a key performance and efficiency bottleneck in data analytics workloads. We observe that data analytics tasks include a large number of independent data structure lookups, each of which is characterized by dependent long-latency memory accesses due to pointer chasing. Unfortunately, exploiting such inter-lookup parallelism to overlap memory accesses from different lookups is not possible within the limited instruction window of modern out-of-order cores. Similarly, software prefetching techniques attempt to exploit inter-lookup parallelism by statically staging independent lookups, and hence break down in the face of irregularity across lookup stages. Based on these observations, we provide a dynamic software acceleration scheme for exploiting inter-lookup parallelism to hide the memory access latency despite the irregularities across lookups. Furthermore, we propose a programmable hardware accelerator to maximize the efficiency of the data structure lookups. As a result, through flexible hardware and software techniques we eliminate a key efficiency and performance bottleneck in data analytics operations

    Shared Frontend for Manycore Server Processors

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    Instruction-supplymechanisms, namely the branch predictors and instruction prefetchers, exploit recurring control flow in an application to predict the applicationâs future control flow and provide the core with a useful instruction stream to execute in a timely manner. Consequently, instruction-supplymechanisms aggressively incorporate control-flow condition, target, and instruction cache access information (i.e., control-flow metadata) to improve performance. Despite their high accuracy, thus performance benefits, these predictors lead to major silicon provisioning due to their metadata storage overhead. The storage overhead is further aggravated by the increasing core counts and more complex software stacks leading to major metadata redundancy: (i) across cores as the metadata of cores running a given server workload significantly overlap, (ii) within a core as the control-flowmetadata maintained by disparate instruction-supplymechanisms overlap significantly. In this thesis, we identify the sources of redundancy in the instruction-supply metadata and provide mechanisms to share metadata across cores and unify metadata for disparate instruction-supply mechanisms. First, homogeneous server workloads running on many cores allow for metadata sharing across cores, as each core executes the same types of requests and exhibits the same control flow. Second, the control-flow metadata maintained by individual instruction-supply mechanisms, despite being at different granularities (i.e., instruction vs. instruction block), overlap significantly, allowing for unifying their metadata. Building on these two observations, we eliminate the storage overhead stemming from metadata redundancy inmanycore server processors through a specialized shared frontend, which enables sharing metadata across cores and unifying metadata within a core without sacrificing the performance benefits provided by private and disparate instruction-supply mechanisms