5 research outputs found

    Reducibility of Gene Patterns in Ciliates using the Breakpoint Graph

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    Gene assembly in ciliates is one of the most involved DNA processings going on in any organism. This process transforms one nucleus (the micronucleus) into another functionally different nucleus (the macronucleus). We continue the development of the theoretical models of gene assembly, and in particular we demonstrate the use of the concept of the breakpoint graph, known from another branch of DNA transformation research. More specifically: (1) we characterize the intermediate gene patterns that can occur during the transformation of a given micronuclear gene pattern to its macronuclear form; (2) we determine the number of applications of the loop recombination operation (the most basic of the three molecular operations that accomplish gene assembly) needed in this transformation; (3) we generalize previous results (and give elegant alternatives for some proofs) concerning characterizations of the micronuclear gene patterns that can be assembled using a specific subset of the three molecular operations.Comment: 30 pages, 13 figure

    Models of natural computation : gene assembly and membrane systems

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    This thesis is concerned with two research areas in natural computing: the computational nature of gene assembly and membrane computing. Gene assembly is a process occurring in unicellular organisms called ciliates. During this process genes are transformed through cut-and-paste operations. We study this process from a theoretical point of view. More specifically, we relate the theory of gene assembly to sorting by reversal, which is another well-known theory of DNA transformation. In this way we obtain a novel graph-theoretical representation that provides new insights into the nature of gene assembly. Membrane computing is a computational model inspired by the functioning of membranes in cells. Membrane systems compute in a parallel fashion by moving objects, through membranes, between compartments. We study the computational power of various classes of membrane systems, and also relate them to other well-known models of computation.Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Institute for Programming research and Algorithmics (IPA)UBL - phd migration 201

    Sorting Permutations: Games, Genomes, and Cycles

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    Permutation sorting, one of the fundamental steps in pre-processing data for the efficient application of other algorithms, has a long history in mathematical research literature and has numerous applications. Two special-purpose sorting operations are considered in this paper: context directed swap, abbreviated cds, and context directed reversal, abbreviated cdr. These are special cases of sorting operations that were studied in prior work on permutation sorting. Moreover, cds and cdr have been postulated to model molecular sorting events that occur in the genome maintenance program of certain species of single-celled organisms called ciliates. This paper investigates mathematical aspects of these two sorting operations. The main result of this paper is a generalization of previously discovered characterizations of cds-sortability of a permutation. The combinatorial structure underlying this generalization suggests natural combinatorial two-player games. These games are the main mathematical innovation of this paper.Comment: to appear in Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Application