557 research outputs found

    Recursive n-gram hashing is pairwise independent, at best

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    Many applications use sequences of n consecutive symbols (n-grams). Hashing these n-grams can be a performance bottleneck. For more speed, recursive hash families compute hash values by updating previous values. We prove that recursive hash families cannot be more than pairwise independent. While hashing by irreducible polynomials is pairwise independent, our implementations either run in time O(n) or use an exponential amount of memory. As a more scalable alternative, we make hashing by cyclic polynomials pairwise independent by ignoring n-1 bits. Experimentally, we show that hashing by cyclic polynomials is is twice as fast as hashing by irreducible polynomials. We also show that randomized Karp-Rabin hash families are not pairwise independent.Comment: See software at https://github.com/lemire/rollinghashcp

    The universality of iterated hashing over variable-length strings

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    Iterated hash functions process strings recursively, one character at a time. At each iteration, they compute a new hash value from the preceding hash value and the next character. We prove that iterated hashing can be pairwise independent, but never 3-wise independent. We show that it can be almost universal over strings much longer than the number of hash values; we bound the maximal string length given the collision probability

    Strongly universal string hashing is fast

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    We present fast strongly universal string hashing families: they can process data at a rate of 0.2 CPU cycle per byte. Maybe surprisingly, we find that these families---though they require a large buffer of random numbers---are often faster than popular hash functions with weaker theoretical guarantees. Moreover, conventional wisdom is that hash functions with fewer multiplications are faster. Yet we find that they may fail to be faster due to operation pipelining. We present experimental results on several processors including low-powered processors. Our tests include hash functions designed for processors with the Carry-Less Multiplication (CLMUL) instruction set. We also prove, using accessible proofs, the strong universality of our families.Comment: Software is available at http://code.google.com/p/variablelengthstringhashing/ and https://github.com/lemire/StronglyUniversalStringHashin

    Search Efficient Binary Network Embedding

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    Traditional network embedding primarily focuses on learning a dense vector representation for each node, which encodes network structure and/or node content information, such that off-the-shelf machine learning algorithms can be easily applied to the vector-format node representations for network analysis. However, the learned dense vector representations are inefficient for large-scale similarity search, which requires to find the nearest neighbor measured by Euclidean distance in a continuous vector space. In this paper, we propose a search efficient binary network embedding algorithm called BinaryNE to learn a sparse binary code for each node, by simultaneously modeling node context relations and node attribute relations through a three-layer neural network. BinaryNE learns binary node representations efficiently through a stochastic gradient descent based online learning algorithm. The learned binary encoding not only reduces memory usage to represent each node, but also allows fast bit-wise comparisons to support much quicker network node search compared to Euclidean distance or other distance measures. Our experiments and comparisons show that BinaryNE not only delivers more than 23 times faster search speed, but also provides comparable or better search quality than traditional continuous vector based network embedding methods

    Practical Evaluation of Lempel-Ziv-78 and Lempel-Ziv-Welch Tries

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    We present the first thorough practical study of the Lempel-Ziv-78 and the Lempel-Ziv-Welch computation based on trie data structures. With a careful selection of trie representations we can beat well-tuned popular trie data structures like Judy, m-Bonsai or Cedar

    Regular and almost universal hashing: an efficient implementation

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    Random hashing can provide guarantees regarding the performance of data structures such as hash tables---even in an adversarial setting. Many existing families of hash functions are universal: given two data objects, the probability that they have the same hash value is low given that we pick hash functions at random. However, universality fails to ensure that all hash functions are well behaved. We further require regularity: when picking data objects at random they should have a low probability of having the same hash value, for any fixed hash function. We present the efficient implementation of a family of non-cryptographic hash functions (PM+) offering good running times, good memory usage as well as distinguishing theoretical guarantees: almost universality and component-wise regularity. On a variety of platforms, our implementations are comparable to the state of the art in performance. On recent Intel processors, PM+ achieves a speed of 4.7 bytes per cycle for 32-bit outputs and 3.3 bytes per cycle for 64-bit outputs. We review vectorization through SIMD instructions (e.g., AVX2) and optimizations for superscalar execution.Comment: accepted for publication in Software: Practice and Experience in September 201

    A simple yet effective baseline for non-attributed graph classification

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    Graphs are complex objects that do not lend themselves easily to typical learning tasks. Recently, a range of approaches based on graph kernels or graph neural networks have been developed for graph classification and for representation learning on graphs in general. As the developed methodologies become more sophisticated, it is important to understand which components of the increasingly complex methods are necessary or most effective. As a first step, we develop a simple yet meaningful graph representation, and explore its effectiveness in graph classification. We test our baseline representation for the graph classification task on a range of graph datasets. Interestingly, this simple representation achieves similar performance as the state-of-the-art graph kernels and graph neural networks for non-attributed graph classification. Its performance on classifying attributed graphs is slightly weaker as it does not incorporate attributes. However, given its simplicity and efficiency, we believe that it still serves as an effective baseline for attributed graph classification. Our graph representation is efficient (linear-time) to compute. We also provide a simple connection with the graph neural networks. Note that these observations are only for the task of graph classification while existing methods are often designed for a broader scope including node embedding and link prediction. The results are also likely biased due to the limited amount of benchmark datasets available. Nevertheless, the good performance of our simple baseline calls for the development of new, more comprehensive benchmark datasets so as to better evaluate and analyze different graph learning methods. Furthermore, given the computational efficiency of our graph summary, we believe that it is a good candidate as a baseline method for future graph classification (or even other graph learning) studies.Comment: 13 pages. Shorter version appears at 2019 ICLR Workshop: Representation Learning on Graphs and Manifolds. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1810.00826 by other author