13 research outputs found

    Tracking Cell Signals in Fluorescent Images

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    In this paper we present the techniques for tracking cell signal in GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein) images of growing cell colonies. We use such tracking for both data extraction and dynamic modeling of intracellular processes. The techniques are based on optimization of energy functions, which simultaneously determines cell correspondences, while estimating the mapping functions. In addition to spatial mappings such as affine and Thin-Plate Spline mapping, the cell growth and cell division histories must be estimated as well. Different levels of joint optimization are discussed. The most unusual tracking feature addressed in this paper is the possibility of one-to-two correspondences caused by cell division. A novel extended softassign algorithm for solutions of one-to-many correspondences is detailed in this paper. The techniques are demonstrated on three sets of data: growing bacillus Subtillus and e-coli colonies and a developing plant shoot apical meristem. The techniques are currently used by biologists for data extraction and hypothesis formation

    Convex Structuring Element Decomposition for Single Scan Binary Mathematical Morphology

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    International audienceThis paper presents a structuring element decomposition method and a corresponding morphological erosion algorithm able to compute the binary erosion of an image using a single regular pass whatever the size of the convex structuring element. Similarly to classical dilation-based methods, the proposed decomposition is iterative and builds a growing set of structuring elements. The novelty consists in using the set union instead of the Minkowski sum as the elementary structuring element construction operator. At each step of the construction, already-built elements can be joined together in any combination of translations and set unions. There is no restrictions on the shape of the structuring element that can be built. Arbitrary shape decompositions can be obtained with existing genetic algorithms with an homogeneous construction method. This paper, however, addresses the problem of convex shape decomposition with a deterministic method

    A Novel Adaptive Approach to Process Binary Fingerprint Images Using Directional Morphological Operations

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    Abstract⎯An adaptive algorithm for removing false ridges, bridges and filling gaps in binary fingerprint images based on morphological operations is presented. A novel procedure for structuring elements design based on the specific fingerprint characteristic is described. Using the images from FVC2000 database, we have compared our method proposed here with the approach proposed by other ones. The Experimental results have demonstrated the efficiency of our method. Index Terms⎯Binary fingerprint image, interrupted ridges, morphological operation, structure element

    Scanner image methodology (SIM) to measure dimensions of leaves for agronomical applications

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    A scanner image methodology was used to determine plant dimensions, such as leaf area, length and width. The values obtained using SIM were compared with those recorded by the LI-COR leaf area meter. Bias, linearity, reproducibility and repeatability (R&R) were evaluated for SIM. Different groups of leaves were scanned and measured. R&R studies showed that, the lowest SIM’s resolution was nineteen categories. SIM’s R&R ANOVA showed the method’s measurement error was not significant. In the image processing method, the color image was converted to gray scale over the green band and it was segmented using Otsu methodology. The noise produced was cleaned with a median filter. The leaf image was rotated to align the longest parallel line to y-axis or x-axis using central moments. From the centroid using directional erosions the leaf width and length were obtained and recorded.Key words: Leaf area, width, length, digital image analysis, segmentation

    Digital Straight Segment Filter for Geometric Description

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    International audienceIn this paper, an algorithmic scheme is proposed to estimate different local characteristics of image structures using discrete geometry tools. The arithmetic properties of Digital Straight Lines and their link with the Farey sequences allow the introduction of a new directional filter. In an incremental process, it provides local geometric information at each point in an image, such as the length, orientation and thickness of the longest Digital Straight Segment passing through that point. Experiments on binary and grayscale images are proposed and show the interest of this tool. Comparisons to a well-known morphological filter for grayscale images are also presented

    Fast Morphological Image Processing Open-Source Extensions for GPU Processing With CUDA

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    Mask-Based Second-Generation Connectivity and Attribute Filters

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    Recursive Implementation of Erosions and Dilations Along Discrete Lines At Arbitrary Angles

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    Van Herk has shown that the erosion/dilation operator with a linear structuring element of an arbitrary length can be implemented in only 3 min/max operations per pixel. In this paper, the algorithm is generalized to erosions and dilations along discrete lines at arbitrary angles. We also address the padding problem; so that the operation can be performed in place without copying the pixels to and from an intermediate buffer. Applications to image filtering and to radial decompositions of discs are presented. Keywords. Mathematical morphology, image filtering, algorithms, recursivity, line and periodic structuring elements, radial decompositions. Name and address of corresponding author: Dr. Pierre Soille LGI2P Ecole des Mines d'Al`es Parc scientifique Georges Besse F--30000 Nimes France Ph.: int+33- 66 38 70 22 Fax: int+33- 66 38 70 74 Email: [email protected] Pierre Soille is with the Laboratoire de G'enie Informatique et d'Ing'enierie de Production of the Ecole des Mines d'Al`es, Parc..