8 research outputs found

    Formal Model Engineering for Embedded Systems Using Real-Time Maude

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    This paper motivates why Real-Time Maude should be well suited to provide a formal semantics and formal analysis capabilities to modeling languages for embedded systems. One can then use the code generation facilities of the tools for the modeling languages to automatically synthesize Real-Time Maude verification models from design models, enabling a formal model engineering process that combines the convenience of modeling using an informal but intuitive modeling language with formal verification. We give a brief overview six fairly different modeling formalisms for which Real-Time Maude has provided the formal semantics and (possibly) formal analysis. These models include behavioral subsets of the avionics modeling standard AADL, Ptolemy II discrete-event models, two EMF-based timed model transformation systems, and a modeling language for handset software.Comment: In Proceedings AMMSE 2011, arXiv:1106.596

    Using the PALS Architecture to Verify a Distributed Topology Control Protocol for Wireless Multi-Hop Networks in the Presence of Node Failures

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    The PALS architecture reduces distributed, real-time asynchronous system design to the design of a synchronous system under reasonable requirements. Assuming logical synchrony leads to fewer system behaviors and provides a conceptually simpler paradigm for engineering purposes. One of the current limitations of the framework is that from a set of independent "synchronous machines", one must compose the entire synchronous system by hand, which is tedious and error-prone. We use Maude's meta-level to automatically generate a synchronous composition from user-provided component machines and a description of how the machines communicate with each other. We then use the new capabilities to verify the correctness of a distributed topology control protocol for wireless networks in the presence of nodes that may fail.Comment: In Proceedings RTRTS 2010, arXiv:1009.398

    A Rewriting-Logic-Based Technique for Modeling Thermal Systems

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    This paper presents a rewriting-logic-based modeling and analysis technique for physical systems, with focus on thermal systems. The contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows: (i) providing a framework for modeling and executing physical systems, where both the physical components and their physical interactions are treated as first-class citizens; (ii) showing how heat transfer problems in thermal systems can be modeled in Real-Time Maude; (iii) giving the implementation in Real-Time Maude of a basic numerical technique for executing continuous behaviors in object-oriented hybrid systems; and (iv) illustrating these techniques with a set of incremental case studies using realistic physical parameters, with examples of simulation and model checking analyses.Comment: In Proceedings RTRTS 2010, arXiv:1009.398

    Model Checking Classes of Metric LTL Properties of Object-Oriented Real-Time Maude Specifications

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    This paper presents a transformational approach for model checking two important classes of metric temporal logic (MTL) properties, namely, bounded response and minimum separation, for nonhierarchical object-oriented Real-Time Maude specifications. We prove the correctness of our model checking algorithms, which terminate under reasonable non-Zeno-ness assumptions when the reachable state space is finite. These new model checking features have been integrated into Real-Time Maude, and are used to analyze a network of medical devices and a 4-way traffic intersection system.Comment: In Proceedings RTRTS 2010, arXiv:1009.398

    A Systematic Approach to Constructing Families of Incremental Topology Control Algorithms Using Graph Transformation

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    In the communication systems domain, constructing and maintaining network topologies via topology control (TC) algorithms is an important cross-cutting research area. Network topologies are usually modeled using attributed graphs whose nodes and edges represent the network nodes and their interconnecting links. A key requirement of TC algorithms is to fulfill certain consistency and optimization properties to ensure a high quality of service. Still, few attempts have been made to constructively integrate these properties into the development process of TC algorithms. Furthermore, even though many TC algorithms share substantial parts (such as structural patterns or tie-breaking strategies), few works constructively leverage these commonalities and differences of TC algorithms systematically. In previous work, we addressed the constructive integration of consistency properties into the development process. We outlined a constructive, model-driven methodology for designing individual TC algorithms. Valid and high-quality topologies are characterized using declarative graph constraints; TC algorithms are specified using programmed graph transformation. We applied a well-known static analysis technique to refine a given TC algorithm in a way that the resulting algorithm preserves the specified graph constraints. In this paper, we extend our constructive methodology by generalizing it to support the specification of families of TC algorithms. To show the feasibility of our approach, we reneging six existing TC algorithms and develop e-kTC, a novel energy-efficient variant of the TC algorithm kTC. Finally, we evaluate a subset of the specified TC algorithms using a new tool integration of the graph transformation tool eMoflon and the Simonstrator network simulation framework.Comment: Corresponds to the accepted manuscrip

    A Systematic Approach to Constructing Incremental Topology Control Algorithms Using Graph Transformation

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    Communication networks form the backbone of our society. Topology control algorithms optimize the topology of such communication networks. Due to the importance of communication networks, a topology control algorithm should guarantee certain required consistency properties (e.g., connectivity of the topology), while achieving desired optimization properties (e.g., a bounded number of neighbors). Real-world topologies are dynamic (e.g., because nodes join, leave, or move within the network), which requires topology control algorithms to operate in an incremental way, i.e., based on the recently introduced modifications of a topology. Visual programming and specification languages are a proven means for specifying the structure as well as consistency and optimization properties of topologies. In this paper, we present a novel methodology, based on a visual graph transformation and graph constraint language, for developing incremental topology control algorithms that are guaranteed to fulfill a set of specified consistency and optimization constraints. More specifically, we model the possible modifications of a topology control algorithm and the environment using graph transformation rules, and we describe consistency and optimization properties using graph constraints. On this basis, we apply and extend a well-known constructive approach to derive refined graph transformation rules that preserve these graph constraints. We apply our methodology to re-engineer an established topology control algorithm, kTC, and evaluate it in a network simulation study to show the practical applicability of our approachComment: This document corresponds to the accepted manuscript of the referenced journal articl

    Twenty years of rewriting logic

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    AbstractRewriting logic is a simple computational logic that can naturally express both concurrent computation and logical deduction with great generality. This paper provides a gentle, intuitive introduction to its main ideas, as well as a survey of the work that many researchers have carried out over the last twenty years in advancing: (i) its foundations; (ii) its semantic framework and logical framework uses; (iii) its language implementations and its formal tools; and (iv) its many applications to automated deduction, software and hardware specification and verification, security, real-time and cyber-physical systems, probabilistic systems, bioinformatics and chemical systems