1,283 research outputs found

    Robust Gaussian Filtering using a Pseudo Measurement

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    Many sensors, such as range, sonar, radar, GPS and visual devices, produce measurements which are contaminated by outliers. This problem can be addressed by using fat-tailed sensor models, which account for the possibility of outliers. Unfortunately, all estimation algorithms belonging to the family of Gaussian filters (such as the widely-used extended Kalman filter and unscented Kalman filter) are inherently incompatible with such fat-tailed sensor models. The contribution of this paper is to show that any Gaussian filter can be made compatible with fat-tailed sensor models by applying one simple change: Instead of filtering with the physical measurement, we propose to filter with a pseudo measurement obtained by applying a feature function to the physical measurement. We derive such a feature function which is optimal under some conditions. Simulation results show that the proposed method can effectively handle measurement outliers and allows for robust filtering in both linear and nonlinear systems

    Data Assimilation by Conditioning on Future Observations

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    Conventional recursive filtering approaches, designed for quantifying the state of an evolving uncertain dynamical system with intermittent observations, use a sequence of (i) an uncertainty propagation step followed by (ii) a step where the associated data is assimilated using Bayes' rule. In this paper we switch the order of the steps to: (i) one step ahead data assimilation followed by (ii) uncertainty propagation. This route leads to a class of filtering algorithms named \emph{smoothing filters}. For a system driven by random noise, our proposed methods require the probability distribution of the driving noise after the assimilation to be biased by a nonzero mean. The system noise, conditioned on future observations, in turn pushes forward the filtering solution in time closer to the true state and indeed helps to find a more accurate approximate solution for the state estimation problem

    Variational Bayesian Approximations Kalman Filter Based on Threshold Judgment

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    The estimation of non-Gaussian measurement noise models is a significant challenge across various fields. In practical applications, it often faces challenges due to the large number of parameters and high computational complexity. This paper proposes a threshold-based Kalman filtering approach for online estimation of noise parameters in non-Gaussian measurement noise models. This method uses a certain amount of sample data to infer the variance threshold of observation parameters and employs variational Bayesian estimation to obtain corresponding noise variance estimates, enabling subsequent iterations of the Kalman filtering algorithm. Finally, we evaluate the performance of this algorithm through simulation experiments, demonstrating its accurate and effective estimation of state and noise parameters.Comment: 5 pages, conferenc

    Joint State Estimation and Noise Identification Based on Variational Optimization

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    In this article, the state estimation problems with unknown process noise and measurement noise covariances for both linear and nonlinear systems are considered. By formulating the joint estimation of system state and noise parameters into an optimization problem, a novel adaptive Kalman filter method based on conjugate-computation variational inference, referred to as CVIAKF, is proposed to approximate the joint posterior probability density function of the latent variables. Unlike the existing adaptive Kalman filter methods utilizing variational inference in natural-parameter space, CVIAKF performs optimization in expectation-parameter space, resulting in a faster and simpler solution. Meanwhile, CVIAKF divides optimization objectives into conjugate and non-conjugate parts of nonlinear dynamical models, whereas conjugate computations and stochastic mirror-descent are applied, respectively. Remarkably, the reparameterization trick is used to reduce the variance of stochastic gradients of the non-conjugate parts. The effectiveness of CVIAKF is validated through synthetic and real-world datasets of maneuvering target tracking.Comment: 13 page