3 research outputs found

    Reducing performance non-determinism via cache-aware page allocation strategies

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    Performance non-determinism in computer systems complicates evaluation, use, and even development of these systems. In performance evaluation via benchmarking and simulation, non-determinism requires long executions and more complex experiment design. Real-time systems are hard to dimension and tune with non-determinism. The slower benchmarking also slows down system development, as it takes developers longer to see performance implications of their modifications. Cache-unaware physical page allocation in an operating system is believed to be a significant cause of non-determinism, but there is no published empirical study that would confirm it. We provide such a study for the Linux operating system, comparing the default cache-unaware page allocation strategy to known cache-aware strategies, page coloring and bin hopping. We have implemented a framework for page allocation strategies in the Linux kernel, employed it for these two strategies, and measured the non-determinism on a large and diverse set of benchmarks. We propose a statistical technique which allows to classify different kinds of performance non-determinism and evaluate their magnitudes. Application of our technique reveals that the two strategies do reduce performance non-determinism without significantly increasing mean response time

    Cache-Aware Virtual Page Management

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    With contemporary research focusing its attention primarily on benchmark-driven performance evaluation, studying fundamental memory characteristics has gone by the way-side. This thesis presents a systematic study of the expected performance characteristics for contemporary multi-core CPUs. These characteristics are the primary influence on benchmarking variability and need to be quantified if more accurate benchmark results are desired. With the aid of a new, highly customizable, micro-benchmark suite, these CPU-specific attributes are evaluated and contrasted. The benchmark tool provides the framework for accurately measuring instruction throughput and integrates hardware performance counters to gain insight into machine-level caching performance. Additionally, the Linux operating system's impact on cache utilization is evaluated. With careful virtual memory management, cache-misses may be reduced, significantly contributing to benchmark result stability. Finally, a popular cache performance model, stack distance profile, is evaluated with respect to contemporary CPU architectures. While particularly popular in multi-core contention-aware scheduling projects, modern incarnations of the model fail to account for trends in CPU cache hardware, leading to measurable degrees of inaccuracy

    Towards Practical Predicate Analysis

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    Software model checking is a successful technique for automated program verification. Several of the most widely used approaches for software model checking are based on solving first-order-logic formulas over predicates using SMT solvers, e.g., predicate abstraction, bounded model checking, k-induction, and lazy abstraction with interpolants. We define a configurable framework for predicate-based analyses that allows expressing each of these approaches. This unifying framework highlights the differences between the approaches, producing new insights, and facilitates research of further algorithms and their combinations, as witnessed by several research projects that have been conducted on top of this framework. In addition to this theoretical contribution, we provide a mature implementation of our framework in the software verifier that allows applying all of the mentioned approaches to practice. This implementation is used by other research groups, e.g., to find bugs in the Linux kernel, and has proven its competitiveness by winning gold medals in the International Competition on Software Verification. Tools and approaches for software model checking like our predicate analysis are typically evaluated using performance benchmarking on large sets of verification tasks. We have identified several pitfalls that can silently arise during benchmarking, and we have found that the benchmarking techniques and tools that are used by many researchers do not guarantee valid results in practice, but may produce arbitrarily large measurement errors. Furthermore, certain hardware characteristics can also have nondeterministic influence on the measurements. In order to being able to properly evaluate our framework for software verification, we study the effects of these hardware characteristics, and define a list of the most important requirements that need to be ensured for reliable benchmarking. We present as solution an open-source benchmarking framework BenchExec, which in contrast to other benchmarking tools fulfills all our requirements and aims at making reliable benchmarking easy. BenchExec was already adopted by several research groups and the International Competition on Software Verification. Using the power of BenchExec we conduct an experimental evaluation of our unifying framework for predicate analysis. We study the effect of varying the SMT solver and the way program semantics are encoded in formulas across several verification algorithms and find that these technical choices can significantly influence the results of experimental studies of verification approaches. This is valuable information for both researchers who study verification approaches as well as for users who apply them in practice. Our comprehensive study of 120 different configurations would not have been possible without our highly flexible and configurable unifying framework for predicate analysis and shows that the latter is a valuable base for conducting experiments. Furthermore, we show using a comparison against top-ranking verifiers from the International Competition on Software Verification that our implementation is highly competitive and can outperform the state of the art