5,677 research outputs found

    Neuro-fuzzy identification of an internal combustion engine

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    Dynamic modeling and identification of an internal combustion engine (ICE) model is presented in this paper. Initially, an analytical model of an internal combustion engine simulated within SIMULINK environment is excited by pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS) input. This random signals input is chosen to excite the dynamic behavior of the system over a large range of frequencies. The input and output data obtained from the simulation of the analytical model is used for the identification of the system. Next, a parametric modeling of the internal combustion engine using recursive least squares (RLS) technique within an auto-regressive external input (ARX) model structure and a nonparametric modeling using neuro-fuzzy modeling (ANFIS) approach are introduced. Both parametric and nonparametric models verified using one-step-ahead (OSA) prediction, mean squares error (MSE) between actual and predicted output and correlation tests. Although both methods are capable to represent the dynamic of the system very well, it is demonstrated that ANFIS gives better prediction results than RLS in terms of mean squares error achieved between the actual and predicted signals

    Graph-based Semi-Supervised & Active Learning for Edge Flows

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    We present a graph-based semi-supervised learning (SSL) method for learning edge flows defined on a graph. Specifically, given flow measurements on a subset of edges, we want to predict the flows on the remaining edges. To this end, we develop a computational framework that imposes certain constraints on the overall flows, such as (approximate) flow conservation. These constraints render our approach different from classical graph-based SSL for vertex labels, which posits that tightly connected nodes share similar labels and leverages the graph structure accordingly to extrapolate from a few vertex labels to the unlabeled vertices. We derive bounds for our method's reconstruction error and demonstrate its strong performance on synthetic and real-world flow networks from transportation, physical infrastructure, and the Web. Furthermore, we provide two active learning algorithms for selecting informative edges on which to measure flow, which has applications for optimal sensor deployment. The first strategy selects edges to minimize the reconstruction error bound and works well on flows that are approximately divergence-free. The second approach clusters the graph and selects bottleneck edges that cross cluster-boundaries, which works well on flows with global trends
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