3 research outputs found

    Priority-Driven Differentiated Performance for NoSQL Database-As-a-Service

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    Designing data stores for native Cloud Computing services brings a number of challenges, especially if the Cloud Provider wants to offer database services capable of controlling the response time for specific customers. These requests may come from heterogeneous data-driven applications with conflicting responsiveness requirements. For instance, a batch processing workload does not require the same level of responsiveness as a time-sensitive one. Their coexistence may interfere with the responsiveness of the time-sensitive workload, such as online video gaming, virtual reality, and cloud-based machine learning. This paper presents a modification to the popular MongoDB NoSQL database to enable differentiated per-user/request performance on a priority basis by leveraging CPU scheduling and synchronization mechanisms available within the Operating System. This is achieved with minimally invasive changes to the source code and without affecting the performance and behavior of the database when the new feature is not in use. The proposed extension has been integrated with the access-control model of MongoDB for secure and controlled access to the new capability. Extensive experimentation with realistic workloads demonstrates how the proposed solution is able to reduce the response times for high-priority users/requests, with respect to lower-priority ones, in scenarios with mixed-priority clients accessing the data store

    Strong Temporal Isolation among Containers in OpenStack for NFV Services

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    In this paper, the problem of temporal isolation among containerized software components running in shared cloud infrastructures is tackled, proposing an approach based on hierarchical real-time CPU scheduling. This allows for reserving a precise share of the available computing power for each container deployed in a multi-core server, so to provide it with a stable performance, independently from the load of other co-located containers. The proposed technique enables the use of reliable modeling techniques for end-to-end service chains that are effective in controlling the application-level performance. An implementation of the technique within the well-known OpenStack cloud orchestration software is presented, focusing on a use-case framed in the context of network function virtualization. The modified OpenStack is capable of leveraging the special real-time scheduling features made available in the underlying Linux operating system through a patch to the in-kernel process scheduler. The effectiveness of the technique is validated by gathering performance data from two applications running in a real test-bed with the mentioned modifications to OpenStack and the Linux kernel. A performance model is developed that tightly models the application behavior under a variety of conditions. Extensive experimentation shows that the proposed mechanism is successful in guaranteeing isolation of individual containerized activities on the platform

    Reducing Temporal Interference in Private Clouds through Real-Time Containers

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    Providing innovative resource-efficient solutions able to mitigate temporal interference among cloud services, concurrently sharing the same underlying platform, is crucial to deploy highly time-sensitive applications at the edge of the network where resources are strongly restrained, and timing constraints are stringent. A notable example is provided by the allocation of virtualized network functions in the radio access network of modern mobile networks, such as 5G. This paper describes a kernel mechanism that can be applied to the design of an architecture providing fine-grain control of the temporal interferences among concurrent real-time services while avoiding overheads related to machine virtualization. On top of them, a model is proposed to meet the required end-to-end application performance through tuning of parameters in the underlying novel architecture. We show that theoretical latency/load curves match closely with experimental data gathered from a real implementation carried out using both a networking microbenchmark and a real IMS application