39 research outputs found

    Efficient Transparent Redactable Signatures with a Single Signature Invocation

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    A redactable signature scheme is one that allows the original signature to be used, usually along with some additional data, to verify certain carefully` specified changes to the original document that was signed, namely the removal or redaction of subdocuments. For redactable signatures, the term transparency has been used to describe a scheme that hides the number and locations of redacted subdocuments. We present here two efficient transparent redactable signature schemes, which are the first such schemes in the literature that are based solely on tools of symmetric cryptography, along with a single application of an ordinary digital signature. As with several previous schemes for redactable signatures, we sign a sequence of randomized commitments that depend on the contents of the subdocuments of the document to be signed. In order to hide their number and location, we randomize their order, and mix them with a sequence of dummy nodes that are indistinguishable from commitment values. Our first scheme uses a data structure of size quadratic in the number of subdocuments, encoding all the precedence relations between pairs of subdocuments. By embedding these precedence relations in a smaller family of graphs, our second scheme is more efficient, with expected cost linear in the number of subdocuments in the document to be signed. We introduce a quantified version of the transparency property, precisely describing the uncertainty about the number of redacted subdocuments that is guaranteed by the two schemes. We prove that our schemes are secure, i.e. unforgeable, private, and transparent, based on the security of collision-free hash functions, pseudorandom generators, and digital signature schemes. While providing such strong security, our scheme is also efficient, in terms of both computation and communication

    Policy-Based Redactable Signatures

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    In this work we make progress towards solving an open problem posed by Bilzhause et. al, to give constructions of redactable signature schemes that allow the signer to limit the possible redactions performed by a third party. A separate, but related notion, called controlled disclosure allows a redactor to limit future redactions. We look at two types of data, sets and linear data (data organized as a sequence). In the case of sets, we limit redactions using a policy modeled by a monotone circuit or any circuit depending on the size of the universe the set is drawn from. In the case of linear data, we give a linear construction from vector commitments that limits redactions using a policy modeled as a monotone circuit. Our constructions have the attractive feature that they are built using only blackbox techniques

    Genomic security (Lest we forget)

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    Quotable Signatures for Authenticating Shared Quotes

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    Quotable signature schemes are digital signature schemes with the additional property that from the signature for a message, any party can extract signatures for (allowable) quotes from the message, without knowing the secret key or interacting with the signer of the original message. Crucially, the extracted signatures are still signed with the original secret key. We define a notion of security for quotable signature schemes and construct a concrete example of a quotable signature scheme, using Merkle trees and classical digital signature schemes. The scheme is shown to be secure, with respect to the aforementioned notion of security. Additionally, we prove bounds on the complexity of the constructed scheme and provide algorithms for signing, quoting, and verifying. Finally, concrete use cases of quotable signatures are considered, using them to combat misinformation by bolstering authentic content on social media. We consider both how quotable signatures can be used, and why using them could help mitigate the effects of fake news.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figure

    Privacy, Access Control, and Integrity for Large Graph Databases

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    Graph data are extensively utilized in social networks, collaboration networks, geo-social networks, and communication networks. Their growing usage in cyberspaces poses daunting security and privacy challenges. Data publication requires privacy-protection mechanisms to guard against information breaches. In addition, access control mechanisms can be used to allow controlled sharing of data. Provision of privacy-protection, access control, and data integrity for graph data require a holistic approach for data management and secure query processing. This thesis presents such an approach. In particular, the thesis addresses two notable challenges for graph databases, which are: i) how to ensure users\u27 privacy in published graph data under an access control policy enforcement, and ii) how to verify the integrity and query results of graph datasets. To address the first challenge, a privacy-protection framework under role-based access control (RBAC) policy constraints is proposed. The design of such a framework poses a trade-off problem, which is proved to be NP-complete. Novel heuristic solutions are provided to solve the constraint problem. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first scheme that studies the trade-off between RBAC policy constraints and privacy-protection for graph data. To address the second challenge, a cryptographic security model based on Hash Message Authentic Codes (HMACs) is proposed. The model ensures integrity and completeness verification of data and query results under both two-party and third-party data distribution environments. Unique solutions based on HMACs for integrity verification of graph data are developed and detailed security analysis is provided for the proposed schemes. Extensive experimental evaluations are conducted to illustrate the performance of proposed algorithms

    Verifiable Order Queries and Order Statistics on a List in Zero-Knowledge

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    Given a list L with n elements, an order query on L asks whether a given element x in L precedes or follows another element y in L. More generally, given a set of m elements from L, an order query asks for the set ordered according to the positions of the elements in L. We introduce two formal models for answering order queries on a list in a verifiable manner and in zero-knowledge. We also present efficient constructions for these models. Our first model, called \emph{zero-knowledge list} (ZKL), generalizes membership queries on a set to order queries on a list in zero-knowledge. We present a construction of ZKL based on zero-knowledge sets and a homomorphic integer commitment scheme. Our second model, \emph{privacy-preserving authenticated list} (PPAL), extends authenticated data structures by adding a zero-knowledge privacy requirement. In this model, a list is outsourced by a trusted owner to an untrusted cloud server, which answers order queries issued by clients. The server also returns a proof of the answer, which is verified by the client using a digest of the list obtained from the owner. PPAL supports the security properties of data integrity against a malicious server and privacy protection against a malicious client. Though PPAL can be implemented using our ZKL construction, this construction is not as efficient as desired in cloud applications. To this end, we present an efficient PPAL construction based on blinded bilinear accumulators and bilinear maps, which is provably secure and zero-knowledge (e.g., hiding even the size of the list). Our PPAL construction uses proofs of O(m)O(m) size and allows the client to verify a proof in O(m)O(m) time.~The owner executes the setup in O(n)O(n) time and space. The server uses O(n)O(n) space to store the list and related authentication information, and takes O(min(mlogn,n))O(\min(m\log n, n)) time to answer a query and generate a proof. Both our ZKL and PPAL constructions have one round of communication and are secure in the random oracle model. Finally, we show that our ZKL and PPAL frameworks can be extended to support fundamental statistical queries (including maximum, minimum, median, threshold and top-t elements) efficiently and in zero-knowledge